Name: ______

Address: ______

Street City State/Zip

Email Address: ______

Day Phone: ______Evening Phone: ______

Do you rent or own your home? ______. If renting, do you have permission in writing from the owner or landlord to keep an animal? ______

Landlord’s name & number: ______

Do you have children? _____ If yes, please provide sex and age? ______


Are all family members in agreement about fostering an animal? ______

Do you or any of your family members have any known allergies to dogs or cats? ____

If yes, please describe ______

Who will be the primary caregiver for the foster animal? ______

Type of animal you are willing to foster: (Please check all that apply)

Cat ___ Large Dog ___ Small Dog ___ Other ___ Please specify: ______

How many animals are you willing to foster at a time? ______

How much time will the foster animal spend alone? ______

Where will the foster animal be kept when you are not home? ______

Where will the foster animal sleep? ______

Do you have any other pets in your home? _____ If yes, please list below.

Vaccination history
Heartworm Preventative

Do you have a regular Veterinarian? _____. If you currently have pets a veterinarian reference is required.

Name: ______Address: ______

Phone: ______

How much do you know about training and behavior programs?


What behaviors do you think you can’t tolerate or would be difficult for you to manage? ______

Would you be willing to answer questions from perspective adopters about the animal?


Would you be willing to transport the animal and participate in adoption activities?


Would you be willing to provide a quarantine facility for a minimum of 24 hours, maximum 10 days? _____

Are you willing to foster a special needs animal? _____

May we visit your home? _____

Do you agree to care for the animal in compliance with Bond County Humane Society standards and guidelines? _____


Name: ______Address: ______

Home Phone: ______Work Phone: ______

Relationship: ______

Do you agree to abide by all applicable State, County and Municipal laws applicable to animals and their care? _____

Do you agree to take the animal to a veterinarian designated by BCHS for necessary treatment (at BCHS expense)? _____

Do you agree to release the pet to Bond County Humane Society when a suitable permanent home is found? _____

If approved as a BCHS Foster Home what date could you accept your first foster animal? ______

I certify that all the above information provided is complete and correct to the best of my knowledge.


Signature of Applicant(s) Date


For BCHS Use Only

Vet Check: ______Date: ______Notes: ______

Landlord Check: ______Date: ______Notes: ______

Reference Check: ______Date: ______Notes: ______