

The Fine Art program consists of Fine Art I,II,III and IV. Because the program is based in sequential skill development, each course level requires students to achieve higher proficiency levels in supply, tool and equipment applications.

Viewed in its entirety, the Fine Arts program is structured to provide students the ability of developing Aesthetic Awareness through refining Perceptual, Physical and Technical Skills within a theater of Artistic Exploration. Students are provided with guided training in the application of Artistic Media enabling them to express creative growth and artistic self discovery. Students will create Artistic Products which exemplify a mastered Proficiency of Drawing, Painting, Perspective , Color Theory and Design.

Students develop Artistic and Technical kills which are applied in planning the Form and Function of Space, Structures and Objects of Art. Students employ Critical and Logical thought through Self -Evaluative Critiques which focus on the students ability to Access, Identify, and Judge their progress in the creative process. Students will develop a comprehensive Art Portfolio which chronicles their Creative Growth and Self Discovery.

Students will study various Historical, Social, and Cultural Art Forms and Traditions employing comprehensive reading, journals, computer research, film and video resources. Students also participate in hands on exploration through Field Trips, College/Career Presentations and Guest Speakers. Students are also encouraged to participate in Contests and Exhibitions.

It is a paramount goal of this program to continually evolve in response to the changing trends and technologies which shape our world. As such, integrated applications in Technology in the form of student research and development have become common practice in this course.


I. Attendance: The Attendance Policy Of The Board of Education will be adhered to. Students who exceed more than 3 days unexcused absences for any given marking period will not receive full credit for the marking period. At this point, the student must apply for an attendance appeal. If approved, only then will the student regain credit for the marking period.

6 days unexcused absences for a half year course and 12 unexcused absences for a full year course or the school year require an attendance appeal. All work missed due to excessive absences must be made up to receive full credit for the course.

II. Examinations: All students are to take exams as per Board of Education Policy. (Midterms and Finals) Term papers, research papers or reports when assigned are mandatory and must be completed within prescribed time limits. All exams must be completed and all questions must addressed in order to exhibit comprehension of course content objectives. Makeup exams must be verified by the administration. Students have 10 school days to retake a missed exam. Failure to take or makeup and exam will result in loss of credit for the course.

III. Class Participation: All students will be required to participate in all class assignments including project based, written, computer based, or oral. Cuts will count as absences from class and may result in a loss of credit for the course. If assigned ISS or OSS , all assigned work is to be completed and handed in for credit and all class work missed must be made up.

IV. Homework: When homework assignments are assigned, completion is mandatory. Upon returning from an absence, all homework assignments missed must be made up.

Keansburg High School
Art Department

Homework Policy

Homework is an intricate part of the instructional program and is used as an extension of the classroom. Homework is one means of demonstrating and building a partnership between home and school that may lead to more consistent academic success. Homework assignments will be directly linked to instruction and involve problem solving and creative thinking skills. Effective homework will be clearly defined, purposeful, support student achievement, and will be modified to meet the needs of the individual student.

The Key Principles of Homework

Quality homework tasks can play a vital role in our school through the:

·  Development of independent learning

·  Development and refining of intellectual skills

·  Reinforcement and extension of curriculum outside the school setting


Homework is to be appropriately planned, developed, and assigned in order to:

·  Increase academic success

·  Enhance the curriculum

·  Move learning outside the classroom

·  Develop independent life skills

·  Promote thinking skills

·  Help students to identify the linkage of future educational and career planning

Purpose of Homework

An extension of the course curriculum in visual arts by

·  practicing and reinforcing skills

·  exploring art history

·  increasing awareness of contemporary arts in the news and arts issues

·  developing career explorations in the arts

·  work place readiness skills

·  self-evaluation and analysis through journaling


Homework is a part of the recommended assessment of student progress. Assignments will be reviewed, evaluated, and recorded into the grading system. Teachers will provide feedback to parents regarding completion and performance of homework assignments.

·  If homework is late teachers will deduct 20 points per day the assignment is not provided.

·  Homework will account for 10 % of the marking period grade.

·  If a student is absent from school the student will have 48 hours from the time he or she returns to school to produce the homework assignment. It is recommended that if a student is going to be absent for an extended period of time that the parent request schoolwork and homework through the Keansburg High School Guidance Office.

·  In the area of special education instructional accommodations and modifications must be made as a result of the student’s IEP.

·  For extenuating student medical issues or family bereavement an extension may be provided with administrative approval.

Plagiarism is defined as stealing or use without acknowledgment of the ideas, words, formulas, textual materials, on-line services, computer programs, etc. of another person.

Examples of Plagiarism include:

·  Sharing of completed homework with another student

·  Copying and or pasting homework of another student

·  Submitting hand written or electronic homework that has not been completed by the student (i.e. changing the name on the paper)



·  Make sure assignment is understood prior to departure

·  Complete homework to the best of his/her ability

·  Manage assignment through the use of a homework log

·  Manage homework materials effectively

·  Return the homework assignment in a timely fashion


·  Provide a suitable environment for working at home

·  Provide guidance and support in the homework process

·  Communicate with staff to ensure positive progress

·  Help to establish a balance between homework and other activities.



Infused within the content of all Art Department Course Objectives will be the New Jersey State Core Curriculum Content Standards for Visual Arts:

Standard1.1 The Creative Process: All students will demonstrate an understanding of the elements and principles that govern the creation of works of art in dance, music, theatre, and visual art.

Standard 1.2 History of the Arts and Culture: All students will understand the role, development, and influence of the arts throughout history and across cultures.

