Ochoco & Deschutes National Forests and Prineville BLM
Central Oregon Fire Management Service
Outreach Notice with Intent to Fill
Forestry Technician (Assistant Fire Engine Operator) GS-0462-06
Central Oregon Fire Management Service is soliciting interest for Forestry Technician (Assistant Fire Engine Operator) of a Type 6 Engine for the Crescent Division, (Crescent R.D.) and portions of the (LaPine Basin BLM lands) with an anticipated start date of May 20, 2013. The duty station is Crescent, Oregon.
Certificate of eligible candidates will be requested April 5, 2013
Applicants must meet currency, fitness, and time in grade requirements for the GS-0462-06 level..
The Interagency Fire Program Management selective placement factors for this position are:
Primary NWCG Core Requirements: Fire Fighter Type I (FFTI)
Secondary NWCG Core Requirement: Successful completion of NWCG Course S-290 Intermediate Wildland Fire Behavior. (ICT5 is suggested but not required)
Must have, or be able to obtain, a Class B-CDL with tank and air brake endorsement
Contact KathyEnna at (541)433-3210 or Jeff Henshaw at (541)541-433-3249if you are interested or would like to talk more about this opportunity. Thank you for your interest.
This position is established on a Forest Service unit to serve as the assistant supervisor of a WildlandFire Engine Module in areas with the added complexities of wildland-urban interface, including proximity of high-value improvements, and regular and reoccurring all-hazard incidents and frequent interagency jurisdictional issues and coordination requirements. The incumbent may have the responsibility for driving and operation of the engine in responding to wildland fires and other all hazard activities or other fuels related or Ecosystem restoration projects.
The position:
- Operates an Engine used to pump and distribute water necessary to the suppression and extinguishing of wildland fires and serves as an Assistant Engine Captain of a High Complexity Wildland Engine.
- Assists with fire dispatch through operation of radios, telephones, and other necessary equipment to exchange information for fire weather and other forest suppression activities.
- Drives the fire engine to wildland fire locations and positions it accordingly.
- Participates in fire management program operations, such as technical or analytical work involving wildland fire suppression and prescribed burning operations.
- Performs tasks dealing with fire management projects such as hazard fuel reduction projects, wildlife habitat improvement or enhancement, watershed management, pre-commercial thinning, timber sales, stand conversions, and range improvement.
- The Assistant Engine Captain may serves as initial attack Incident Commander on wildland fires (depending on qualification).
ABOUT Central Oregon Fire Management Service:
The Central Oregon Fire Management Service (COFMS) area includes the Deschutes National Forest, the Ochoco National Forest, and the Prineville District BLM. These three units are managed cooperatively under combined leadership, with an Interagency Fire Management Officer, two Deputy Fire Management Officers, and other sub-staff functions working for a Board of Directors including Forest Service District Rangers and BLM Field Managers from both agencies. These units work to manage fire, fuels and aviation programs on the public lands throughout Central Oregon.
Public lands in Central Oregon are widely scattered. The Prineville BLM district boundary encompasses approximately 12.7 million acres between the Columbia River to the north, south of the town of Crescent in KlamathCounty to the south, the Cascade crest on the west, and near the town of John Day at the eastern boundary. Within that broad area, the two forests and BLM holdings total over 4 million acres.
COFMS is divided into five divisions, each managed by a Fire Management Officer. Dispatching is managed by the Central Oregon Interagency DispatchCenter, which also includes functions for the Oregon Department of Forestry’s Prineville Unit. COFMS fire resources include engine crews, hand crews, water tenders, prevention units, lookouts, and an interagency Rappel program.
Crescent is located 50 miles south of Bend, Oregon, and 90 miles north of Klamath Falls, Oregon, at the crossroads of Highway 97 and Highway 58 in Central Oregon. Crescent is a small community in Klamath County, and is the southernmost District of the Deschutes National Forest, comprised of approximately 315,000 acres. A small portion of this acreage is located in the Diamond Peak Wilderness and the Oregon Cascade Recreation Area.
The elevation of the District ranges from 4,300 to about 8,740 feet at the mountain tops. The weather varies during the summer from warm days to cool nights and often has below freezing temperatures during the winter. The landscape is dominated by lodge pole pine and ponderosa pine and at higher elevations by mixed conifer to subalpine-alpine vegetation. Dominant shrubs are bitterbrush in the lower elevations and snowbrush at the higher elevations.
The District has a variety of recreation opportunities to offer. There are 130 lakes on the District. The larger lakes are Odell, Crescent, Summit, and Davis. There are also several streams which provide varied fishing opportunities. Other recreation opportunities include hiking, camping, hunting, scenic viewing, snowmobiling and cross-country skiing.
More detailed information about Central Oregon may be obtained from the following websites:
Thank you for your interest in our vacancy!
GS-0462-06 Assistant Engine Captain
If you are interested in this position, please complete this form and attach a resume thenemail to:
Kathy Enna - Phone: 541-433-3210,
Your Name & Work Address:
Your Phone Number:
Your email address:
Current Position – Title/Series/Grade:
Current Red Card rating:
Do you hold a current CDL with tank and air endorsements?
Description of qualifying experience:
How will this benefit your career?
If selected what will you bring to the Crescent Division program?
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