Objective ?
Learn how to Obtain Data
Note to group: Please see objective 2 and 4. Can this be rolled into those objectives?
- Data Collection Planning Process
- Though everyone should be familiar with data collection from Level 2, in this part of the course some time will be devoted to sharing things we have learned that may make the data collection process go smoother.
- Data Collection Buzz Group – What problems or successes have you had in your data collection efforts? What would you like to learn about data collection during this session.
- How has HIPAA affected your data collection efforts?
- Data Collection
- A systematic method of collecting information to understand the truths and reality about a topic in your community.
- Follows the scientific approach
- Truth about an issue can be far different than the perception.
- A truth revealed can stand up to a challenge and can be accepted and can lead to change
- Local perceptions about an injury issue can be big barriers to prevention. Data collection provides the numbers to back a prevention strategy and eventually change public opinions.
- Identify a specific question.
- For example: What are some of the contributing factors that cause elder falls. Factors that contribute to elder falls: clutter, multiple medications, lack of exercise, poor eyesight, poor lighting, lack of grab bars, furniture too low, reaching or climbing for items, poor home design, pets, common use items stored in high places.
- Slide: For discussion -- What are some of the questions they have used in data collection?
- Anticipate Data Needs Use a real world example offered in the discussion 3b to walk through these questions with the group.
- Has someone else already asked this question? If yes, there should be a specific reason why you are repeating the investigation, such as a change in the population over time, difficulty interpreting the earlier study.
- What Information do you need to answer this question
- Where do you find the information
- Do you have access to the information
- Do you need clearance /permission to gather this information
- Data Collection Methods Covered extensively in level 2, see appendix for resources on the data collection methods below
- Record Abstraction
- Surveys
- Personal Interviews
- Focus Groups
- A planning summary for Data Collection
- Identify the topic
- Narrow your focus
- Identify a specific question
- Anticipate data needs
- Develop and pre-test your instrument
- Consider how HIPAA impacts your data collection efforts. Seek advice from IHS Privacy Act coordinators. See the appendix for resources and classes relating to HIPAA
- Data Collection Lab Exercises – participants are asked to complete a form at the beginning of class and turn it into the instructor. The information is then inputted and broken down on slides containing charts and graphs.
- Data Source Strength and Weaknesses Exercise– covered in Objective 2
- Injury Case Definition (covered in Objective 4)
- Data Collection Strategies
- # step plan for injury surveillance apply to data collection
- Ten Step Plan – Discussed by other groups as mentioned below
- Define Objectives – In Objective 4
- Form a data committee – objective 3
- Identify Existing Data sources – Objective 2
- Determine Strengths and Limitations – Objective 2
- Conduct Preliminary Data Analysis – Objective 2 more detailed analysis in Objective 5
- Reevaluate Objectives—Objective 7
- Consider Linkage with other data sources
- Perform validation studies—Objective 4
- Develop a dissemination Plan – Objective 5
- Tie surveillance to action and funding. --