C.V. – Dr. Peter H. Buschang
A. Name: Peter H. Buschang
B. Rank: Regents Professor
C. Education:
Schools Degrees Date Major Minor
Univ. Texas/Austin Ph.D. 1980 Human Growth Skeletal
& Development Biology
Univ. Texas/Austin M.A. 1978 Primate Anatomy Primate
Univ. Texas/Austin B.A. 1976 Physical Sociology
D. Professional Appointments:
2012-Present Regents Professor, Texas A&M University.
2011-Present The Peter H. Buschang Endowed Professor in Orthodontics
2005-2013 Adjunct Professor, Center for Advanced Dental Education, Saint Louis University
1999 - Present Professor, Department of Orthodontics Baylor College of Dentistry
2001- 2010 Adjunct Professor, Department of Orthodontics, University of Texas Health Science Center Houston.
1989 - Present Director of Orthodontic Research, Dept of Orthodontics, Baylor College of Dentistry
1993 - 1994 Director of Center for Craniofacial Research and Diagnosis, Dept of Orthodontics, Baylor College of Dentistry
1988 - 1999 Associate Professor, Dept. of Orthodontics,
Baylor College of Dentistry
1983 - 1988 FRSQ Scholar, Orthodontics Section & Human Growth Research
Center, University of Montreal, Canada
1980 - 1983 NIDR Postdoctoral Fellow, Dept. of Orthodontics, University of Connecticut School of Dental Medicine, Farmington, Connecticut
1976 - 1980 Research Associate, Dept. of Anthropology University of Texas at Austin, Austin
E. Teaching Performance
Course Number/Title / Level(see above) / Type *
L, Lab, Cl, S / Credit Hours / Number Students Taught
Growth & Development - Ortho 6660 / Dental / L / 2 / 105
Ortho 8320 / Dental / L / 2 / 98
Ortho 7210 / Dental / L / 2 / 98
Selective (Ortho S-18) / Dental / L / 1 / 6
Research Design & Methodology (Ortho 5208) / Grad / L & S / 2 / 6
Principles of Scientific Methodology (Ortho 5143) / Grad / S / 0.5 / 6
Craniofacial Growth & Devel II (Ortho 5231) / Grad / L & S / 1.5 / 6
Scientific Writing: Thesis (Ortho 5147) / Grad / S & Lab / 0.5 / 6
Radiology & Cephalometrics (Ortho 5202) / Grad / L / 1 / 6
Advanced Cephalometrics (Ortho 5108) / Grad / L / 1 / 6
Independent Research (Ortho 5428) / Grad / Lab / 2 / 6
Independent Research (Ortho 5428) / Grad / Lab / 2 / 6
Research Design & Methodology (BMS 5221) / Grad / L / 2 / 35
Applied Biostatistics (BMS 5222) / Grad / L / 2 / 35
Physical Growth and Maturation (BMS 5V75) / Grad / L / 1 / 23
Postnatal Craniofacial Growth (BMS 5V73) / Grad / L / 1 / 24
Clinical Specialty Seminar II -Relapse & Retention (Ortho 5125) / Grad / L / 3.5 / 6
Head & Neck Anatomy (BMS 5204/5V04) / Grad / L / 1.5 / 15
Summary for Year: 2013-2014 Number of Hours
1. Lectures taught 108
2. Laboratories taught 155
3. Clinics taught 0
4. Seminars taught 36
1. Course Coordination
I am currently the coordinator (i.e. director) of seven courses, including one first year dental student course (Growth and Development), two core courses (Research Design and Methods; Physical Growth and Maturation), and four Orthodontics courses (Principles of Scientific Methodology; Craniofacial Growth and Development; Radiology and Cephalometrics; Advanced Cephalometrics). Each of the courses requires administrative oversight, planning, scheduling, and coordination of participating faculty.
