Press Release
Date: 10 April 2014
Title: NAAC to hold Pollinator Conference, Monday 28 April 2014, Wansford.
The National Association of Agricultural Contractors (NAAC) will hold a Pollinator Conference on Monday 28 April 2014 at their Head Office in Wansford, Peterborough.
The conference is designed to promote best practice within the contracting and farming industry, with specific focus on pollinators. The importance of pollinators in agriculture is indisputable; however there is a real need to fully understand the right issues, risks and best practice to ensure the industry works for pollinators and not unwittingly against them.
The NAAC has put together an impressive line up of speakers, who will update and equip delegates with factual information concerning best practice, pollinator health, farmland ecology and ecosystems, and pesticide use, all within the sustainable intensification of agriculture.
Chaired by David Barker MBE, the meeting will include presentations from leading industry representatives from organisations such as The Food and Environment Research Agency (FERA), Campaign for the farmed Environment (CFE), Bee Keepers, Bayer CropScience, BASF and Wildlife Farming Co. (WFC).
The conference will give delegates the opportunity to take part in discussions and debate on issues surrounding pollinators and sustainable agriculture, ensuring our industry is at the forefront of best practice.
Jennifer Donn, NAAC Executive Officer said “This is not just an issue for farmers and spray contractors, everyone involved in agriculture and pesticide use, whether it be verge mowing, seed treatment, amenity spraying, drilling or any other operation, must engage with best practice advice to protect our pollinators. Therefore, I would encourage all Contractors, Farmers and Land-managers to come along to the conference and get involved with the discussions and promote a professional industry”.
The conference will run from 10am – 4pm and is FREE for all to attend, BASIS and NRoSO Points are available and lunch will be provided. Bookings can be made by calling the NAAC on 01780 784631.
Further information can be found at
The event has been kindly sponsored by Syngenta, Bayer CropScience and BASF.
For further information contact:
Jennifer Donn, Executive Officer, NAAC
Twitter: @TheNaac
Telephone: 01780 784631
Notes for Editors
1 Founded in 1893, the National Association of Agricultural Contractor (NAAC) is the representative organisation for agricultural and amenity contractors in the UK who supply all types of land-based services to farmers, government, local authorities, sports and recreational facilities.
2 The plight of bees and other pollinators has been widely covered in the media and has been on the political agenda for some time. Defra published guidance on bee health in 2012 stating that “There has been a recent decline in pollinators - including butterflies, moths and bees - because of disease, environmental factors and climate change. The effects of this decline are potentially very serious for farming and the environment.”
3 According to the Bumblebee Conservation Trust insects are estimated to contribute over £400 million per annum to the UK economy and €14.2 billion per annum to the EU economy through the pollination of many commercial crops. “If bumblebee and other insect pollinator declines continue, the extremely high cost of pollinating these plants by other means could significantly increase the cost of fruit and vegetables.”
4 Further information can be found at: