A meeting was held on Friday 4 November between the following in relation to the HUB concept in Portarlington.

Representing the PCA:President, Chris (VP), Marisa (Treasurer)

Representing CoGG:Linda Quinn (General Manager Community Life)

Jane Wager (Co-ordinator, Community Development)

Lindsay Ellis, the former Ward Councillor, also attended. Lindsay liaised with CoGG representatives to arrange the meeting and he was invited by CoGG to attend.

In general, the CoGG representatives reiterated the facts as detailed in the CoGG Minutes dated 16 February and the associated Terms of Reference. Linda made some keys points:

  • Councils no longer provide or support “individual” buildings for community – they are too costly to maintain and are mostly inactive.
  • A shared-space concept is the model used by all councils. It was stressed that each model is different – reflecting different communities and their needs.
  • CoGG sees the development of the Portarlington HUB as a starting point – not an end point. As the community grows and needs are identified, the HUB concept can be extended or altered to accommodate same.
  • The Neighbourhood House needs a new home – and Parks Hall is the only economical (cost neutral), structural (in sound condition and big enough), social (located close to other township facilities) feasible alternative.
  • The hall needs to be active and used by all community groups – it is currently not cost effective.
  • Establishment of a community HUB in the hall is the “key” to developing other facilities that may be identified.

The following are the PCA take-away points from the meeting.

  1. Existing user groups of the hall will not be disadvantaged. CoGG has identified the current time usage needs of PNH and other groups who use the hall – they estimate there are approximately 60 hours per week which would be outside of the use by PNH and other groups.
  2. It is possible that the Senior Citz could provide office facilities or accommodate the PNH library. The link between the Senior Citz building and the hall and associated usage will be addressed in future workshops.
  3. PNH will be the primary user of the hall.
  4. Licence Agreements will be set up between all parties using the space which will clearly identify all issues of management, use and the associated rights of the parties.
  5. CoGG is aware of the sensitive issue whereby PNH could be accused of taking control or owning the space and this will be addressed in future workshops that will include all parties who use the hall.
  6. PNH will need to consider how they will use the space, the programs they run and the equipment used.
  7. CoGG will do all the logistical work required and the existing $200,000 that has been set aside will not be used to do so.
  8. It was stated the existing $200,000 has been specifically allocated to facilitate the establishment of a new home for PNH and is not available for significant construction works, nor architectural drafts.
  9. There are a further 2 reference group workshops planned. The next one is scheduled for Wednesday, 16 November and is titled “Management Scenario Workshop”. The workshop will be facilitated by Dr Fiona Reidy who has extensive experience in health and community planning, policy development and advocacy. Invitations to that workshop have been issued to David Hughes and Phil Cameron who may wish to attend. In addition, Janet Campbell and myself will also attend. There is no restriction on attendance.

One of the key points identified at the meeting is the lack of knowledge in the community of the overall nature and scope of the HUB concept. It was pointed out that the Potato Shed in Drysdale is a HUB, although many may think of it in other terms.

Following discussion it was agreed that the PCA would host a “HUB information” evening, particularly targeting the Senior Citizens group. Jane Wager has agreed that CoGG representatives will conduct the information night.

The purpose of the information night is not to address the issue of Portarlington, but to provide information about HUBS, what forms they take, the different styles of management used, how they have developed etc. The meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday, 7th December, the next meeting of the PCA. It is therefore proposed that the PCA will write to the Senior Citizens inviting them to attend the information evening.


That the PCA invite the Senior Citizens, Portarliington Neighbourhood House and others to a meeting on 7th December 2016in the Bayview Room, Parks Hall when representatives of CoGG will provide information in regard to the establishment, use and management of HUBS not specific to Portarlington, but in general terms.