2. Curriculum and/or Course Development
Over the years I have made major changes to the courses and lectures that I am responsible for. The core course, Research Design and Methodology was designed from scratch some 10 years ago. It is part of a methodology "stream" of courses, that starts with the methodology course, followed by Applied Biostatistics (for which I provide 8 lecture hours), and Research Ethics. Similarly, I helped to developed a core "stream" of craniofacial growth courses, which begins with a course in Craniofacial Development, followed by Postnatal Craniofacial Growth ((for which I provide 4 lecture hours), and Physical Growth and Maturation (which I coordinate and provide 3lecture hours). I was also primarily responsible for developing the four courses in the Department of Orthodontics that I coordinate.
I also developed a course to prepare our residents for the Phase II exam given by the American Board of Orthodontics. Over the last 20+ years that I have had this responsibility, all of our residents have taken and passed this examination. Our residents attained the highest score on the examination three out of the last five years that the Board officially recognized the highest score. Based on the course that I developed at Baylor College of Dentistry, the College of Diplomats of the American Board of Orthodontics as me to develop a preparatory course for other orthodontists planning to take the Phase II exam. This all-day course was given yearly between 2003-2009 at the annual meetings of the American Association of Orthodontics.
3. Continuing Education Courses Given
I have also developed CE courses pertaining to evidence-based dentistry that are given every other year at Baylor College of Dentistry, every year at the national meeting of the American Association of Pediatric Dentistry, and regularly throughout the world.
· Evidence-based Dentistry (EBD) Workshop (8 hour course). American Association of Pediatric Dentistry, 66nd Annual Session. Boston, MS, May 24th, 2014
· Evidence-based Dentistry (EBD) Workshop (8 hour course). American Association of Pediatric Dentistry, 65nd Annual Session. Orlando, FL, May 27th, 2013
· Evidence-based Dentistry (EBD) Workshop (8 hour course). American Association of Pediatric Dentistry, 64nd Annual Session. New York, NY, May 26th, 2012
· Evidence-Based Dentistry (EBD) Workshop (8 hour course): Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México., Jan 23rd, 2012.
· Evidence-Based Dentistry (EBD) Workshop: Strategies for Finding and Critically Appraising the Current Literature. Whole-day CE Course given at Baylor College of Dentistry, Nov 4th, 2011
· Evidence-based Dentistry (EBD) Workshop (8 hour course). American Association of Pediatric Dentistry, 63nd Annual Session. New York, NY, May 26th, 2011
· Evidence-Based All day Dentistry (EBD) Workshop: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. (8 hours), Jan 28th, 2011
· Evidence-based Dentistry (EBD) Workshop (8 hour course). American Association of Pediatric Dentistry, 62nd Annual Session. Chicago IL, May 21st, 2010.
· Evidence-Based Dentistry (EBD) Workshop: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. (8 hours) Jan 28th and 29th, 2010.
· Evidence-Based Dentistry (EBD) Workshop: Strategies for Finding and Critically Appraising the Current Literature. Whole-day CE Course given at Baylor College of Dentistry, Oct 23rd, 2009.
· Methodology and Research Design. (6 hour; 3 day hands-on course) Medellin, Colombia, CES University, June 22nd-24th, 2009.
· Evidence-based Dentistry (EBD) Workshop (8 hour course). American Association of Pediatric Dentistry, 62nd Annual Session. Honolulu, Hawaii, May 22nd, 2009
· Evidence-based Dentistry (EBD) Workshop (8 hour course). American Association of Pediatric Dentistry, 61st Annual Session. Washington, DC, May 23rd, 2008
· Clinical Decision Making – a.k.a. Evidence Based Dentistry. Alpha Omega Dental Fraternity, Dallas, TX, Mar 5th, 2008
· Evidence-based Dentistry Workshop (8 hour course). American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry 60th Annual Session. San Antonio, TX, May 26th, 2007
· Evidence based dentistry: guidelines for reviewing articles. Baylor College of Dentistry Faculty Networking and Development Series. Aug 16th, 2005.
4. Graduate Faculty Membership
Texas A&M University System Health Sciences Center 1996- Present
Baylor University, Waco, Texas.1988 - 1997
Saint Louis University 2005-Present
F. Research and Scholarly Activities
1. Areas of Research and Scholarship
My research areas of interest pertain to craniofacial growth, the evaluation of treatment effects and motor-oral function. Following my doctoral work in somatic growth, I developed expertise in longitudinal craniofacial growth assessment during my postdoctoral fellowships at the Universities of Connecticut and Montreal. Expertise in growth provided the background for my strong interests in clinical studies evaluating the short- and long-term morphological consequences of orthodontic and surgical treatments. More recently, my clinical research interests have focused on optimizing and understanding the effects distraction ostogenesis, especially dentoalveolar distraction. Over the past 10 years, great research efforts have been made to enhance the application of miniscrew implants for orthodontic and orthopedic treatments. To understand how form and function are related, I have also developed research interests in various aspects of motor-oral function, including masticatory performance, jaw excursions, jaw kinematics, jaw muscle forces, and jaw muscle physiology. Various clinical studies have been conducted to evaluate function of different populations, assess the effects of therapy on function, and relate morphological changes with changes in motor-oral function.
2. Invited Talks, Lectures & Consultations:
Basic and advanced craniofacial growth and development. Jacksonville University School of Orthodontics, Jacksonville, FL, Nov 24 & 25, 2014.
3 mm miniscrews –why are they needed and how do they work. World Implant Orthodontic Conference. Anaheim, CA, Oct 3, 2014.
Update on EBD in orthodontics. Pacific Coast Society of Orthodontists. Anaheim, CA, Oct 4, 2014.
More effective and efficient orthodontic treatments: what are the possibilities and limits? University of Pacific, San Francisco, CA, Sept 26, 2014.
The etiology and orthopedic treatment of Class II and Class III skeletal malocclusions. Jacksonville University School of Orthodontics, Jacksonville, FL, Jun 20, 2014.
Corticotomies – Explaining the Effects on Tooth Movements and Bone Formation. 114th Annual Session. American Association of Orthodontists. New Orleans, LA, Apr 27, 2014
More Efficient Tooth Movements and More Effective Orthodontic Treatment Strategies. Mexican Association of Orthodontists. Cancun, Mexico, Mar 6, 2014
Orthodontic Research – How to Do it Right! Mexican Association of Orthodontists. Cancun, Mexico, Mar 5, 2014
Development and etiology of skeletal open bite malocclusion – Introducing a novel Treatment Approach for Growing Patients. University of Tennessee Pediatric Dental Alumni Association 2014, Memphis, TN, Feb 22, 2014
Interdisciplinary Orthodontics –New/Promising Treatment Approaches. Southwest Dental Conference, Dallas, TX, Jan 31, 2014
The etiology, development, and treatment of Class I, Class II, and Class III malocclusion. Orto-Fan. Warsaw, Poland, Oct 25-26, 2013.
Orthodontics. Back to School: Back to Basics Symposium. Baylor College of Dentistry CE Program, Dallas, TX, Sep 21 2013
Growth of Class III’s – Treatment Implications. Edward H. Angle Society 2013 Biennial Meeting.
Orthodontics: Progressive Diagnosis and Treatment Planning Pairing Research with Clinical. Vancouver, Canada, Sept 7, 2013.
The development and treatment of Class I malocclusion. Keynote speaker at VIII Symposium of Craniofacial Growth and Development, Medellin, Colombia Aug 2 2013
Orthodontic Orthopedics- Good Things Come to those Who Wait! (Keynote speaker) Building on the Framework. 2013 Alexander Symposium, May 10, 2013.
Growth of subjects with Class III malocclusion: What are the treatment implications. 113th Annual Session. American Association of Orthodontists . Philadelphia, PA, May 4, 2013
Orthodontics Based on the Evidence. Ask the Expert. Association of Orthodontists . Philadelphia, PA, May 5, 2013
Using the RAP for Enhanced tooth Movements - What are the limitations and Why does it Occur? 5th William H. Bell Lectureship: The Quest for Rapid Repositioning of the Jaws and Teeth. Dallas, Texas, April 5, 2013.
