Design and characterization of self-cleaning cotton fabrics exploiting zinc oxide nanoparticle-triggered photocatalytic degradation

Chunhong Zhua,*, Jian Shib,*, Sijun Xuc, Minori Ishimoria, Jianhua Suid, and Hideaki Morikawaa

aFaculty of Textile Science and Technology, Shinshu University, 3-15-1 Tokida, Ueda, Nagano 386-8567, Japan

bFaculty of Systems Science and Technology, Akita Prefectural University, 84-4 Aza Ebinokuchi Tsuchiya, Yurihonjo, Akita 015-0055, Japan

c School of Textile and Clothing, Nantong University, Nantong, Jiangsu Province, 226019, China

d College of Textile and Clothing Engineering, Soochow University, No. 178, Ganjiang East Road, Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, 215021, China

Corresponding authors:

*Chunhong Zhu, Tel: (+81)-268-21-5373. E-mail:

*Jian Shi, Tel: (+81)-184-27-2368. E-mail:

Characterization of ZnO nanoparticles

1. Experimental

UV-vis absorption spectra of the ZnO NP aqueous solution were recorded using a spectrophotometer (UV-2700, Shimadzu, Japan) over the wavelength range 300‒800 nm. H2O was used for background subtraction.

The hydrodynamic size and surface charge of the ZnO NPs in solution were measured using a Nano ZS90 Zetasizer (Malvern, UK). The morphology and size of the ZnO NPs were investigated by TEM (TEM-2100F, JEOL, Japan).

2. Characterization of ZnO NPs

Since Wang et al. (Wang and Song 2006) discovered the piezoelectric effect of ZnO using conductive atomic force microscopy, their physicochemical properties have received much interest. ZnO NPs exhibit interesting optical and photocatalytic properties, including high transmission in the visible region, broad absorption in the UV region, high photosensitivity, and a large band gap. ZnO NPs can therefore impart textiles with good anti-UV, antibacterial, and photocatalytic degradation properties without influencing the original textile color.

The ZnO NPs were characterized by UV-vis absorption measurements, TEM, and dynamic light scattering (DLS) measurements. As shown in Figure 1(d), the ZnO NPs exhibited a sharp absorption band at 360 nm, corresponding to their bandgap energy (3.32 eV). This was consistent with the typical absorption of wurtzite hexagonal ZnO (Goh et al. 2014), and confirmed the strong broad UV absorption of the ZnO NPs. The size distribution of the ZnO NPs as measured by DLS is shown in Figure 1(c). The average size of the ZnO NPs was approximately 36 nm, and their size rangewas 20‒60 nm. The ZnO NPs exhibited a high positive zeta potential of 37.0 ± 9.04 mV, indicating good aqueous stability. TEM observations were used to characterize the microstructure and morphology of the ZnO NPs, and are shown in Figure 1(a) and (b).The high-resolution TEM image in Figure 1(b) shows the lattice fringes of the ZnO [100] planes. The lattice spacing of 0.28 nm was characteristic of wurtzite ZnO nanostructures (Zhang et al. 2013).

Fig. 1 (a) TEM and (b) high-resolution TEM images of ZnO NPs, (c) size distribution of ZnO NPs, and (d) UV-vis absorption spectrum of ZnO NPs


Goh EG, Xu X, McCormick PG (2014) Effect of particle size on the UV absorbance of zinc oxide nanoparticles Scripta Materialia 78–79:49-52 doi:

Wang ZL, Song J (2006) Piezoelectric Nanogenerators Based on Zinc Oxide Nanowire Arrays Science 312:242-246 doi:10.1126/science.1124005

Zhang D, Zhang G, Liao Y, Wang C, Chen Y, Lin H, Morikawa H (2013) Synthesis of ZnO nanoparticles in aqueous solution by hyperbranched polymer Materials Letters 102–103:98-101 doi: