Minutes of Meeting 12th Sept 2016

Chair Person: Margaret Blackmore

Minutes: Julie Davidson


Julie Davidson (JD) Business Manager, Margaret Blackmore (MB).

Ursula Marks (UM), Shirley Fisher (SF),Norman Fisher (NF), Jennie Briscoe (JB),

Pat Cowie (PC), Florence Stuart (FS).

Apologies : Tim Sykes, John Maxey, Wendy Maxey, Alison Lee (AL) Operations Manager, Martin Hime.


The Minutes of the PPGMeeting on 13th June were discussed. No amendments were identified and the Minutes were approved.

1.  Ear Syringing service

Martin Hime sent a question to the North Somerset Clinical Commissioning Group requesting clarification of the policy for ear syringing and wound dressings. A response was received from Dr Mary Backhouse, but Martin is not at this evening’s meeting to discuss the response. In essence Dr Backhouse explains that services are being adjusted to make funding equal around the country. For patients who do not qualify for the ear syringing service under the care of a hospital consultant, there were no alternatives offered.

Ursula presented two queries from the groups of patients she represents. Do the changes only apply to Clevedon, and why are Sunnyside are still delivering the service?

2.  PPG Events

The Carer’s event last year was very helpful and informative to patients and supported by other organisations. We would like to do one event this year, and Carers is a good theme. It was agreed to do this and tie it in with the National Carer’s week and a practice flu clinic in November.

Saturday 12th November.

Action: Maggie will contact organisations who can support Carers

3.  Clevedon Community Hospital Update

Maggie reported that there had been little if any information being shared with the public regarding the work planned at the hospital and when it is likely to reopen. Maggie believes hospital staff have been poorly treated too. Latest news appears to be a possible re-opening in January 2017 and reduced bed numbers. There are also real difficulties locally in arranging care packages to support patients remaining in their own homes.

4.  CQC Audit at Clevedon Medical Centre

Jenny Briscoe and Maggie Blackmore both attended and contributed to the first CQC audit of the medical centre’s services on September 1st 2016.

The work of the PPG was explained and how the PPG links into the practice.

Maggie wished to feedback the message of ‘well done’ to all the staff; it was noted that everything was calm, and processes were ‘business as usual’ on the day. On behalf of the partners and management, our thanks were extended to Maggie and Jennie for giving up their time to support the audit, but also to all the PPG members for the ongoing collaborative communications and support given to both the practice and our patients in the best interests of good healthcare for all in our community.

Any Other Business

1.  Work Plan for the PPG

Maggie is developing some ideas on a work-plan for the PPG, for sharing at a future meeting, for input from the group.

The following were suggested elements of the work-plan:-

Observations in the waiting room; patient behaviours; questionnaires for patients; mystery shoppers; place of safety – volunteers.

2.  Government GP Record Sharing Project

This has been scrapped.

3.  North Somerset Clinical Commissioning Group Stakeholder Event

Ursula Marks and Martin Hime have both made plans to attend this annual event. Maggie will attend the One Care Consortium event on the same evening.

4.  One Care Consortium (OCC)

Margaret commented that OCC are engaging with Patient Participation Group Chair representatives on a regular basis and they are discussing ‘out of hours’ working and developing new business.

There are also meetings which involve the University of West of England, and Healthwatch, to engage patient and public involvement. Interesting meetings!

5.  Patient behaviour in the waiting room

Mr Fisher shared his experience from the waiting room today when a gentleman who was approximately in his 50s, was coughing and sneezing in the waiting room without concerns for contaminating other patients. Mr Fisher asked if the medical centre can find some helpful posters to display and maybe even a poster for the TV screen to advise of appropriate behaviour and precautions.

Action: Julie/Alison to investigate

Date of next meeting: Monday 10th October 2016

Clevedon Medical Centre, 6-7pm


Please send Margaret or Julie any agenda items you would like to discuss at the next meeting.