- To store the data(Admission No., Name, Date of Birth, Class and Section) of 10 students in atable
[Table] and find total number of students in each class and section.
- To create a simple GUI application for repeatedly doing a task based on the user input.(Example: To
display the multiplication table of a number input by the user)
- Write a program to input any number and print them in reverse order using while statement.
Whereas the input number must be positive. The following is the screen used to print the reverse ofa number.
- Define a class Report with the following specification :
Data members:
adno Integer
name String
marks 5 floating point values
averageaverage marks obtained
getvg ( ) to compute the average obtained in five subjects
Members Methods
read_info ( ) Function to accept values for adno, name, marks and
invoke the function getvg ( )
displayinfo( ) Function to display all data members on the screen
you should give function definitions.
- Calculate the average marks and print a message “ You are Passed “ if percentage is greater than40,otherwise print “ You are Failed “ . Also, at runtime, the color of “ You are Passed “ must beBlue and “ You are Failed “ must be red with font size 10.
- Design an application for a football match’s Scoreboard. Each team’s score should be maintained.Whenever a team scores a goal, it should be reflected on the Scoreboard. When the result isdeclared, depending upon the scoreboard, the winning team should be declared.
Sample Guidelines for Connectivity Problems
- To create a simple GUI application that counts and displays the number of records present in a database table.
- To create a simple GUI application that displays the records of a
database table in a tabular format (using jTable) on the GUI form.
- To create a simple GUI application that displays the records of a database table in a tabular format (using jTable) on the GUI form based on a criteria input by the user.
- To create a simple GUI application to perform a calculation based on a value retrieved from database table and a value entered by the user in a GUI application.
- Create a Java Desktop Application to display your name and address in a message box.
Using two Inputboxes, enter both name and address and also show the in another message window.
- Develop a GUI application to find the maximum between three numbers using conditional operator.
The conditional operator will be used as nested manner.
- Develop a GUI application to enter the month number and display respective month name and days in
that month.
- Develop a GUI application to demonstrate the JCheckbox by inputting your name in a JTextField control and set different font, style, size and color into names using JCheckbox control.
- Design an application to demonstrate text box. User will enter percentage marks and upon clicking the button corresponding grade should be displayed in the picturebox using following criteria.
Marks / % Grade
>=90 / A++
80-90 / A+
75-80 / A
60-75 / B
50-60 / C
40-50 / D
- Create a java desktop application to demonstrate a class concept using class cube, Develop the application to find the volume of a cube.
- Create a java desktop application to demonstrate constructer object for following datamembers of teacher class.
Private string name,
Private string address,
Private string design,
Private double salary,
Private double DA,
Private double Gross,
The program should initialize a data members through a constructer and using a display method of teacher class, Show the details in a jtext area control.
- Write a java program to read and display information about employees and managers.Employees are a class that contains Empno, name, address and department. A managerclass contains all information of the employee class and the list of employee working under a manager.
- Develop a Java desk top application to find area of a circle and cylinder using java override method.
- Create an application to view the teacher (tno, tname, taddress, salary, departmentno,doj) table data using jtable control. Using JDBC connection steps, View the data in tabular form.
- Create an application to insert, modify, delete, records into My SQL TEACHER TABLE.
Teacher table contains following structure.
Field / Name / DataType / LengthTno. / CHAR / 4
Tname / VARCHAR2 / 25
Taddress / VARCHAR2 / 30
Salary / FLOAT
Deptno / CHAR / 4
- Consider the hospital table and write a SQL for the following.
No. / Name / Age / Department / DateofADM / Charges / Gender
1 / Arpit / 62 / Surgery / 2008/01/21 / 1300 / M
2 / Zarina / 22 / ENT / 2007/12/12 / 1500 / F
3 / Karim / 22 / Ortho / 2008/01/09 / 1200 / M
4 / Arun / 12 / Surgery / 2008/01/11 / 1300 / M
5 / Zubin / 30 / ENT / 2008/01/12 / 1250 / M
6 / Ketaki / 16 / ENT / 2008/01/04 / 1250 / F
7 / Ankita / 39 / Cardio / 2008/01/14 / 1800 / F
8 / Zarin / 45 / Gynae / 2008/01/21 / 1300 / F
9 / Khush / 19 / Cardio / 2008/01/10 / 1800 / M
10 / Shilpa / 23 / NuclearMedicin / 2008/01/12 / 1400 / F
A) SELECT ALL information of patients of cardio department.
B) To List the names of Female patients who are in ENT department
C) To list names of all patients with their DateofADM in ascending order.
D) To Display the patients name, charges, age, for only female patients.
E) To count the no. of patients with age less than 30.
