Digital marketing is the advancement of your organization or brand using one or more of the various digital channels, such as email, cellular phones, social networks and the like.This could bea classy birthday greeting sent to the customer's smartphone, a personally relevant coupon sent by SMS to the customer or a weekly newsletter than includes updates and specials. Customers and affiliates are interested in receiving these good news messages from you, and we're here to help you deliver the messages to them and advance your business simply and effectively - no prior knowledge required.
The Advantages of Digital Marketing
The advantages of digital marketing are astronomical. First of all, this is a type of direct marketing, with all of the advantages that come with it: personal attention to the customer, motivation to action and more. Second, it's possible to create uniform messages which are personally formatted for each recipient with great ease, for example, by addressing the recipient by his first name or referring to activities performed by the customer in the past. In addition, the use of digital marketing allows you to measure quantitative results, giving you information about exactly who was exposed to your message and when, and which actions the viewer performed as a result. In addition, anyone can launch successful campaigns with digital marketing without any prior knowledge and without hiring special professionals. With so many significant advantages, digital marketing is a valuable addition to your business and helps you achieve more for less.
Digital vs. Traditional Marketing
Until just a few years ago, the methods of advancing a brand were pretty limited. However, since the communication and internet revolution, the ways you can reach your customer have multiplied. Cellular coupons, a well-developed email campaign or a customer survey on Facebook reach your customers in various situations and give a new light to your business, thus complementing one another to strengthen your business.
The Impact of Digital Marketing
Posted inCourses,Digital Marketing
Due to the rapid expansion of the internet facilities and the ubiquity of computers and social media, digital marketing has expanded at an unmatched pace. With the rapid adoption of online modes and social media platforms digital marketing has grown leaps and bounds. In fact, it is being used widely these days by businesses from all spheres of the society.
Proper Digital Marketing mix is necessary for the required impact. It has been observed that during the recent recessionary period, most of the companies had cut their expenses on traditional marketing but since digital marketing is low on cost. Blogs, forums and other tools are inexpensive or economical to operate. Another low cost benefit of digital marketing is that since the content is user generated, hence it either costs nothing or very less.
Social media is also preferable since it steps beyond awareness to actual engagement with the consumers. At times of recession, it is less effective for the consumers to change the awareness created by traditional marketing to purchasing behavior. Social media is like a platform wherein your customers will interact and form a relationship with each other as well as with you. It is also helpful as the customers directly tell you the pros and cons of the product you are offering.
Companies like Dell have set up social networking sites to encourage feedback from customers for improvements and innovation. This certainly results in better products with lesser costs. Companies that slash their investments on social media marketing during recession do so at their own risk.
If your company is targeting Gen Y then internet marketing is a better option as they are 24×7 on the internet. Hence, to target a tech savvy generation social media is the best way.
Digital marketing has greater Return on Investment (ROI). It is largely, Word of mouth (WOM) marketing. Moreover, the word spreads through friends and relatives and hence the views are expected to be more credible.
Retailers are using digital marketing generally at times of product launches. It is estimated that if a product is promoted on social media during its introduction stage, then its sales are expected to increase by 25%. Moreover, digital marketing results in onsite targeting.
In a nutshell, the whole impact of digital marketing on your business can be huge and extremely rewarding if the marketing mix is properly designed. It requires some expertise to design the digital marketing plan and this skill can be developed by some courses in digital marketing.
These days online digital marketing courses are also available. Hence, we at EduKart.com have designed a course in Digital marketing which is certified by IAMAI.
Here is a complete, most comprehensible list of differences you will find on Internet. No matter what is your Marketing budget, chose the right blend of activities and get people know more about your business. Make your presence felt in the market.
Difference between Traditional Marketing, Digital Marketing, Social Media Marketing
The Importance of Digital Marketing
There’s no denying it, the world is rapidly shifting from analogue to digital. People are consuming more and more digital content on a daily basis – on mobile phones, laptops, desktop computers at work, and more – and companies that have not yet recognised this in theirmarketing strategiesneed to adapt fast.
Why is digital marketing so important? Because it is not only a rapidly growing force in the current marketing playing field, it is set to be the future of marketing, and it seems likely that digital media will soon replace more traditional forms altogether.
While older generations will no doubt lament the demise of paper-based newspapers, books, communication methods and traditional TV and radio broadcasts, those who have grown up with the internet and mobile phones as a God-given right are already embracing the brave new world of digital consumption.
The facts are that digital methods of communication and marketing are faster, more versatile, practical and streamlined, so it is perhaps unsurprising that once the technology became available we began quickly moving into the digital age. The good news is that digital offers just as much potential to marketers as it does to consumers.
Before we look at the benefits of digital marketing, let’s take a quick snapshot of some of the key forms of it at present:
- Websites and SEO content
- Blogs
- Internet banner ads
- Online video content
- Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising
- Email marketing
- Social media marketing (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.)
- Mobile marketing (SMS, MMS, etc.)
This is far from an exhaustive list, and new forms of digital marketing, such as augmented reality, are arriving all the time.
So, why digital marketing?
First of all, digital marketing is infinitely more affordable than traditional offline marketing methods. An email or social media campaign, for example, can transmit a marketing message to consumers for the merest fraction of the cost of a TV ad or print campaign, and potentially reach a wider audience.
But one of the main benefits of conducting your marketing digitally is the ease with which results can be tracked and monitored. Rather than conducting expensive customer research, you can quickly view customer response rates and measure the success of your marketing campaign in real-time, enabling you to plan more effectively for the next one.
Perhaps the strongest case for incorporating a digital element into your marketing is that digital media forms are quickly overtaking traditional forms of information consumption. According to the Office for National Statistics, over 82% of UK adults went online in the first three months of this year: that's over 40 million individuals.
The bottom line is, the digital age is here, and those businesses that fail to adapt to the new marketing climate are at great risk of going extinct sooner rather than later.
Why Digital Marketing Is Important For Businesses and Startup?
Digital media in today’s world has become a very important part in promotingbusinesses Online. You may have beenoperating businessoffline, and must have enjoyed moderate success. But you don’t quite know how to enjoy the success all your competitors are experiencing.
We at iThinkInfotech develop smart strategies forSMEsandE-commerceStart Up’s for marketing their companyon-line Here are the few reasons why you needwebsitemarketing ordigital marketing
Reach to larger Number of People:
Digital media can increase the reach of your business. With well optimizedwebsiteand social media marketing you can target more customers and more people interested in your product and services.
Increase Your Presence within the Community:
Marketing for yourWebsiteis Important when you aim to reach bigger and need online presence within your community. People want to determine yourbusiness asthey use search engines looking for a local business that specializes in the product or services they look for.
Make Conversation:
With the help ofdigital marketingyou can engage and converse with your target audience more in a better way rather than traditional media, you can also take immediate feedback from your customers and improvise them.
Educate Your Customers on Your Products:
Two most important part of yourdigital marketingis web optimization and analysis with useful and informative content. Your customer has more knowledge about what you offer and is more comfortable in payingmoneyfor it.
New Avenues For Selling Your Product
Withdigital marketingyou have an option to sell your product to new and wider range of demographics. You can start your ownon-linestore and cansell products and servicesto people interested in it. You can also promote your product on differentwebsitehigh traffic or visitors in it.