2018 AIP

Student Engagement and Wellbeing

Key Faculty Planning Priorities for 2018

  1. Focus on Continuous Improvement (Kaizen) – EAL/D
  2. Curriculum Continuity - EAL/D
  3. Global Perspectives
  4. Behaviour Management Focus
  5. Wellbeing

What are we going to do? / How are we going to do it / Targets / Responsible? / Sem. 1 / Sem. 2
  1. Focus on continuous Improvement (Kaizen)
- Continue to develop and deliver Professional Development opportunities for staff who are teaching EAL/D students. /
  • Conduct comprehensive bandscaling of students intending to graduate at CDSHS and create individual support plans for these students, which are clearly communicated to teachers.
  • Share data reports of all EAL/D students with entire staff
  • EAL/D staff to attend relevant PD on bandscaling and differentiation for EAL/D learners (especially new arrivals)
  • Utilise EAL/D language specialist to work with transitioning EAL/D students and to deliver faculty specific EAL/D teaching strategies throughout 2018 and ongoing.
  • Every faculty to have Professional Development tailored to their specific needs as a subject area.
  • The delivery of these sessions to take place during strategic faculty meetings on Wednesday afternoons.
  • Sessions are to be informed by needs of staff.
  • Create a central location for a bank of resources designed for EAL/D learners, including self-paced PD videos.
/ HOD Student Engagement and Wellbeing / Ongoing / Ongoing
What are we going to do? / How are we going to do it / Targets / Responsible? / Sem. 1 / Sem. 2
  1. Curriculum Continuity – EAL/D
- Support the implementation of a reading program across years 7-9
- Support students who are transitioning into Mainstream Australian Schooling and also in the use of Standard Australian English at a classroom level (both junior and senior levels) /
  • Purchase visual dictionaries for various subjects
  • Build EAL/D library collection.
  • Continue the use of Language learning software programs to upskill students in proficient use of Standard Australian English
  • Trial a class of EAL/D students studying English to adjust pace and focus of lesson
(differentitation) as well as refine selection of appropriate resources for EAL/D students / - To engage EAL/D learners with a range of fiction and non-fiction texts which are age appropriate, yet at a manageable reading skill level
- To develop subject specific vocabulary in our EAL/D learners.
- To actively and sufficiently differentiate the learning of English for senior students in accordance with the QCAA English syllabus / HOD Student Engagement and Wellbeing / Ongoing / Ongoing
What are we going to do? / How are we going to do it / Targets / Responsible? / Sem. 1 / Sem. 2
  1. Global Perspectives
- Embed an understanding and commitment to Identity and Cultural Diversity throughout the whole school community through continued emphasis on the principal of Ubuntu and moving from the local to the global.
- Endeavour to celebrate and promote the successes being achieved in existing programs and opportunities to improve international mindedness. /
  • Continue to develop and deliver student driven lessons for ‘The Ubuntu Project’ throughout the access program with a focus on cultural inclusion for 2018.
  • Utilise Term 3 of Access to deliver the 10 week unit – which presents student work in a celebration on Multicultural Day.
  • Promote notions of Global Education utilising External Providers/Programs ‘Together for Humanity’, ‘Unleashing Personal potential’ and ‘Global Impact Leadership Program’.
  • Expose students to a range of resources and multi-media texts which look at the notion of cultural inclusion and philanthropic ventures.
  • A celebration of work and ideas on Multi-cultural Day.
/ HOD Student Engagement and Wellbeing
HOD Student Engagement and Wellbeing
HOD Junior School
Head of School - Junior / Term 1 and 2 / Term 3
Term 3
Term 3
What are we going to do? / How are we going to do it / Targets / Responsible? / Sem. 1 / Sem. 2
  1. Behaviour Management Focus
- Policy implementation and regular review of processes which relate to behaviour management. /
  • Review various Behaviour Management models/processes within our school to identify current challenges.
  • Refine current processes and trial modifications/changes.
  • Document and implement processes around complex case management.
  • Improved results for ‘management of behaviour’ in School Opinion Survey from students, staff and care givers.
  • Minimise the number of ongoing referrals.
/ HOD Student Engagement and Wellbeing
Student Support Services Team / Ongoing / Ongoing
What are we going to do? / How are we going to do it / Targets / Responsible? / Sem. 1 / Sem. 2
  1. Wellbeing
- Continue to foster positive mental health practices, help -seeking behaviours and well being strategies for our students
- Provide opportunities for students to engage with external providers where necessary for extra support
- Provide opportunities to engage in a range of positive well being practices to support student growth and foster resilience in our students
- Provide new opportunities for school to engage in practices of a well-being nature. /
  • Continue to utilise Access as a means to deliver and practise effective life skills and coping strategies – alternative programs
  • Attend regular SSST meetings each semester with all relevant parties.
  • Attend Radar meeting with each of the different year levels
  • Utilise community partnerships with outside agencies – Insync, Employment services, etc. ·
  • Continue to liaise with HOD Student Support Services and Chaplains to implement HIPP and SEASONS programs each semester
  • Establish an academic mentoring program for senior students
  • Establish links with Cleveland Primary school Principal and the wellbeing centre to support transitioning students and build upon the well being work in the primary sector.
  • Increase in numbers of students actively seeking help.
  • All students to feel well supported by school and services on offer.
  • Senior academic students to have increased understanding of their schedules, work/study balance, academic needs, pathways.
/ HOD Student Engagement and Wellbeing
Student Wellbeing
sub- committee
Student Support Services Team
HOD Student Engagement and Wellbeing
Key Staff
HOD Student Engagement and Wellbeing / Ongoing
Ongoing / Ongoing
Term 4

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