Help Our Oceans!
The world’s oceans are in crisis! Water levels are rising, oceans are warming, toxins are destroying natural sea life. Ocean ecosystems are being destroyed and many aquatic species are in danger of becoming extinct.
Without healthy oceans, the world cannot survive!
You and your partner are leading a team of Canadian research scientists. Your goal is to develop a plan, system, or invention that will help protect and save the endangered oceans.
Part One
Here’s what to do first:
Look through the materials provided in the library and decide upon one problem you want to try to fix. Answer these four questions about your chosen problem:
What’s the problem?
Who/what is being most affected by this problem?
What needs to change in order to fix this problem?
If this problem is not fixed, what will happen to oceans and the world?
Part Two
After you’ve answered the four guiding questions in Part 1,start to put together a plan that will fix the problem you’re working on.
Remember to explain the steps that need to be taken to fix the problem. For example:
- Step One: Explain what needs to be done first—do you need to speak to certain groups, do you need to involve other research teams in other countries? Do you need to invent something?
- Step Two: What do you need to do to make people realize how serious the problem is? How will you make people want to help?
- Step Three: How will you make sure changes happen that will help fix the problem?
- Step Four: Once your plan or invention is operating, how will you measure if it’s working?
Step One______
Step Two______
Step Three ______
Step Four______
Part Three
Research takes money. You want big corporations to invest in your plan, system, or invention. Apply to attend a big conference being held for CEOs from big, rich corporations who are interested in investing in research that helps oceans.Remember, there are only a few spaces for research teams to present at the conference. Make your application as appealing as possible!
To the Rich Corporate CEOs:
We wish to attend your conference on World Oceans being held in Fredericton, NB, on April 23, 2018. We agree with you that the world’s oceans are in crisis and we have a research plan designed to help. Our project is designed to increase the health and sustainability of the world’s oceans.Please accept our application below:
- Names of Lead Scientists:
- The specific purpose of our project is to help:
- The invention, system, or plan we wish to develop and initiate is:
- We will need funds to help with:
- Supporting our research will be very good for your corporations because:
Submitted by ______