House Bill 6, RegardingIn-State Tuition for Immigrants

In-state tuition for immigrants has been a hot topic lately – talk on House Bill 6 has been hitting the streets, the airwaves, and the

phone lines. But how much do you know about the issue?

  • Did you know that the Maryland Catholic Conference has supported such legislation for years - and that the U.S. Bishops are national leaders in working towards federal immigration reform?

“From its founding to the present, the United States remains a nation of immigrants grounded in the firm belief that newcomers offer new energy, hope and cultural diversity. Our common faith in Jesus Christ moves us to search for ways that favor a spirit of solidarity. It is a faith that transcends borders and bids us to overcome all forms of discrimination and violence so that we may build relationships that are just and loving.”

– excerpts from Strangers No Longer, Together on the Journey of Hope, a Pastoral Letter Concerning Migration From the Catholic Bishops of Mexico and the United States

For more information on the Church’s efforts toward immigration reform, please go to the website for the Catholic Campaign on Immigration Reform – Justice for Immigrants: A Journey of Hope.

  • Did you know that, in order to be eligible for in-state tuition under HB 6, students:

1Must have attended at least two years at a Maryland secondary school,

2Must have graduated from a Maryland high school,

3Must begin college within three years of graduation,

4Or their parents, must have had Maryland income tax withheld in the year before they graduated from high school, and

5If they are not already permanent residents, must agree to apply for permanent residency within 30 days of becoming eligible to do so?

  • Did you know that most of the students helped by HB 6 will attend community colleges, which have open enrollment – meaning that no citizen student would lose a spot to an immigrant student at these schools?
  • Did you know that costs for HB 6 would be minimal, because the bill is estimated to help less than 400 students statewide, including only 80 students attending Maryland 4-year public universities?
  • Did you know that undocumented immigrants are ineligible for public student aid and loans –- meaning that if HB 6 passed, they would be responsible for paying the entire in-state tuition by themselves –- without the advantage of assistance that most citizen students rely on?
  • Did you know that undocumented immigrants pay billions in federal income taxes each year –- to the point that the IRS has set up Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers (ITIN) to account for taxes paid by those who don’t qualify for Social Security Numbers –- such as undocumented immigrants?
  • Did you know that many legal immigrants living in Maryland do not currently qualify for in-state tuition, and that HB 6 would help them, just as it would help undocumented immigrants?
  • Did you know that active-duty military personnel are already eligible for Maryland in-state tuition if they are stationed or reside in Maryland –- meaning HB 6 would not place immigrants at an advantage over citizens serving in the military?
  • Did you know that, just like citizens, undocumented immigrant men are required to register for the Selective Service (the draft)?

According to the U.S. Selective Service, “ATTENTION, UNDOCUMENTED MALES & IMMIGRANT SERVICING GROUPS! If you are a man ages 18 through 25 and living in the U.S., then you must register with Selective Service. It’s the law… Selective Service does not collect any information which would indicate whether or not you are undocumented. You want to protect yourself for future U.S. citizenship and other government benefits and programs by registering with Selective Service. Do it today.”

  • Did you knowthat laws like HB 6 have been passed in ten other states: California, Illinois, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, New York, Oklahoma, Texas, Utah, and Washington, with strong bipartisan support-– including the signatures of four Republican governors?
  • Did you know that courts have found laws like HB 6 to be fully compliant with federal law – and that Maryland’s Attorney General has agreed that HB 6 is constitutional?

HB 6 does not violate federal law because it bases eligibility for in-state tuition on independent factors such as Maryland high school graduation, and because non-immigrant students who meet the qualifications are equally eligible. The Maryland Attorney General has determined that HB 6 would not violate federal law, and the bill is consistent with measures in other states that have survived court challenges.

  • Did you know that HB 6 is supported by community colleges, the University System of Maryland, faith groups, community organizations, and immigrant advocates?
  • Did you know that the students who would be helped by HB 6 did not come to the United States of their own free will –- that they came as children, accompanying and obeying their parents, just as any child would do –- that as children, they were not consciously breaking the law?
  • Did you know that many of the students who would be helped by HB 6 came to Maryland when they were very young –- that they have little to no memory of life in their home country, they consider themselves Americans, they want to become United States citizens, and they want to openly contribute to their adopted country?
  • Did you know that the students who would be helped by HB 6 have learned side-by-side with American citizen classmates –- that they will watch their lab partners and soccer teammates head off to college, and want nothing more than the same opportunity?

For more information on HB 6, please contact Julie Varner, Associate Director, Social Concerns: 410.269.1155 / 301.261.1979 /