This letter applies to the rescinding of a first or second formal warning or an intent to terminate letter
Our Ref: SRN
Title, Initial, Surname
Also by e mail to College email and any personal email
Date, Month, Year
Dear Title, Surname
Rescinding of First/ Second Formal Academic Warning/ Intent to Terminate
I have considered the extenuating circumstances you have submitted in response to the
First/ Second formal warning/ Intent to terminate(delete as appropriate)in relation to your registration on the <insert programme e.g. BA English and Drama> and have decided to set aside this warning in line with Section 24 (4) of the College’s Undergraduate Regulations 2017/18/ Section 17 (4) of the College’s Postgraduate Taught Regulations 2017/18: (delete as appropriate).This means that the warning will be removed from your record.
Even though this warning has been set aside, I expect you to show an immediate and sustained improvement over the next three/ four weeks (delete as appropriate - three weeks in the case where of course units taught over only one term, otherwise four weeks for those taught over two terms or for a programme as a whole)by:
- attending all classes (lectures, seminars, tutorials, laboratory sessions);
- submitting all required coursework by the deadlines set;
- attending all required formative and summative assessments.
- or insert any other requirements.
If you fail to meet any of these conditions over the next three/four weeks (delete as appropriate - three weeks in the case where of course units taught over only one term, otherwise four weeks for those taught over two terms or for a programme as a whole) that is, by <insert date> or if you meet these conditions and then fail to sustain this improvement during this academic year or in subsequent years of study, you will be re- issued with a first/ second (final) warning/ intent to terminate(delete as appropriate), all of which could also lead to the termination of your registration at the College. (Add where applicable: You should note the course unit xxxx, has a designated Attendance Requirement, and if you fail to meet this, the Sub-board may award an Attendance Fail outcome for this course unit, which is equivalent to a zero. To redeem the zero you would have to repeat the course unit in attendance.)
Further guidance for students on the Formal Warning Procedure can be found at:
If you wish to discuss this matter with me, please arrange to do so bydate: a week from the date of the letter.
Yours sincerely
Head of Department/ School/ Centre
cc:Student Administration
Head of Student Advisory and Wellbeing Services
Personal Tutor
Departmental Student File
<Other Department/ School where Joint or Minor – must send to Department Manager or PG Administrator to pass onto the Academic Co-ordinator or Programme Director as appropriate>
v. 08/2017