Transportation Knowledge Network Task Force

June 5, 2008 Conference Call

8:00 am to 10:00 am PDT



Leni Oman, Barbara Post, Amanda Wilson, Lynn Matis, Marie Manthe, Ken Winter, Sandy Brady, Dawn Vanlandingham, Bob Johns, Sue Sillick


The TKN recommendation developed for the next transportation act by Task Force members was forwarded by the AASHTO Standing Committee on Research and approved by the AASHTO CEO committee at the AASHTO Spring Meeting. This is a significant achievement and we took a moment to acknowledge that!

In addition, Neil Pederson, CEO for the Maryland State Highway Administration, briefed the AASHTO Standing Committee on Highways about the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) project 20-75 Implementing Transportation Knowledge Networks. He shared the enclosed handout about the project and let the SCOH members know that a survey about the draft information portal seeking their input would be circulating to them following the meeting.

Twenty-seven SCOH members (Chief Engineers) responded to the 4 question survey. 85% said they thought a knowledge network/information portal would add value for the transportation community. The survey also provided information on what they felt were compelling arguments for the development of a knowledge network and specific types of information they felt would be most useful. This information will help the research team and panel members shape the implementation strategy.

Finalize Goals, Objectives, and Tasks

More edits were made to the Goals, Objectives and Task document. The newest draft is attached. A fundamental change the attendees tried to include is the clarification that the Task Force is primarily an advocacy and facilitation organization – and that development of information resources and tools is work that will be conducted through individual organizations or the regional Transportation Knowledge Networks.

Comments are due on the new draft by June 20th so we can distribute comments and try to be ready to finalize the document at our July meeting.

Membership recruitment

Barbara spoke with the current and incoming Chairs of the SLA Transportation Division to request a member on the Task Force. Rita Evans has agreed to join us as a committee member and we welcome her!

Leni sent a note to each of the regional TKNs requesting membership. At the moment, the Chairs are serving as an interim member (or in Ken’s case a full member with a dual role) but are or will solicit volunteers from their committees.

Leni also spoke with Sandra Tucker following the conference call and….

Work Products

The discussion of work products was postponed until the July meeting.


Leni will report to the AASHTO RAC members at the Close out meeting on July 17th. She would like to finalize the Goals, Objectives and Tasks in order to share this information. In addition, we’ll acknowledge the work of Task Force members in reviewing the TKN reauthorization briefing paper. If there are other messages that should be conveyed, let Leni know ASAP.


The July 3rdmeeting is changed toJuly 16th, 10:15 to Noon Eastern Time, during the AASHTO RAC meeting. Call in information and the final schedule will be forwarded as soon as it is firmed up.

The agenda will include:

  1. Final blessing of the Goals, Objectives and Task (we hope0
  2. Review of the definition of Knowledge Networks
  3. Discussion of early work products.


1.NCHRP 20-75 handout

2.Updated Goals, Objectives and Tasks

3.Updated membership plan

4.DRAFT deliverables

Time Zone Check!

11 AM Eastern Daylight Time

10 AM Central Daylight Time

9 AM MountainDaylightTime

8 AM Pacific Daylight time

7 AM AlaskaDaylightTime

5 AM HonoluluStandardTime

8AM ArizonaStandard Time