Kentucky Rehabilitation Association

Annual Business Meeting

Thursday September 7, 2012

Louisville, KY

Call to Order

Jamie YarberPresident called the meeting to order at 8:45 a.m.

Reading of the Minutes

Jim Wallace made a motion to accept minutes with addendum, Leslie Burton seconded. Motion passed.

Teresa Barney made a motion to waive the reading of the minutes from last year’s business meeting. Allison Flanagan seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report

Alan Gullet reported that the current check book balance is $25,120.15 as of 8-31-2012. We have an 18 mo. CD that rolled over in 2011. 2.1% for 5 yrs. Will be up in 2016, and there is about $21,000.00 in it. Alan thanked Goodwill Industries for their $5000 sponsorship and Cardinal Hill Hospital for their sponsorship of $500. Jason Herron raised$1,725 for vendors/exhibitors for the KRA conference and Jane Smith raised $1250 from ads for the program. Jane Smith made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s report. The motion was seconded by Teresa Barney. Motion passed.

President’s Report

David Beach discussed the continued lack of rebates from NRA (National Rehabilitation Association) for the last two years. No word on when the rebates might be given.

KRA has been focused on renewing out commitment to rehab and we have worked on getting new members. A pizza party was held during the statewide conference which resulting in adding new members.

We have had a change in board members due to vacancy. Todd Hines resigned as board member and we added Leslie Sanders, who is in the 2nd of the 3rd term.

The board has met 3 times this year, discussing issues such as how to increase our membership and addressing possible philanthropic opportunities. We have discussed organizing Habitat For Humanity events in various parts of the state and trying to organize a clean-up project for West Liberty. These things are still in the works.

Finally, we have over 200 people registered for KRA conference this year and hopefully we can increase that number for next year. KRA will be in Louisville next year asKy. is hosting SERNRA in May 2013.

Debbie Mazurek made the motion to accept the president’s report and Teresa Barney seconded, motion passed.

Division Reports


Debbie Mazurek reported that Tyler Williams won the Split the Pot for $95. About $250 was raised at the Silent Auction. Brenda Eadens won the Margaret T. Wilson award from KARSS

KARSS Officers for 2013 are as follows:

President - vacant

President – Elect – vacant

Treasurer – Mary Beth Schoen

Secretary – Donna Marshall

Membership is down – there are 12 members currently. Ink pens were sent out this year for Assistant’s Day. KARSS encourages new assistants to join and they have developed a flyer explaining the purpose and importance of KARSS. The community service project this year was Trent’s Prints. KARSS covered his exhibitor fee.


Have not been able to find out who the members are. What could this group do to help out this agency? Needs officers. Not sure what the financial amounts are.


The JPD Board met in Aug. to finalize the preparations for this year’s conference. The Pre-Conference was held Wednesday, Sept. 5, 2012 with 105 confirmed attendees. Our speaker was Kennetta Freholm from the Ashland Office for the Blind who gave a presentation on Understanding the Impact of Health Care Reform on the Employment of Individuals with Disabilities. The Pre-Conference should make enough money to cover all operating expenses for this year, with a minimal profit.

We are please to report that we received many nominations this year for the Janet B. Gold Award. The selection committee chose Kelly Foust who is the Community Employment Services Manager with LifeskillsInd. in Bowling Green as this year’s recipient. She will be recognized at the KRA Awards Luncheon on Sept. 6, 2012 and will receive a plaque with $100 check. We congratulate Kelly Foust.

The election of officers was held and we have a full board of officers for 2012 and will be searching for a president elect for 2013


JPD Officers for 2013 are as follows:

President - Rosemary Moore

President-Elect – Tyler Williams

Treasurer – Cindy Ragland

Secretary – Tammi Lee

Board Members: Kennetta Frehom 2010-12

Donna Marshall 2011-2013

Julie Wade 2012-14

Cheryl Martinez 2012-14

New Board Members 2013-2015:

Lee Ann Miller, Susanne Issacs, Amber Hager

RamadaConferenceCenter served a buffet breakfast sponsored by JPD for the Pre-Conference. JPD would like to thank all KRA attendees for attending.


Ryan Henson reported that KARL has $752.18 in the checking account.

This year’s recipient of the KARL award is Dr. David Beach

KARL Officers for 2013 are as follows:

President – Viva Anderson

President-Elect – Dave Matthis

Board Members – Charles Puckett and Teresa Barney

Treasurer – Jane Smith

Teresa Barney made a motion to accept the division reports and Keith Brown seconded. Motion passed.

Committee Reports


208 attendees of the conference. Thanks to the Board and Conference members for all of their hard work. Thanks to Dr. David Beach and VR for supporting the conference again this year.


President-Elect: Holly Hendricks

President: Scott Coulter

Past President: Jamie Yarber

Treasurer: Alan Gullett

Secretary: Roxana Robinson

Elected 2012KRA Board Members:Michael Ricke & Chad Hunt

Motion made to accept nominations made by Jane Smith , seconded by Teresa Barney, motion passed.

Necrology – Keith Brown– there was a tribute during KRA for all members who have passed away this year:

Roger Raybould

Peggy Kurzendoerfer

Recognition for the above listed member is also listed on the KRA website,


Thanks for giving Teresa Barney the opportunity to represent Ky as the Ky Rep to SERNRA. . Alison Flanagan will be the next Representative. SERNRA will be in Louisville May 13-16, 2013. Jane Smith, Roxana Robinson, Alison Flanagan and Jason Herron hosted a Welcome to Ky. reception in Tampa at SERNRA this year. Please let Jane Smith know if you can help in any way with SERNRA 2013.


There were a small number of new KRA members recruited this year. There have been some major issues with NRA’s system that has not allowed NRA to send out up to date lists. NRA is supposed to be working on this issues. Signing up on line with NRA is the best way to get registered. KRA still needs to work on reasons to join for non members.

Corporate Recruitment

Goodwill Industries of Kentucky– Diamond Level Sponsor

Cardinal Hill became a silver sponsor this year! Elodie thanked both agencies for supporting KRA’s mission.

If your organization is interested in becoming a sponsor fro next year’s conference, please consult KRA’s website @ for information on how your agency can be recognized at next years’ conference as a sponsor.


Awards luncheon was Thursday. Please remember to nominate deserving individuals next year. This year KRA offered the first annual legislative award to Rocky Adkins for his work.

2012 winners can be founds on the KRA website.


Proceeds from Golf Scramble was $2370. Total expenses including $1000 scholarship were $2011.22. Profit of $358.78 was made after $1000 scholarship was awarded to Veronica Umeasiegbu. Ending check book balance is $3914.73 plus CD balance of $16,707,32 as of 6/18/12

Constitution & By-laws- No Changes to report

Education and Advocacy

The NRA building will be sold to help cut some of their expenses. NRA will then have a virtual office. NRA is trying to catch up with membership, still problems with NRA processing of new members, payments, etc. NRA is focusing on getting the membership processing problem resolved. Beverly Stafford who was the NRA director and legislative support, will resign Sept. 19, 2012. Pat Layhe will be taking over until a new transition is made. Jonathan White and David Beach met with Chandler, Rogers, Whitfield’s offices at Governmental Affairs in March. A lot of changes will come with the November elections. Dr. Beach will keep everyone updated as they come.


KRA’s website ( ( that can be accessed through the KRA website.

No report from Keith Banks


No report.


No report.

Motion was made to accept new business and adjourn the meeting by Alison Flanagan. Jonathan White seconded the motion. Motion passed.