Adriatic Society Of Pathology 18th International Meeting


Opicina-Trieste, Italy

JUNE 26-27th, 2004

Sientific CommitteeScientific Secretary:

V. EusebiGiorgio Stanta

R. GolouhDept. of Pathology, University of Trieste

M. MelatoU.C.O. Anatomia Patologica, c/o Ospedale Maggiore

G. Mikuz43100 Trieste, Italy

S. Silvestri

G. StantaLocal Secretary:

Organizing CommitteeNilva Dagri

G. StantaTel: ++39 040 399 2369

R. BussaniFax: ++39 040 638 527

C. Rizzardie-mail:

Saturday 26th of June:


Breast Pathology Chairmen: M. Dominis, G. Viale

V. Eusebi* (Bologna): Lesions of the nipple and areola (breast)

J. Lamovec* (Ljubliana): Rare histotypes of breast cancer

Proferred papersChairmen: F. Silvestri, A. Reiner


Soft Tissue Pathology Chairmen: C.A. Beltrami*, M. Melato.

R. Golough* (Ljubljana): Histopathological and molecular aspects of synovial sarcomas

M. Us-Krasovec* (Ljubljana): Cytological diagnosis of soft-tissue tumours

Proferred papersChairmen: V. Mambelli, G. Massarelli

Sunday 27th of June:

Modern Techniques in Pathology Chairmen: G.Mikuz,G.Bussolati*

Round table: "Morphology and molecules: an extraordinary net to fish the right diagnosis":

A Cavazzana (Pisa), M Chilosi (Verona),M. Dietel (Berlin), A. Scarpa (Verona)

Proferred papersChairmen: C. Doglioni, G. Tallini


The meeting participation, in the tradition of the ASP, is free.

The dead line for the ABSTRACTS is 31st May. The abstracts should be no longer than one page, with title, authors, institution, text and references if necessary. They should be sent by e-mail to .


The venue of the meeting will be at the CENTRO FORMAZIONE dell’OPERA VILLAGGIO DEL FANCIULLO in Opicina (Trieste) via di Conconello 16 (tel +39 040 211451),that is a village in the Carso area between Trieste and the border of Slovenia.

HOTELS in Opicina

NUOVO HOTEL DANEU*** Strada per Vienna 76, 34016 Opicina (Trieste), +39 040 214214,

Fax +39 040 214215, E-mail:

Single room 93 Euros – Double room 116 Euros with breakfast

LA VALLE DI BANNE* Banne 25, 34016 Opicina (Trieste), Tel/Fax +39 040 211089


Single room 42 Euros – Double room 56 Euros (breakfast 5 Euros)

HOTELS in Trieste (the two hotels are about 200 meters from “Tram di Opicina” that is a rack-railway that take you up-hill to Opicina in a short time).

HOTEL MILANO***v. Ghega 17, 34100 Trieste, Tel +39 040 369680,

Single room 78 Euros – Double room 106 Euros with breakfast

HOTEL ABBAZIA*** v. Geppa 20, 34100 Trieste, Tel +39 040369464,


Single room 82 Euros – Double room 115 Euros with breakfast

Low price accommodations for young pathologists are possible at the “Orfanotrofio Marianum”a Salesians house in Opicina (Trieste), Strada per Vienna 35 - Tel/Fax. +39 040 211113

Mobile (Don Anton) +39 335 8186940 – E-mail: .

(25 Euros for 1night and 45 for 2 nights)