Property Address / Weekly Rent / Term of Tenancy
Occupation Date / No. of Adults / Ages of Children
Pets / Type / No / Registered
Car Rego No / Drivers Lic No / Home ph
Email / Mobile / Wk
Current Address
Agent/Owner / WK / Fax
Rent Paid / Period of Occupancy / Reason for Leaving
Previous Address
Agent/Owner / Wk / Fax
Rent Paid / Period of Occupancy / Reason for Leaving
Next of Kin: please provide details of preferred person to be contacted in the event of an emergency
Name / Relationship / HmAddress / Wk
Personal References
Past Agents, Employers &, Landlords etc
No friends and relatives, please / 1. Name & Address / Ph
2. Name & Address / Ph
Applicant Employment Details
Please supply proof of income with this application by way of pay slip, group certificate and letter from Employer. Must supply a landline telephone number.
Occupation / CompanyPeriod of Employment / Address
Salary / Manager / Ph
If employed less than 6 months / Company
Manager / Ph
Student Id / Tertiary Institution
Type of Government Benefit / Period / Benefit $
Housing Service Bond Yes / No / Comment
Applicants Declaration: the applicant do solemnly
and sincerely declare that I am over 18 years of age and am not bankrupt and affirm that the above
information is true and correct.
I have inspected the above mentioned premises at
and wish to take tenancy of such premises for a period of (lease term)
from __/__/__ at a rental of $______per week and that the rental be paid is within my means.
I also undertake to pay a Rental Bond of $______upon signing by me the tenancy agreement.
In the presence of Signature______
Property Address / Weekly Rent / Term of TenancyOccupation Date / No of Adults / Ages of Children
Pets / Type / No / Registered
Name / Marital Status / DOB
Car Rego No / Drivers Lic No / Home Ph
Email / Mobile / Wk ph
Current Address
Agent/Owner / Wk / Fax
Rent Paid / Period of Occupancy / Reason for Leaving
Previous Address
Agent/Owner / Wk / Fax
Rent Paid / Period of Occupancy / Reason for Leaving
Next of Kin: please provide details of preferred person to be contacted in the event of an emergency
Name / Relationship / Hm
Address / Wk
Personal References
Past Agents, Employers &, Landlords etc
No friends and relatives / 1. Name / Ph
2. Name / Ph
Applicant Employment Details
Please supply proof of income with this application by way of pay slip, group certificate and letter from Employer.
Occupation / CompanyPeriod of Employment / Address
Salary / Manager / Ph
If employed less than 6 months / Company
Manager / Ph
Student Id / Tertiary Institution
Type of Gov’t Benefit / Period / Benefit $
Housing Service Bond Yes / No / Comment
How Long Have you been self employed:
How Long has the business been established:
Address of Business:
Accountants Name:
Business Name:
Postal Address:
Accountants Phone:
*Please attach past 3 months bank statements and letter from Accountant
If you are a student, What University, Tafe or School do you Attend:
Student Identification Number:
Are you an overseas student: Yes/No
Who responsible for your rental payments:
If person other than you is responsible for your rental payments
please provide Details:
Visa Expiry Date:
Part A
1. To process your application you are requested to answer all questions to the best of your ability.
2. Any False information provided, missing information could jeopardise you application.
3. The completion of annexure does not constitute an offer of acceptance.
4. Any information provided in your application and this annexure may be passed on to the Tenancy
Information Centre of Australia in the event of default occurring.
Part B
1.a )
Has any lessor or agent evicted you? Yes/No
If Yes please provide details:
b) Has any lessor or Agent ever refused you another property? Yes/No
If Yes please provide details:
c) Are you in debt to another lessor or agent? Yes/No
If Yes please provide details:
d) Is there any reason known to you that would affect your capacity to pay rent?
If Yes please provide details:
e) Were any deductions made from your rental bond at your last address?
If Yes please provide details:
f) Have any deductions been made from your rental properties?
If Yes please provide details:
2. I / We (name/s) ,the applicant/s here by authorise you as the
agent to conduct an enquiry with Tenant Information Centre Australia Pty Ltd and other relevant
searches that may verify the information provided by me. I do solemnly and sincerely declare
that the above information is true and correct and this information has been willingly supplied to the Tenant Information Centre Australia Pty Ltd as a true and correct assessment of my application.
