The following template is based on the structure of the EoI/AF as available in the e-Monitoring System (eMS). It allowspreparing several sections of the EoI/AF off-line. Thedocument does not contain the financial part but there is a possibility to extract the related tables from the e-MS(Excel sheets). For complementary information, the EoI/AF guidance is available in the eMS as well as on our website.
Point of attention: This document is meant for project applicants’internal use in a preparatory stage of EoI/AF drafting.Please do not copy and paste text from this Word file toeMS fields, as this may result in additional characters and the characters exceeding the limit preset in the eMS will be cut. It is the responsibility of the applicants to make sure that the final text in the eMS is complete. When writing text for your EoI/AF, it is recommended to use a plain text without any formatting.
The text boxes below are marked with the following color code:
-Violet:pre-set information (titles of boxes, guidance information, data entered automatically, etc.)
-White:information that has to be entered in step one (EoI)
-Red:information that has to be entered in step two (AF)
Part A – Project overview
A.1 Project identification
Programme priorityProgramme priority specific objective
Project acronym
[maximum 15 characters]
Project title
[maximum 250 characters]
Project duration Automatically calculated
(maximum 36 months) / Start date
End date
A.2 Project summary
Please give a short overview of the project (in the style of a press release)[maximum 2000 characters]
Part B – Project partners and observers
B.1 Project partners
Partner numberPartner role in the project
Official name of the organisation in original language
[255 characters]
Name of the organisation in English
[255 characters]
Abbreviation of organisation
Department/unit/division in English
[255 characters]
NUTS code[1]Main address
Legal and financial information
Type of partnerLegal status
Co-financing source
Co-financing rate
VAT number
Is your organisation is entitled to recover VAT based on national legislation for the activities implemented in the project?
[255 characters]
In case no VAT number available: Other national identifying number
Legal representative and contact person
Legal representativeContact person
Experience of partner
Which are the partner’s thematic competences and experiences relevant for the project?
What are the institutional role and policy addressing capacity of the partners?
[maximum 1000 characters]
Role in the project
What is the partner's role and responsibility in the project?
[maximum 255 characters]
Other international projects
If applicable, describe the organisation’s experience in participating in and/or managing EU co-financed projects or other international projects.
[maximum 255 characters]
B.2 Observers
Observer numberOfficial name of the observer organisation in original language
[255 characters]
Name of the organisation in English
[255 characters]
Associated to partner
NUTS code[2]Main address
Legal representative and contact person
Legal representativeContact person
Interest in the project
[maximum 255 characters]
Role in the project
What is the benefit for the organisation from participating in the project?
[maximum 255 characters]
Part C – Project description
C.1 Project relevance
C.1.1 What are the common territorial challenges and/or joint assets that will be tackled by the project?[maximum 1000 characters]
C.1.2 What is the project’s approach and why is transnational cooperation needed to address these common challenges and/or joint assets? What is innovative about the project’s approach? How is this reflected in the project activities?
[maximum 1000 characters]
C.2 Project focus
C.2.1 Project objectives, expected result(s) and outputs
Programme priority specific objective (automatically indicated as selected in part A – “Project Overview”).Programme result indicator the project will contribute to (field automatically filled in after the specific objective is selected).
Project overall objective / Project result(s)
What is the overall objective of the project? How does it contribute to the programme’s objective?
[maximum 750characters] / What is/are the project’s result(s) and how do they contribute to the programme result indicator?
[maximum 750characters]
Project specific objectives
Which are the specific objectives the project will be working towards?
Title of specific objective / Please provide a short explanation on the link of the specific objective with the project outputs.
[maximum 500characters]
C.2.2 Project outputs
What will be the outputs the project will produce?[maximum 1000characters]
C.2.3 Target groups
Which are the direct target groups of the project?[maximum 1000characters]
Target groups (under the tab “work plan”)
Target groups(automatically inserted from work plan) / Please further specify the target groups
[maximum 255 characters] / Target value
C.3 Project context
C.3.1 Project contextHow does the project contribute to the wider strategies and policies?
[maximum 1000characters]
C.3.2 Macro-regional strategy contribution
Indicate how the project contributes to the EU Strategy for the Alpine Region (EUSALP)
[maximum 500 characters]
C.3.3 Synergies
What are the synergies with past or current EU and other projects or initiatives the project makes use of?
[maximum 800 characters]
C.3.4 Knowledge
How does the project build on available knowledge?
[maximum 800 characters]
C.4 Horizontal principles
Please indicate which type of contribution to horizontal principles applies to the project, and justify the choice.Horizontal principles / Type of contribution / Description of the contribution
[maximum 255 characters]
Sustainable development
Equal opportunities and non-discrimination
Equality between men and women
C.5 Work plan per work packages
Work packages
WP Nr / Project preparation / WP start date / WP end date / WP budgetAutomatically filled in from the budget section
Partners’ involvement
Partners involvement selection
Summary description of activities carried out and contribution of each partner.
