1.1The County Association shall be called the SURREY COUNTY NETBALL ASSOCIATION (hereinafter called the CountyAssociation).


2.1The geographical area within which the County Association shall exercise its jurisdiction and shall consist ofthe County of Surrey, The Royal Borough of Kingston-upon-Thames and the London Boroughs of Croydon, Lambeth, Merton, Southwark, Sutton and Wandsworth.


3.1The County Association shall be affilated to The All England Netball Association Limited (hereinafter called EN) and to the London and South East Regional Netball Association (hereinafter called the Region).


4.1The County Association is established to further the following aims:

4.1.1Co-operate with EN and with the Region to promote and encourage the game of Netball;

4.1.2Plan and help in the growth and development of Netball within the geographical area under its jurisdiction;

4.1.3Organise such Leagues, events and courses as the members desire;

4.1.4Adopt the Rules and Regulations laid down by EN;

4.1.5Keep a watching brief on Netball facilities within the County;

4.1.6Employ the funds of the CountyAssociation as shall be deemed to be in the best interests of the game.


5.1The membership of the CountyAssociation shall consist of:

5.1.1Clubs: A Club shall be a Netball Club or the Netball Section of: a sports club, a youth club, a community club, or a college, or any other group as prescribed by EN. All the Members of such a club or section shall be Registered Participants and shall include not less than seven players.

5.1.2Registered Participants: A Registered Participant is a person who plays, coaches, umpires or organises Netball or who is in any way concerned or connected with Netball. She/he must register with EN either through a Club or through the CountyAssociation. Registered Participants who wish to play Netball must register through a Club. A player may be a member of more than one club but must be a first claim member of one Club notifying each Club of her claim.

5.1.3SCNA Schools Section shall be a member

5.1.4.Associate members: The following are eligible:

(i)any company, association or sports club within the County with an interestin Netball;

(ii) any Junior League in the County established for players under the statutory school leaving age which is not organised by a schools' association.

5.1.5 Honorary Life Members:who for the purpose of this Constitution shall be deemed to be Registered Participants. The County shall pay the annual EN affliation fee in respect of such members.

5.1.6The Honorary President and Vice-President -who for the purpose of this Constitution all be deemed to be Registered participants.

5.1.7The Honorary Officers.

5.2All those in Membership shall be bound by this Constitution and any other rulings of the county committee and by the current Rules of the game.

5.3All those in Membership shall be entitled to attend and to speak at General Meetings of the CountyAssociation.

5.4 Any Netball League, Schools Section wholly or partially within the area of the county having those of its Clubs, Schools which are based within the area ofthe County in membership of the County Association, may apply for affiliation to the County Association. It shall be a condition of affiliation that the Constitution and/or rules of each League, Section and any amendments or additions thereto shall be approved by the CountyCommittee.


6.1 All those in Membership shall pay an annual subscription towards the expenses of the CountyAssociation together with appropriate fees to EN.

6.2 The scale and rate shall be fixed and agreed annually by the CountyCommittee and approved at the Annual General Meeting.

6.3 Membership fees are due on 1st September and shall be valid until 31st August of the following year.


7.1The Honorary Officers of the Association shall be:

7.1.1Chairman, Vice-Chairman,General Secretary, Treasurer, Affiliation Secretary, Umpiring Secretary, Tournament Secretary, Regional Talent Development Representative, Publicity/WebSecretary, Minuting Secretary, and Disability/Welfare Officer.

7.2The Honorary Officers must be RegisteredParticipants and shall be elected at an Annual General Meeting.


8.1The management of the affairs of the CountyAssociationshall be vested in theCountyCommittee comprising:

8.1.1The HonoraryOfficers;

8.1.2A Representative from The SCNA Schools Section and each affiliated league withinthe County;

8.1.3Development Officer;

8.1.4Not more than three additional members co-opted by the CountyCommittee.

8.2Five members, who shall include not less than three Officers, shall form a quorum.

8.3Voting at meetings of the CountyCommittee:

8.3.1Each person listed in paragraph 8. 1 shall be entitled to vote at meetings ofthe CountyCommittee subject to an individual having not more than one vote except as provided in paragraph 8.3.2.

8.3.2 A simple majority only of those present and entitled to vote shall be required to pass any resolution. The Chairman of the meeting shall have a second and/or casting vote in the case of an equality of votes.

8.4The County Committee may fill casual vacancy in respect of the elected Honorary Officers, to act until the next AGM.

8.5Members elected at an AGM and co-opted members shall remain in office until the end of the next AGM: all other Members shall continue until such time as their successors shall be appointed.

8.6The County Committee may from time to time invite to any of its meetings any person deemed to be of potential benefit to any of its deliberations. Such a person may speak but not be entitled to vote.

8.7The County Committee may form sub-committee and determine their membership and terms of reference.


9.1 An Annual General Meeting shall be held in every calendar year on a date to be fixed by the CountyCommittee.

9.2 The date of the AGM shall be circulated no less than 21 days before the meeting and the Agenda shall be circulated no less than 7 days before the Meeting to all Members entitled to vote.

9.3Fifteen Members present and entitled to vote shall form a quorum.

9.4Business to be transacted shall be:

9.4.1.To receive Reports and Audited Accounts covering the past year;

9.4.2To confirm the proposals of the CountyCommittee for the scales and rates of annual membership fees;

9.4.3To consider any proposed resolution received by the Secretary in writing 5 days before the date of the meeting which has been proposed and seconded by two Members entitled to vote,

9.4.4To elect Honorary President, Vice-President, andHonorary Officers.

9.4.5To approve the recommendation(s) by the Executive Committee for Honorary Life Membership for any person who has given exemplary service to the County.

9.4.6To ratify the appointment of an Auditor.

9.5Nominations for all positions specified in paragraph 9.4.4 may be proposed and seconded by two Members entitled to vote. Written notice of such nominations shall have been received by the secretary in writing 5 days before the date of the Annual General Meeting.


10.1An Extraordinary General Meeting may be convened:

10.1.1By order of the CountyCommittee, or

10.1.2Upon the written request to the Secretary from five or more entitled to vote at a General Meeting.

10.2Each requisition shall state the purpose for which a Meeting is required and shall set out any resolution which it is desired to propose.

10.3Fifteen Members present and entitled to vote shall form a quorum.

10.4 The business of the Meeting shall be confined solely to the matter(s) within and arising from the requisition and resolution(s) therein.


11.1Persons eligible to vote at General Meetings shall be

11.1.1 Each Club - One vote

11.1.2 SCNA (Schools Section) - One vote per 20 affiliated schools paying at the higher rate.

11.1.3Each Honorary President, Vice-President and Officer - One vote.

11.2Except as provided in paragraph 11.3 each individual present and entitled to vote shall have one vote only. No proxy voting shall be permitted.

11.3Except as provided in paragraph 12.1 a simple majority only of those present and entitled to vote shall be required to pass any resolution. The Chairman of the Meeting shall have a second and/or casting vote in the case of an equality of votes.

11.4Amendments to formal resolutions appearing on the agenda paper may be taken without prior notice at a General Meeting.


12.1No alteration or addition to the Constitution shall be made except by special resolution passed at a General Meeting of the County Association with not less than seventy-five per cent of the votes cast being in favour.

12.2Proposals to alter or to add to the Constitution shall be recieved by the Secretary in writing not later than 28 days before the Annual General Meeting, or as provided in paragraph 10.


13.1The County Committee shall have power to discipline in such manner as the CountyCommittee thinks fit but subject to paragraph 14.4 : an affiliated league as defined in paragraph 5.4; a member club as defined in Paragraph 5. 1.1; an associate member as defined in paragraph 5.1.4; a registered participant, including an Honorary Officer as defined in paragraphs 7.1 and 7.2, as defined in paragraph 5. 1.2.

13.2The power to discipline shall be in respect of conduct considered by the County Committee to be disgraceful or prejudicial to the interests of the Region or the County Association or the game of Netball or in breach of the Memorandum, Articles and Byelaws of EN and/or ofthe Constitution ofthe Region and/or ofthe Constitution of the County Association. The power to discipline shall include power to recommend to the appropriate authority the suspension or cessation of membership of a particular body.

13.3On receipt or notification of facts or circumstances that an affiliated league, a member club, an associated member and/or a registered participant, as defined in paragraph 13. 1, may have been guilty of conduct as defined in paragraph 13.2 the CountyCommittee shall have power to

(i)appoint and constitute a Disciplinary Committee;

(ii)make such terms of the reference and regulations as it considers necessary for the conduct and proceedings of such Disciplinary Committee.

13.4An affiliated league, a member club, an associated member and/or a registered participant which/who has been the subject of disciplinary action by the County Committee has the right to appeal to an Appeal Committee consisting of such of the Honorary Officers of the County who have not served on the Disciplinary Committee concerned with subject of the appeal and who agree to serve on such Appeal Committee. At the joint request of the appellant and of the CountyCommittee, the Region may appoint and constitute this Appeal Committee. An Appeal Committee may affirm, vary or substitute therefore any other decision as it, in its absolute discretion, considers appropriate.

13.5The County Committee may appoint and constitute a Disciplinary Committee and/or an Appeal Committee jointly with the CountyCommittee of another County in circumstances which involve bodies and/or registered participants of both Counties.

13.6The County Committee may appoint and constitute an Appeal Committee to hear an appeal against a disciplinary decision ofan affiliated league or an associate member at the joint request ofthe appellant and the affiliated league or associate member at the joint request ofthe appellant and the affiliated league or associate Member.


14.1Any Honorary Officer and any Member ofthe County Committee and/or its sub-committees shall be indemnified by the County Association against all costs and losses which she may incur or sustain in relation to the execution of the duties of her/his office, or by reason of any duty performed for or with the authority of the County Committee.


15.1Ifany dispute shall arise on the interpretation of this constitution or the need arises to deal with any matter not provided for in this Constitution, reference shall be made to the Secretary, who shall refer the same to the CountyCommittee, whose decision shall be binding on all parties.

15.2All funds and other property of the CountyAssociation shall be applied towards the futherance of the CountyAssociation's objects. Payment to individuals other than petty cash expenses and honoraria not in excess of those currently authorised by EN shall be sanctioned by the CountyCommittee.

15.3.In the event of dissolution, the funds remaining will be devoted to other organisations whose objects are similar to those of the CountyAssociation or to other purposes approved by the Charity Commissioners.