Standard 1.3 is rooted in arts performance and thus stands as a corollary to the NAEP Arts process of performing/interpreting. Like Standard 1.1, standard 1.3 is made up of four arts-specific strands: A. Dance, B. Music, C. Theatre, and D. Visual Art.

Standard 1.3 Performing: All students will synthesize skills, media, methods, and technologies that are appropriate to creating, performing, and/or presenting works of art in dance, music, theatre, and visual art.

Standard 1.4 addresses two ways students may respond to the arts, including (1) the study of aesthetics and (2) the application of methodologies for critique. Standard 1.4 provides a corollary to the NAEP Arts process of responding. This standard pertains to all four arts disciplines, and is comprised of two strands related to the mode of response: A. Aesthetic Responses and B. Critique Methodologies.

Standard 1.4 Aesthetic Responses & Critique Methodologies: All students will demonstrate and apply an understanding of arts philosophies, judgment, and analysis to works of art in dance, music, theatre, and visual art.


Within the context of all Art Department courses will be the opportunity for students to pursue career guidance, which follows the ideals set forth by the NJ. State Work place Readiness Standards:

1) All Students will Develop Career Planning and Workplace Readiness Skills

2) All Students Will Use Information, Technology, And Other Tools

3) All Students Will Use Critical Thinking, Decision Making And

Problem-Solving Skills

4) All Students Will Demonstrate Self-Management Skills.

5) All Students Will Apply Safety Principles.


( Student Assessment )

Class work / Participation - 30%

Major Projects - 50%

Test / Quizzes / Reports / Homework - 10%

Midterm / Final Exams - 10%


Intro to Art I (Grades 9,10,11, 12 ) 5 Credits 861

Designed for the novice, no previous artistic talent is needed for this course. This course is the first of four levels, designed for students interested in Art . The aim of this preliminary course, is to guide students in self discovery and creativity through the Visual Arts. Emphasis is placed upon developing students perceptual skills and utilizing these skills through a variety of Art projects: (pencil drawings, charcoal renderings, pastels drawings, watercolors paintings, perspective drawings, cartooning, etc.). Incorporating studies in historical and cultural art forms, students will also develop a working understanding of the periods and trends Art and Artists have explored through time. Students will experiment in a variety of approaches in Art from abstraction ( design, color and form) to Realism (contour drawing, tonal renderings and perspective illustrations). Studies in artistic terminologies, techniques and tools are integrated into each project objective.


(All students enrolled within the following courses will have or have to..)



A. The ability to correctly employ the following measuring tools: rulers, compass, T- squares, triangles and protractors.

B. Demonstrate the ability of knowing and applying valued tone in a variety of drawing and painting mediums.

C. Demonstrate the ability of employing a drawing grid.

D. Demonstrate a proficiency in the knowledge and application of color and color theory.

E. The ability to understand and apply linear perspective in drawing and painting.

F. The recognition of select Art vocabulary and Design Terminologies in both written and oral platforms. ( geometrical, symmetrical, a symmetrical, natural etc...)

G. Demonstrate proficient color mixing and application in the production of : charts, design theories, posters, drawings and paintings.

H. The ability to comprehend and appreciate illustrated movements in Art through provisional studies in Art and cultural history.

I. The ability to analyze and critique a record of aesthetic growth through the development of a student portfolio.

J. The ability to correlate and apply appropriate math, reading and writing skills within the context of Art related objectives.

K. The ability to grow and develop an aesthetic awareness of past and contemporary achievements in Art.

L. The ability to correlate correct tool and media applications.

M. To understand and follow all illustrated safety procedures as instructed.

N. The ability for further development within the field of Art through educational and career guidance. (Work Place Readiness Skills)

O. The ability to develop personal growth through self discovery and aesthetic awareness.

Fine Art II (Grades 10,11,12) 5 Credits 862

Prerequisite: Fine Art I

This course is the second of four and a continuation of the previous year's work. The aim of this course is to refine all skills in the production of higher level art work. Students will work on more thematic projects utilizing research, critical thinking, professional materials and supplies. A greater emphasis is placed upon student work ethics. A higher level of historical and cultural art is explored by students within the project objectives. More advanced terminologies and techniques are utilized in the art work produced. Students focus on portfolio quality work which is applicable for participation in contests, exhibitions and reviews. Students are encouraged to join the Art Society and participate in contests or exhibits.


(All students enrolled within the following courses will have or have to..)


A. The ability to apply a mastered understanding and application of: rulers, compass, T- squares, triangles and protractors.

B. Demonstrate the ability of applying a drawing grid in the enlargement and reduction of Art related subject matter.

C. Demonstrate a mastered understanding in the application of color and color theories.

D. The ability to understand and create representational and nonrepresentational Art work.

E. The ability to understand and apply one point and two point linear perspective in drawing, design work and painting.

F. The ability to execute and modify value tonal scales in a variety of Art related tasks.

G. Demonstrate proficient color mixing in the creation of: watercolors, acrylics, tempera, marker, ink and pastels.

H. Further developmental studies in contemporary, cultural and historic Art movements through readings, films, videos, computer media and field trips.

I. The ability to further correlate and apply appropriate math, reading and writing skills within the context of Art related objectives.

J. Develop a working understanding of two and three dimensional design theories.

K. The ability for further development within the field of Art through educational and

career guidance. (Work Place Readiness Skills)

L. To further develop an aesthetic awareness and personal philosophy of artistic understandings.

M. To understand and follow all illustrated safety procedures as instructed.

N. The ability to further analyze and critique a record of aesthetic growth and artistic

development through an evaluated student portfolio.

O. To further pursue personal growth through self discovery and aesthetic awareness.

Fine Art III (Grades 11-12) 5 Credits 863