ENTRIES DUE: 28th February.
To complete swimming entries: (PLEASE CHECK QUALIFYING TIMES AND ENTRY NUMBERS in Zone info sheet)
This year each school will be completing their swimming entries for the zone using Hytek Team Manager software. You will need to download Team Manager Lite. If you downloaded it a last year you can use that program,
It is free to download from:
Steps to find and download the software:
- Go to the above web address
- Make sure you are in Swimming. Scroll down and click on Lite.
This will allow you to download a compressed file which you then open when you are on the computer on which you will do your entries. I have found that if you use a school computer or laptop you have to have administrator permission to load the program on to your computer. Therefore your choices are: download onto a memory stick and open it on the computer you wish to use for your entries ( I think you still have to have administrator permission if you use a school laptop or computer), download on to a personal computer, or ask the school computer administrator to assist.
Don’t try to do your entries on TM Lite until you receive the Events file attached to an email that I will send you (I will also send it to the school email address). Do not try to open it (you can only open it through the TM program. Save it to desktop or somewhere to use when you start your entries.
Once the program is loaded on your computer:
- Open Swimming Lite.
- Initial screens – choose English in the Select language screen, OK for the next info screen and Close for the What’s New in TM 8screen.
- Click on File – Open/New
In the Filename box type: 2017Western Suburbs PSSA Swimming Carnival
- Click – Open.
- You will then have a new screen to complete: ( as follows)
Make this 31/12/17
- Click OK
- Next you add your events. This is an attachment that I send you.
From your emails, save the events attachment sent to you into C/TM8data or to your desktop.
Back in Lite go File...Import..Meet Events. Go through the steps indicated.
- Go back to the main screen.
- Next you add your team. Choose your school and abbreviation from below: These match the Sydney East abbreviations.
- Abbreviation / code Team nameAbbreviation / code Team name
ABB AbbortsfordASHFAshfield
CONWConcord WestCROYCroydon
CropCroydon ParkDOBRDobroyd Point
ENFEnfieldFIVEFive Dock
HOMWHomebush WestMORMortlake
NEWNewingtonRUSLRussell Lea
STRNStrathfield NthSTRSStrathfield Sth
SUMMSummer HillVICAVictoria Avenue
- Click on Teams on the top bar
- Click on Add. You simply need to fill in the first three boxes. You don’t need to add the words ‘Public School’. Capitals only for the Team Abbreviation. Lower/Upper for the School, eg. Strathfield Sth. Click OK. Once the screen goes blank, click Cancel. Your school appears as the first in the list. No need to add any more schools. Click on the closed Folder with an arrow icon to exit Teams. The short form of the school can be the same as the full form.
- Now you add your athletes. You need their name(as it will appear in the program), age and date of birth (Sydney East and state carns insist on DOB).
Click on Athletes. Click on Add.
You only need to complete Last name, First name, DOB, Age and Gender, Team 1
Click OK down the bottom after each swimmer (including relay swimmers)
Once all the team is entered, click OK for the last swimmer then cancel on the blank Athlete Information Screen.
- Go back to Original Screen (White cross box in right top corner or folder with arrow).
Click on Meets.
- Click on Entries (Entry by Event).
Tip: This icon takes you back to the previous screen wherever it appears.
A new screen appears:
Add your team abbreviation, all your events are listed (R for relay, I for individual event). As you click on each event the eligible swimmers appear.
For relays click New Relay, drag the swimmer’s name across to a relay position or double click their name. If you make a mistake, double click their name in the relay list and it will disappear. No times needed for relays.
For individual events type the swimmer’s time in the custom box and press return. The Enteredbox then appears ticked and that entered swimmer is highlighted in yellow. When typing times don’t worry about punctuation - that is, for 57.16 just type 5716 and for 1:16.00 type 11600.
Complete all the entries for that event and move on to the next event.
To get a report of your team that you have entered click Reports / Performance / Meet Entries to create a report of the meet entries to verify that all entries are complete and correct.
- To send your entries:
-File – Export – Meet entries.
-Save to desktop or TM8Data folder. It will look like a zipped folder: (I crossed out the WP because yours will be for your school, eg STRS. Don’t open the zipped file.
-If you get your entries in on time I will send a file / report of your entries that were in the file you sent.
-Email as an attachment to
-IF you have any difficulties feel free to ring for help (0403 865 441)
You can still use it. Check our C Drive. Check your TMData folder. If you have 3 or more icons with an Access icon (icon with a key) – delete the oldest until you have 1 or 2.
FREESTYLE – Boys & Girls
8 years – 50
9 years – 43
10 years – 40
11 years – 38
12 years – 36
13 years – 40
Junior: 3:50sec & Senior: 3.40sec. Do not enter any children in this event if they cannot swim the distance in this time. They will be withdrawn from the water if they are too slow.
FORMSTROKES & 100 Metres Freestyle
All Age 100m Freestyle – 1.25
Junior Breaststroke – 1.00
11 years Breaststroke – 58
12/13 years Breaststroke – 56
Junior Butterfly – 1.00
11 years Butterfly – 57
12/13 years Butterfly – 54
Junior Backstroke – 55
11 years Backstroke – 54
12/13 years Backstroke – 52
- Schools with up to 500 students K-6 can enter TWO competitors in the 50 metre Freestyle events and schoolswith more than 500 students K-6 can enter THREE competitors.
- A school can send one extra entry for the 50 metre Freestyle events if all swimmers meet the qualifying times listed here for the event.
- Schools can send ONE entry only for 50m Formstroke and 100m Freestyle events
- A school can send extra entries for any of the formstroke events and the 100m Freestyle if ALL swimmers meet the qualifying times listed here for the event.