COPSCOPS - Join DA Gang !

Slogans COPS

Petite liste de slogans "publicitaires" COPS dont la plupart a été compilée par Loki (merci!). On peut considérer que ces slogans sont ceux figurant sur les fameux t-shirts COPS… à consommer sans modération!

“To Protect and to Serve – COPS.”

"COPS - Big Guns! - Big Dicks!"

"Because money is not always enough - Join the COPS"

"COPS - BOYZ in the Hood"

"COPS - GIRLZ with Balls"

"COPS - Join the Gang"

“COPS – Join DA Gang!”

"I'm not an entertainer, I'm a COPS!"

"COPZ N DA Sreet boys ! Be nice"

"Enhance your calm* we're here to protect and to serve"

"Don't run, we come in peace, we're COPS and damn good ones!"

"COPS one day, COPS everyday"

"Kids, we're protecting your future, tell your parents!"

"Citizen don't get involve in streetcrimes"

"Be cool as a COPS, drink Pepsi!"

"COPS : not only a work, a religion"

"Any problem to cross the street old chap'? Just ask."

"Just protect it, just serve it. COPS."

"I'm not a bad guy, I'm a good guy, I'm a COPS."

"Be COPS and be proud of it!"

"L.A. without COPS would be flying without wings."

"Remember motha'fucka, I will always be on your tail: COPS dothat!"

"Completely Opposed to Primitive Shitheads - COPS."

"COPS: We'll watch your back."

"Marines too sissy for you? Join the COPS."

"When yo' momma ain't there for you, we be cruising – COPS."

"Crazy Over Police Shit: COPS."

"Think you got what it takes? Think again – COPS."

"We fight for independence everyday: COPS."

"Cleaning up the mess one punk at a time – COPS."

“Because sometimes, insurance is just NOT enough: COPS.”

"Crime 0 - COPS 1"

"Be a hero, be COPS !"

"COPS and proud of it!"

"Troubles ? We are the solution - COPS"

"Stonger - Faster - Smarter - COPS"

"Better COPS for a better L.A."

“Be cool, be COPS.”

"A COPS a day keep the dealer away..."

“Don’t be a pussy, join the COPS.”

"At COPS, we love our work, and it shows"

"At COPS, we luvs ussome five-o, and it be showin like a mofo !"

"A shoot of Quetz - 40$

A blowjob in South Central - 30$

COPS in the street - Priceless"

"Don't like COPS? Next time you're in trouble, call a dealer"

"Don't like COPS? Next time you're in trouble, call a ganger !"

"Don't like COPS ? See that junkie over there... ?"

Les trois derniers sont inspirés d’un autocollant que distribuait les syndicats policiers avec le slogan :

"Don't like cops? Next time you're in trouble, call a hippie !"

Slogans COPS-1-Version: 1.0