Tenant 1 Signed: Date:
In the presence of Signature:
Tenant 2 Signed: Date:
In the presence of Signature:
Application for Tenancy:
It is essential that each person who wishes to reside in the property and is over 18 years of age completes the attached Application for Tenancy, Privacy Statement and RentPay DDR forms in full and signs each document. We are unable to process any application that is incomplete. Should you require assistance when completing this form, we would be delighted to help.
Tenant Selection Process:
All tenancy applications are processed against the same selection criteria. When your application is submitted the following information must be made available. We will take photocopies of all necessary documentation and return the originals to you. You may choose to fax or e-mail your application and documentation, which is also acceptable. Each applicant is required to provide a minimum of 100 checkpoints that must include at least one photo ID. Please use the following as a guide:
Last four (4) rent receipts or current Tenant Ledger / 40 pointsDriver’s Licence / 40 points
Passport / 40 points
Photo ID / 30 points
Proof of income: pay slip, group certificate, Contract or Letter of Offer or Centrelink statement / 30 points
Current tax assessment notice/Accountant’s letter if self employed / 30 points
Written reference from previous lessor / 20 points
Copy of electricity, phone, gas account / 20 points
Rates Notice (if you have not rented before) / 30 points
Bank Statement, Birth Certificate / 20 points
Medicare Card, Bank Card / 20 points
N.B. All forms of income should be declared
To assist you with your application, the following items are a guide to our processing procedures and requirements: -
· We endeavour to process your application with 48 hours, which includes any necessary reference checks and consultation with the property owner. We will then notify you of the outcome by telephone. Please be aware that sometimes the process may take a longer than expected to collect the necessary information we require in relation to your previous tenancies.
· You will also be required to read and sign the attached Privacy Statement giving us the authority to seek information about you and also read and sign the attached RentPay DDR form. If both forms are not signed, your application will not be processed.
· This office utilises the DEFT rent payment system. Each applicant/lease holder is required to register online or via the telephone. A DEFT payment number will be allocated to you by our office. The tenant is responsible for any fees applicable to the use of the DEFT rent payment system.
· Upon notification of acceptance of your application, you will be required to pay the bond as confirmation of your acceptance of the property. This amount MUST be deposited into our trust account with 24 hours. Alternatively, you may bring a money order or bank cheque for this amount to our office within 24 hours. If no money is received within 24 hours, the property will be returned to the market. Prior to occupancy you will be required to pay the first two weeks rent by using the DEFT rent pay system.
· Please be aware that if the rental price of the property exceeds $500 per week, the owner may determine the bond amount.
Should you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to call us.
Thank you, Harcourts Inner West Property Management Department
Our office reserves the right to allow for any changes or additions to the above.
We are an independently owned and operated business. We are bound by the National Privacy Principals. We collect personal information about you in this form to assess your application for a residential tenancy. We may need to collect information about you from previous landlords or letting agents, your current employer and your referees. We will also check whether any details of tenancy defaults by you are held on any tenancy reference database to which we have access. Your consent in collecting this information is set out below.We may disclose personal information about you to the owner of the property to which this application relates. If this application is successful we may disclose your details to service providers relevant to the tenancy relationship including maintenance contractors and the landlord’s insurers. We may also send personal information about you to the owners of any other properties at your request.
You have the right to access personal information that we hold about you by contacting our agency. If you do not complete this form or do not sign the consent below then your application for residential tenancy may not be considered by the owner of the relevant property or, if considered, may be declined.
I the applicant acknowledge that I have read the Privacy Disclosure Statement above and I/We authorise the agency to collect information about me from:
1. My previous letting agents and / or landlords
2. Any tenancy reference database which may contain personal information about me
In accordance with Section 18n (1) (b) of the Privacy Act, I authorise you to give information to and obtain information from all credit providers and references named in this application. I understand this can include information about my credit worthiness, credit standing, credit history or credit capacity. I understand this information may be used to assess my application.
I authorise the agent to disclose the personal information it collects about me to the owner of the property, even if the owner is resident outside Australia. I also authorise the agency to refer my details to and arranger of:
§ Insurance services (for contents insurance and other insurance products) and
§ Utility (to arrange connection or transfer of telephone, gas, electricity)
§ Contractors
Full Name ______
Signature ______Date: ______
Full Name ______
Signature ______Date: ______