Norris Museum – St Ives
Curator – Bob Burn-Murdock
No artefacts from Wistow. Suggests contacting the Sites and Monuments Records.
Artefacts may not still exist, but they will have been recorded.
David Crawford-White, Outreach and Learning Officer, Cambridgeshire Archaeology,
Box ELH 1108, Castle Court Shire Hall, Cambs CB3 0AP
Telephone: 01954 204191 Email:
(See leaflet for further information)
Photo of Enclosure map – very small and difficult to read all the detail even with magnifying glass. The larger original will be held by Cambridge University Library – ask at Records Office.
Various Notes by Inskip (Author of the Victoria History Series) e.g.
§ Notes and sketches of the church
§ Ramsey Charter
§ Papal Bull of Gregory IX confirming Chapels of Upwood, Ravely and Wistow 4/12/1228
§ Papal Bull of Gregory IX 21/06/1229 confirms Villas de Riptone, The Ravele, De Wistowe, de Upwoode (Latin required to understand the charter and bulls)
§ Notes re. Manor from 1600s (John Sewster, husband of Anna Cromwell etc)
§ Some genealogy and family trees
§ Correspondence from Ministry of Transport re widening of Wistow Bridge 18/10/1937
§ List of the patrons of the vicars of Wistow church
§ Re. Registers from the church. Oldest register begins for baptisms and burials 1628 and for marriages from 1630. Continuous to 1705. Next begins 1715 and is continuous, but there are loose leaves for 1705 to 1714. (Are these registers are held at the Records Office now and not in the church?)
§ Newspaper cuttings from Hunts Post 11/01/1902 and later:
- American Disaster 10/06/1926 when the eldest son of the vicar of Wistow drowned along with his wife and young son. Mr and Mrs William Noble and 7 year old William Thomas Noble. Died May 31st buried June 2nd. Car plunged into river.
- Article with the wonderful title “Wistow and its People. A Typical Huntingdonshire Parish. The Old Time Notes of a Native.” 15/07/1911
- Wistow Mill
- Adverts of arms for sale
Newspaper Cuttings
§ First piece written after 1803
§ Then cuttings dated more definitely from 1827 to 1927
§ Lots of cuttings on the church and funerals
§ The American Drowning Incident
§ African Missionary
§ OAP Marathon Race 04/07/1911 (my personal favourite). Race won by William Burton aged 82 years, Race followed by drinks at the Fleur de Lys – a couple of great photos
§ Notes of a Native 18/08/1911 (as in Inskips notes)
§ Wistow Feast 07/07/1927