Kansas Bar Foundation

IOLTA Committee Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, August 31, 2012

Kansas Law Center

Topeka, Kansas

AttendingNot Attending

Susan G. Saidian – ChairJohn D. Jurcyk, KBF

Joni J. Franklin, KBFKelsey Schrempp, Public Services Manager

Rachael K. Pirner, KBAKen Waugh, KBA Controller

Dennis D. Depew, KBATerry E. Beck, KAJ

Kim Fowler, KS Supreme CourtJordan E. Yochim, Executive Director KBF

David S. Fricke, KS Bankers Assn

Randall J. Pankratz, Governor’s OfficeStaff Attending

Gabrielle M. Thompson (teleconference) KBAMeg Wickham (for Kelsey Schrempp)

Amy E. Morgan, KADCJoyce A. Neiswender, Public Services Ass’t.

The meeting was called to order at 11:10 am by committee chair, Susan Saidian. The meeting began with introductions by each attendee telling how they became members of this committee and years they had served on the committee. New members were welcomed to the committee. Lunch was served at 11:15. This is Susan’s last year on the IOLTA committee and as Chair.

Minutes of previous meeting were approved as printed.

Meg Wickham reported the reason for the absence of our new Executive Director Jordan Yochim and our Controller, Ken Waugh. Kelsey Schrempp was still on maternity leave.

Susan stated we have limited funding ($80,000) to work with because of the continued low interest rates.

The Committee members reviewed each of the 15 applications that were received for the 2013 Grant Application year. Members of the committee provided input on each application.

After reviewing the grants received, the committee made the following recommendations:

IOLTA Grants Approved:

●Kansas Legal Services - $50,000 (of $100,000 requested)

●Kansas CASA Foundation - $ 8,000 (of $15,000 requested)

●KBA Law-Related Education - $ 4,000 (of $18,750 requested)

●Catholic Charities of NE Kansas - $ 3,000 (of $6,500 requested)

●KBA YLS Mock Trial - $ 4,500 (of $4,500 requested)

●National Institute of Trial Advocacy - $ 7,500 (of $8,776.50 requested)

●YWCA Wichita Women’s Crisis Center-$ 2,000 (of $2,894 requested)

●YMCA Safe Visit$ 1,000 (of $6,00 requested)

TOTAL$ 80,000

It was moved and seconded that these recommendations be approved by the committee and forwarded to the Kansas Bar Foundation Board of Trustees for final action. The motion carried unanimously. These committee’s grant recommendations will be presented to the KBF Board of Trustees at their meeting on Friday, September 28, 2013.

Joni Franklin, President of KBF, requested each member of the committee e-mail her confirming their approval of these recommendations. Documentation needed when she meets with the Board of Trustees.

Susan Saidian stated that a letter explaining the grant process and the criteria needed in the grant request be sent to each organization whose grant was denied.

IOLTA Grants denied were:

Topeka/Shawnee County Youth Court - $3,000 – (Expenses – funds not for support staff)

SAFEHOME - $5,000 – (Concerns about being more specific on what funds would be used for.

Need clarification on KLS involvement)

Sunflower House - $8,000 – (Lack of funds)

Kansas Coalition Against Sexual & Domestic Violence - $9,055 – (Duplication of Domestic

Violence Pamphlets. They wanted to revise the current KBA pamphlet, Have Access to Justice Committee reach out to KCASDV about revisions)

Douglas County Legal Aid Society, Inc. - $10,000–(Lack of funds)

Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Flint Hills - $15,268.72 - (Not specific on how funds will be used)

The Summary of 2013 Grant Applications is attached.

Discussion was held on the grant application process. Randy Pankratz pointed out that we need to encourage the small groups to continue to apply for grants and do not want to discourage them from submitting applications just because we deny their applications due to lack of funds. Need to explain in the denial letter that the main reason is lack of funds. Joni Franklin stated we need to explain to the small groups that we want them to be a part of this grant application process, that we presently do not have the funds to fund the grants received, and hope in the future to have additional funding for this grant program.

Meg Wickham explained the problems incurred with the 2012 NITA Grant. They had stated that if they could not be fully funded, they would not use the funding that was provided by the IOLTA committee. Additional funding was secured for them by private donations. On their 2013 Grant request, in order to fund their full request, additional funding of $1,276.50 will be provided by private donations.

Discussion was held on mandatory IOLTA. Joni Franklin stated she would be meeting with the President of Commerce Bank & Trust to discuss a training program on establishing IOLTA accounts. Dennis Depew stated he would be meeting with Chief Justice Nuss and will be bringing up the subject of mandatory IOLTA. Kansas is one of two states left in the US to not have mandatory IOLTA. Discussion was held on how to address those attorneys who choose not to open IOLTA accounts. It all comes down to educating and communication on what IOLTA is all about.

Discussion was held on standardizing the IOLTA Grant Application. Meg Wickham pointed out that this was done on the Scholarship Application which really helped the process. She stated she and Kelsey Schrempp would be presenting a recommendation to Executive Director Jordan Yochim that the application be a 5-page application plus cover letter and any letters of recommendation. Members of the committee approved this recommendation.

Meeting was adjourned at 12:50 p.m.

Attachment: Summary of 2013 Grant Applications