In 1997, a group of young people decided they wanted to have their voice heard. They wanted to speak out for the young people of Horsham district. Thus HYPER was born.
HYPER(Horsham Young People’s Empowered Representatives)is a group for young people who want to say in what happens in their local community, they want to be able to talk about transport, the environment, local events, leisure and activities, basically anything that effects them. It gives them the opportunity to tackle the key issues in their lives, because the decisions we as adults make every day, the issues we vote for and decide on impact young people, both now and when it comes to the future.
The existence of HYPER is in part down to the Horsham Town Community Partnership, they have been supportive on both a practical and financial level, for which the group is thankful.
The group is for any young person, aged 13-18, and already they have had a say in some key areas. They were part of the consultation for the new Community Youth Work initiative, which has seen 5 new youth workers put in place across the Horsham District. They have also been involved with the ‘Eat Breakfast’ campaign, organised funding raising events including being at Sparks in the Park selling some delicious cakes
Members have said:
“I really like HYPER because I feel my opinions really matter and I can do something in Horsham.”
“I have been coming along to HYPER for a couple of years now I like the idea of doing charity work and changing the perception of young people in the community, it also looks great on a C.V.”
Currently the group meets once a month, from 4:30-5:30pm at the Granary, it is run by two volunteers as well as members of the Community Youth Work Team. They are involved in wider youth voice network having the opportunity to have their voice heard at the National Youth Council and even Europe Youth Council, giving young people an understanding on how local politics works, international politicsas well as an opportunities to gain listening and communication skills. They are always seeking new members who want to get involved with changing and improving their community.
If you would like more information please contact
Jan English on 01403 215262 or email ,
Dan Fairchild on 07702 492841 or email .