Ayton Angling AssociationMembership Form 2017

(Please print clearly in ink)






Tel No…………………………… Mobile No……………………………..

E mail………………………………………….

New member Introduced by………………………….Membership Number………….

Membership fee for 2017 season: - adults£120.00. Juniors (up to 16) £10.00. 16 to 18 £25.00.Students over 18 at Uni or College (with S.U card) £25.00

(To be paid by end of February 2017)

Late fee (after 28th February) + £25.00

New member registration fee for all new members over age 18 (except students) =£25.00

(Late joiningnew members fees will be£13.50 adult, £3.00 16 to 18 + Students £1.50 juniorper month or part month to end October 2017. (Plus the £25 registration fee for adults.)

I agree to abide by the Association rules (Attached)


New members must include a passport photograph.Forms submitted without addresses and contact details will not be processed.


All cheques to be made payable to: “Ayton Angling Association” and must be brought to the start of season meeting or sent with this form to:

John Gough 34 Farndale Road, Nunthorpe TS7 0HG

If sending by post, please include a stamped,self addressed envelope for the issue of your new membership number and card.

Ayton Angling Association

Larners Lake Rules

  1. Membership fees to be paid before end of February each year.
  2. Fees paid after end February will incur a £25 late fee penalty.
  3. Early Season Meeting is at end of January at G.A.W.M.C*.
  4. AGM is the End of Season Meeting early in November at G.A.W.M.C*.
  5. Season is 1st February until 31st October.
  6. One day only fishing on New Years Day 1st January.
  7. Access to lake via Farm lane and car park end only.
  8. Fishing hours dawn until dusk.
  9. Anglers must carry a current rod licence.
  10. Anglers must carry their current membership card.
  11. ID Badges must be worn at all times.
  12. No fishingFriday & Saturday after stocking.Catch & releaseSunday.
  13. Only one rainbow per day may be taken. All others to be catch & release.
  14. All brown trout must be returned.
  15. Fly fishing only, one rod, barbless hooks only, no bubble Floats.
  16. Landing net to be carried at all times and dipped in net dip before and

after fishing.

  1. No damage, littering, taking of game or lighting of unauthorised fires.
  2. Juniors up to age 16 must be accompanied by an adult (over 18).
  3. Persons who fish do so at their own risk.
  4. Visitors must Pay for and obtain a£15.00Sporting Only Ticket before

fishing. (Tickets from Petch’s Butchers).

This is your lake.You are responsible for it. All members are required to maintain these rules in the interest of this club.

Any members found contravening these rules may have their membership suspended or withdrawn.

GAWMC* = Great Ayton Working Men’s Club.