[maximum 1000 characters]
WP Nr / WP title / WP start date / WP end date / WP budgetAutomatically inserted from project’s start date / Automatically inserted from project’s end date / Automatically filled in from the budget section
Partners’ involvement
WP responsible partner / Lead partner – automatically inserted from Part B - Partners
Partners involvement selection
Provide an overview how the project management will be organised: general structure and procedures, share of responsibilities, if project management will be externalised.
[maximum 500 characters]
Please describe activities and deliverables within the work package.
Activity M.1 / Activity title
[maximum 120 characters] / Start date / End date
Activity description
[maximum 500 characters]
M 1.1 / Deliverable title
[maximum 120 characters] / Deliverable description
[maximum 255 characters] / Target value
Activity M.N+ / Activity title
[maximum 120 characters] / Start date / End date
Activity description
[maximum 500 characters]
M.N+.1 / Deliverable title
[maximum 120 characters] / Deliverable description
[maximum 255 characters] / Target value
WP Nr / WP title / WP start date / WP end date / WP budgetT1 - 5 / WP implementation / Automatically inserted from activities / Automatically inserted from activities / Automatically filled in from part D or E
Partners’ involvement
WP responsible partner
Partners involvement selection
Objective of the work package and link with the other work packages
[maximum 500 characters]
Project output / Describe your project output and its contribution to project specific objectives
[maximum 255 characters] / Choose a programme output indicator to which the project output will contribute / Quantify your contribution / Delivery date
Output T.1
(automatic numbering)
Output T.N+
(automatic numbering)
Target group involvement
Who will use the outputs delivered in this work package?
How will you involve the target groups (and other stakeholders) in the development of the project outputs?
[maximum 500 characters]
Durability and transferability of outputs delivered in this work package
How will the project outputs be further used once the project has been finalised?
[500 characters]
How will the project ensure that the project outputs are applicable and replicable by other organisations/regions/countries outside of the current partnership?
[500 characters]
Please describe activities and deliverables within the work package.
Activity T.1 / Activity title [maximum 120 characters] / Start date / End date
Activity description
[maximum 500 characters]
D 3.1.1 / Deliverable title
[maximum 120 characters] / Deliverable description
[maximum 255 characters] / Target value
Activity T.N+ / Activity title
[maximum 120 characters] / Start date
(MM.YYYY) / End date
Activity description
[maximum 500 characters]
D T.N+.N+ / Deliverable title
[maximum 120 characters] / Deliverable description
[maximum 255 characters] / Target value
WP Nr / WP title / WP start date / WP end date / WP budgetC / Communication activities / Automatically inserted from activities / Automatically inserted from activities / Automatically filled in from the budget section
Partners’ involvement
WP responsible partner
Partners Involvement Selection
Please indicate main objectives of the work package, as well as its linkage to the other work packages and provide a short description of the main activities.
Be aware that max. 5 activities can be listed per work package.
Please describe your overall communication strategy.
[maximum 1000 characters]
Project specific objectives / Communication objectives
What can communications do to reach a specific project objective? / Approach/Tactics
What type of activities do you plan to reach your target groups? How do you plan to reach the communication objective?
[maximum 500 characters]
Specific objective 1
(Pre-filled from C.2.1)
Specific objective N+
(Pre-filled from C.2.1)
Please describe activities and deliverables within the work package
Activity C.1 / Activity title / Start date
(MM.YYYY) / End date
Activity description
[maximum 500 characters]
C 1.1 / Deliverable title
[maximum 120 characters] / Deliverable description
[maximum 255 characters] / Target value
Activity C.N+ / Activity title
(drop-down list) / Start date
(MM.YYYY) / End date
Activity description
[maximum 500 characters]
C N+.1 / Deliverable title [maximum 120 characters] / Deliverable description
[maximum 255 characters] / Target value
C.6 Activities outside of the Union part of the programme area
If applicable, please list and estimate activities to be carried out outside the Union part of the programme area[maximum 255 characters]
Total budget of activities to be carried out outside the Union part of the programme area (indicative)
ERDF outside the Union part of the programme area (indicative)
% of total ERDF (indicative) / EUR
Automatically calculated
C.7 Indicative time plan
(Automatically generated with data from section C.5)
Work packages and activities / Year 1 / Year 2 / Year 3WP 1 title
A 1.1 title
A 1.2 title / D.1.2.1
A 1.3 title
A 1.4 title / D.1.4.1
A 1.5 title / O1.1
WP 2 title
A 2.1 title
A 2.2 title
A 2.3 title
A 2.4 title
A 2.5 title
WP 3 title
[1] For non-EU MS a classification system comparable to the Nomenclature des unitésterritorialesstatistiquesis used.
[2] For non-EU MS a classification system comparable to the Nomenclature des unitésterritorialesstatistiquesis used.