23. Create a GUI application that obtained details ( rollno, name, class and marks ) of a studentthrough text
fields and adds them in a table as a row. The application should also offer options todisplay total count of
records in the table: count of records class – wise and to exit from theapplication.
- Create a Java GUI application that lets you create an address book. The details to be added inaddress book are : Name, Email_Id, Phone.
25. Create a Java GUI application to find salary of the employee on the basis of “ Designation “selected using JComboBox. The JComboBox contains the following designations with respectivesalaries:
Designation Salary
ProjectManager 200000
Manager 150000
Architect 100000
TeamLeader 100000
Programmer 50000
26. Create an application to design a form containing ListBox and ComboBox. Add major cities toboth ListBox and ComboBox through TextBox. Also provide three command buttons for clearingthe TextBox, ListBox, and ComboBox. When you click on a button (JButton), the action willaffect to respective controls. Also, use command buttons for clearing the TextBox, ListBox andComboBox.
27. CREATE A Java GUI application that obtains the search criteria from the user and retrive datafrom the database based on that.
28. Given the following Table :-
Table :- MOV
No. / Title / Type / Rating / Stars / Qty / Price1 / GonewiththeWind / Drama / G / Gable / 4 / 39.95
2 / Fridaythe13th / Horror / R / Jason / 2 / 69.95
3 / TopGun / Drama / PG / Cruise / 7 / 49.95
4 / Splash / Comedy / PG13 / Hanks / 3 / 29.95
5 / IndependenceDay / Drama / R / Turner / 3 / 19.95
6 / RiskyBusiness / Comedy / R / Cruise / 2 / 44.95
7 / Cocoon / Scifi / PG / Ameche / 2 / 31.95
8 / CrocodileDundee / Comedy / PD13 / Harris / 2 / 69.95
9 / 101Dalmatians / Comedy / G / Gable / 3 / 59.95
10 / Tootsie / Comedy / PG / Hoffman / 1 / 29.95
Write SQL commands on the basis of table MOV:
(a) Find the total value of the movie cassettes available in the library.
(b) Display a list of all movies with Price over 20 and sorted by price.
(c) Display all the movies sorted by QTY in decreasing order.
(d) Display a report listing a movie number, current value and replacementvalue for each movie in the above table. Calculate the replacement value forall movies as QTY * Price * 1.15.
29. Give the output of the following SQL commands on the basis of table MOV.
(a) SELECT AVG(Price) from MOV where Price < 30;
(b) SELECT MAX(Price) FROM MOV WHERE Price > 30;
30. Write the SQL commands to create the table HOSPITAL with following specification:-
Field / Name / DataType / ConstraintsPNo / Int / (4) / PrimaryKey
Name / Varchar / (20)
Age / Int / (2)
Department / Varchar / (15)
Dateofadm / Date
Charge / Double / (7,2)
Gender / Char / (1)
(a) Insert the following data into the above table.
1 Arpit 62 Surgery 1998 ? 01 ? 12 300 M
2 Zarina 22 ENT 1997 ? 12 ? 12 250
3 Kareem 32 Orthopedic 1998 ? 02 ? 19 200
4 Arun 12 Surgery 1998 ? 01 ? 11 300
5 Zubin 30 ENT 1998 ? 01 ? 12 250
6 Ketaki 16 ENT 1998 ? 02 ? 24 250
7 Ankita 29 Cardiology 1998 ? 02 ? 20 800
8 Zareen 45 Gynaecology 1998 ? 02 ? 22 300
9 Kush 19 Cardiology 1998 ? 01 ? 13 800
10 Shilpa 23 Nuclear Medicine 1998 ? 01 ? 20 400
(b) Write a command to describe the structure of the above table.
(c) Add one more column in the above table as Address of type char (20)
(d) Modify the column Address as char (25)
(e) Drop the column Address.
(f) Change the name of the column Address to Home _ address.
(g) Delete all the rows of the table Hospital.
(h) Delete the table.
31. Write the output of the following:-
(a) SELECT ROUND (1023.432, 1 ) ;
(c) SELECT UPPER ( ? master ? ) ;
(d) SELECT MOD ( ROUND ( 120.60, 1),5) ;
(e) SELELCT POWER(5,5) ;
(f) SELECT FLOOR (65467.8890) ;
(g) SELECT MOD (36, 3) ;
(h) SELECT (14*9, 90 / 9 ) ;
(i) SELECT ROUND (3244.1962, 1) ;
(j) SELECT SQRT (144);
(k) SELECT SQRT(15.6 * 24.3 ) ;
(l) SELECT 1000 + SQRT (100) ;
(n) SELECT LOWER ( ARMY School ? ) ;
(o) SELECT FLOOR ( 100.34 ) + ABS ( 200.43 ) ;