Justification E-Mail: Attending LetsTest SA(tailor to fit your situation)
To: <Insert Manager or Supervisor Name>
Subject: Attending LetsTest SA
I’d like to get your approval to attend LetsTest SA 15-17 November 2015 at Kloofzicht in the Magaliesburg just outside Johannesburg. There’s no other conference in South Africa arranged by testers for testerswhere I’ll have the opportunity to learn about context driven testing from local and international members of the community. I’ll have access to practitioners of the software testing craft fromaround the world—this is an ideal opportunity to develop a network of like-minded testers in the software industry. These testers are committed to enhancing the value of testing in challenging project environments focused on enhancing technology deliveries to business.
I’ll be able to choose from 16 sessions mostly aimed at testing, but including some practical workshops on user story mapping, testability guidance, pairing and modelling to mention a few. All sessions are facilitated allowing great interaction and ensuring threads of topics are not lost and questions flow adding meaning to the word confer. There will be a TestLab where I can collaborate and try out my learnings from the day. For example, I plan to focus on:
- <Session names and how applies to current projects>
In addition to the sessions, workshops and Test Lab there will be keynotes on the Ongoing Evolution of Agile and how to take your learnings and experience of the conference into the future in a meaningful way.
Here’s what past attendees said about their experience:
- “I had a wonderful time, met loads of great people and learned a lot. So I think I can truly say : it was an awesome conference”
- “LetsTest raises the bar for conferences”
- “LetsTest is rocking!! Literally”
- “Good collaborative experiments at the LetsTest TestLab last night”
- “LetsTest is one of those places where suddenly someone points out an obvious solution which has evaded you until now”
- “A big thank you to all at LetsTest for making it an extremely rich experience and to all the people taking the time to share and discuss ideas”
This is the approximate cost of my attending LetsTest:
Airfare or transport applicable: R
Hotel, meals and registration all included for : R6 600
Other expenses:R
Total cost: R
Attending LetsTest SA will have huge value for me and <company, department, or organization name>. Please let me know if you have any questions, and thanks in advance for your support.