Development, Causes and Treatment of Crowding. The Dutch Association of Orthodontists, Soestduinen, Netherlands, March 22, 2013
The Science Behind Orthodontics in Interdisciplinary Therapy, The American Academy of Restorative Dentistry, Chicago, Il, Feb 23, 2013
Skeletal Anchorage to Assist High Angle Class II Correction. Edward H. Angle Society - Northwest Component. Portland, OR, Feb 1, 2013
Facts, Beliefs, and Prejudices in Orthodontics. Keynote speaker the 32nd Annual Alton W. More Lectureship, Seattle, WA, Dec 7, 2012.
Our Experiences with the Research Awards Program. Invisalign Orthodontic Summit, Las Vegas, NV, Nov 15, 2012.
Orthodontics: Progressive Diagnosis and Treatment Planning Pairing Research with Clinical Orthodontics. Back to School: Back to Basics Symposium. BCD CE. Dallas, TX Sept 28, 2012.
Series of five - 2 hour -lectures presented to the orthodontic residents and faculty at the Academic Centre of Dentistry, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Oct 15-19th, 2012.
A Novel Approach for Treating Vertical Class II Adolescents. Paul P. Taylor Association of Pediatric Dentists, Dallas, TX, Sep 29, 2012
Research Relevant to Clinical Orthodontics. Back to School, Back to Basics Symposium, Baylor College of Dentistry Continuing Education, Dallas, TX, Sep 27th, 2012.
Archwire Expansion and Treatment of Hyperdivergent Patients. Keynote speaker at VII Symposium of Craniofacial Growth and Development, Medellin, Colombia, Aug 10, 2012.
Treating Class II Hyperdivergent Patients with Miniscrew Implants. Annual Meeting of the College of Diplomates of the American Board of Orthodontics. Bay Harbor, MI July 21, 2012.
A Novel Approach for Treating Growing Vertical Class II Patients. 112th Annual Session. American Association of Orthodontists . Honolulu, HI, May 6, 2012
Three lectures including: Miniscrews: experimental evidence and clinical application; What's up with corticotomies and distraction osteogenesis; Fact, beliefs and prejudices in orthodontics. Louisiana Association of Orthodontics, New Orleans, LA, Apr 14, 2012
Clinically Relevant Advances in Bone Biology (Keynote Speaker). Annual meeting of the Southwestern Component of the Edward H. Angle Society. Tucson, AR, Mar 23rd, 2012.
SLU Research. Annual Meeting of the Orthodontic Education and Research Foundation. St. Louis, MO, Mar 3rd, 2012.
Experimental and clinical evidence supporting the use of miniscrew implants in orthodontics. 93rd Annual Meeting of the American Association of Oral Maxillofacial Surgeons, Philadephia, PA, , Sept 15, 2011.
Miniscrew Implants: Clinical Applications of Experimental Outcomes. 111th Annual Session. American Association of Orthodontists . Chicago, Ill, May 16, 2011
The development of malocclusions/the experimental evidence supporting the use of miniscrew implants/novel approaches for accelerating and decelerating orthodontic tooth movements. Quebec Association of Orthodontists, Mar 25th, 2011 (all day course).
Biologic and clinical evidence for accelerated tooth movements with the RAP and orthopedic corrections with mini-screw implants. 3rd William H. Bell Lectureship. Accelerated Orthognathic Surgery and Increased Orthodontic Efficiency: A Paradigm Shift, Mar 19th, 2011.
The effects of latency and rate on bone produced by dentoalveolar transport distraction osteogenesis. University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas, Sep 15th, 2010
Using MSIs to orthopedically correct mandibular deficient, hyperdivergent, patients. Boston, MA, 4th Annual World Mico Implant Congress, Boston, MA, Apr 30th, 2010
Mitos y realidades en el crecimiento y desarrollo craneofacial. XVII Congreso Internacional Asociación Iberoamericana de Orthodoncistas, Cartagena, Colombia, March 20th, 2010.