Return to PAHO by 15 June 2017 (and )
Summarize in a short paragraph how your country celebrated the 15th anniversary of VWA. (Less than 150 words).
Launching Events (please include photos and other materials in the annexes)
Date / Location / Local/National/International / Total # of participants; also please indicate who participated (government, UN agencies, civil society, etc.) / Additional info
Results by Population
0-12 months / 1-4 years / <5 years / > 5 to 18 years / WCBAs Td / >60 years influenza / Adult MR/MMR / High risk occupations / Others/Unspecified / TOTAL
- / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / -
Comment/Explanation (if needed):
Results by Antigen
MMR / MR / DTP / DT / Td / TT / Hib / Hep B / Penta-valent
- / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / -
Polio (OPV & IPV) / BCG / YF / Influenza / RV / Pneumo / HPV / Varicella / Other
- / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / -
Comment/Explanation (if needed):
Campaign Specifics
Sustaining the achievements
Check yes or no to indicate if your country carried out activities to protect achievements(eg: maintaining elimination of measles, rubella, CRS, polio, completion of childhood schedules, etc.), and then briefly describe in the space below / Yes
☐ / No
Completing the unfinished agenda
Check yes or no to indicate if your country carried out activities to complete the unfinished agenda (eg: seasonal influenza prevention, elimination of neonatal tetanus, protection of occupational risk groups, Hep. B elimination, etc.), and then briefly describe them in the space below. / Yes
☐ / No
Facing new challenges
Check yes or no to indicate if your country carried out activities to face new challenges (eg: introduction of new vaccines, HPV campaigns, strengthening occupational capacity and infrastructure, etc. ), and then briefly describe them in the space below. / Yes
☐ / No
Vulnerable Population Group Activities
Check yes or no to indicate if your country carried out activities to target vulnerable population groups, and then briefly describe the type of activities and the targeted groups in the space below. / Yes
☐ / No
Social Mobilization and Communication Activities
Did your country use the Regional slogan, ““#GetVax to celebrate a healthy tomorrow!”? / Yes
☐ / No
Was this slogan well received? Describe below. / Yes
☐ / No
Did your country develop other targeted messages/slogans? These can also include the adaptation of slogans into indigenous languages.Describe below. / Yes
☐ / No
Did your country develop additionalcommunicational/promotional materials (eg: brochures, posters, t-shirts, etc.) Describe below. Include photos if possible in the annexes. / Yes
☐ / No
Did your country carry out activities to improve public awareness regarding the importance of immunization for good health? (eg: health fairs, sensitization sessions, other public awareness activities). Describe below. / Yes
☐ / No
Did VWA have media coverage (print, radio, television)?
Describe below, and provide any links if possible. / Yes
☐ / No
Was social media (Facebook/Twitter) used to promote VWA in your country? Please indicate if you used messages from the scripts shared by the regional team, and the accounts from which you shared messages.Describe below. / Yes
☐ / No
Was there documentation of activities through photos, videos, and other audiovisual materials? / Yes
☐ / No
Please send links or JPGs of photos as an attachment to the report. If possible, include a caption and photo credit.
Please send any video or other audiovisual materials to Harold Ruiz () to be reflected in the VWA 2017 Regional video.
Integrated Activities
Did your country involve integrated interventions (non-vaccination related) during VWA? (eg: Zika prevention, Vitamin A, deworming treatments, health screening, and health education). Please describe below the type of activity and targeted audience. / Yes
☐ / No
Evaluation Activities
Countries were highly encouraged to undertake short surveys during VWA; a proposed template can be found on the website (see direct link below), followed by a model survey for evaluating VWA social communication campaigns (see direct link below).
Did your country do any evaluation activities for VWA? (eg: administration coverage, assessment of public satisfaction with vaccination, vaccine confidence, evaluation of VWA social communication campaigns, targeted coverage surveys). Describe below / Yes
☐ / No
Please attach any additional information you would like to share. They can be in separate files, but please list all annexes to this report. Example: Photos, Videos, Expanded Country Report, etc.
Vaccination Week in the Americas Final Report 2017