Provider-Parent/Guardian Child Care Contract

The following agreement is made between:

1. ______

Mother/Legal Guardian Home Phone Work Phone


Home Address E-mail Address


Employer’s Name and Address


2. ______

Father/Legal Guardian Home Phone Work Phone


Home Address E-mail Address


Employer’s Name and Address


3. Amy Speed – Amy’s Angels Daycare 319-395-0120

Child Care Provider Phone

80 11th Avenue, Hiawatha, Iowa 52233

Address E-mail Address

For the care of:

4: ______; ______;

Child’s Name/Date of BirthChild’s Name/Date of Birth

______; ______;

Child’s Name/Date of BirthChild’s Name/Date of Birth

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The payment fee shall be $125 per week (full-time only). There will be no sibling discounts.

Care shall be provided normally from _____A.M. to _____P.M. on these days (Circle all that apply)

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Additional fees (bounced check fees, late payment fees, damage caused by children, etc.):

Bounced check fee: $30 fee, all payments thereafter to be made in cash only.

Late fee: $50 daily fee for any payments, NOT IN FULL, received after Monday at NOON. If you will not be here on Monday, please post-date a check on Friday that I will hold for you so you will not be charged.

Damage payments: Parents are responsible for major damage caused.


  1. For the purpose of this agreement, overtime will be considered as drop-off before 5 minutes and pick-up after 5 minutes of the above times listed by parents.
  2. If the parent/legal guardian makes prior arrangements with the provider, the child may stay overtime at the following rate of $15.00 per hour (minimum).
  3. If the parent/legal guardian has not informed the provider that he or she will be arriving earlier or later then the agreed upon times, the following rate will be charged: $25.00 per hour (minimum), payable at the time of the occurrence.


  1. The following are paid holidays when they fall on a day regularly scheduled for care: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and the day after, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. If the holiday falls on a Saturday, I will be closed the prior Friday. If the holiday falls on a Sunday, I will be closed on the Monday following.
  2. Charges for the child’s absence are the same whether the child is in daycare or not.
  3. Charges related to provider’s illness or other emergency that prohibit care would be waived for that day only and only if provider is not open for more than 5 hours for the day.

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  1. Charges related to provider’s scheduled vacation are as follows. Provider receives up to two weeks unpaid vacation and two weeks paid vacation. The second paid vacation will always be the time period between Christmas and New Year’s Day.
  2. Charges related to parent(s)/guardian(s) scheduled vacation are due in full to the provider.

The provider and the parent/guardian will each give 2 weeks advance notice of scheduled vacation or other leave.


  1. Care will begin onJanuary 1, 2009.
  2. Parent will pay in advance for the last week of care when giving a two-week notice.


This contract may be terminated by either parent/guardian or provider by giving 2 weeks written notice in advance of the ending date. Payment by parent/guardian is due for the notice period, whether or not the child is brought to the provider for care. The provider may terminate the contract without giving any notice if the parent/guardian does not make payments when due or is consistently late in drop off/pick up times (3 or more occurrences in one calendar year). Failure by the provider to enforce one or more terms of the contract does not waive the right of the provider to enforce any other terms of the contract.


By signing this contract, parent(s)/guardian(s) agree to abide by the written policies of the provider. The provider may amend the policies by giving the parent(s)/guardian(s) a copy of the new or changed policies at least 30 days before they go into effect.

Provider’s Signature ______Date ______

Mother/Legal Guardian Signature ______Date ______

Father/Legal Guardian Signature ______Date ______

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