+ Pastoral + Epistle +
Rev. Michael J. RothVol. 8, No.4
IT’S NATIONAL LUTHERAN SCHOOLS WEEK, time for a celebration! This week, we celebrate the fact that more than 157,000 students attend 2,111 Lutheran schools located across our great country. In this celebration, we will recognize, experience and give thanks for the lavish gifts that God bestows upon us — His love, grace and mercy. We also give thanks to God for this opportunity for our schools to serve within the context of our life together within sponsoring Lutheran congregations.
In our life together among our family of believers, 1,190 preschools allow little children to hear about how God loves them and welcomes them into His family. In many cases, our teachers have the opportunity to make known the love of Jesus to children and families who are living outside of a relationship with Jesus Christ. We give thanks to God and celebrate the opportunities that we have been given to share Jesus with a parent’s most precious possession: his or her little children.
In life together with their congregations, teachers serving in 842 elementary schools intentionally integrate their Christian faith in all school subjects, thereby supporting Christian parenting in the home. Students are empowered to witness about their faith in Jesus to others. They learn to pray with and for other students and school families. Our schools provide the congregations of our Synod with an excellent opportunity to invite school families to engage within the life of the supporting congregations.
In 85 Lutheran high schools, Christ-centered instructors are dedicated to offering quality educational experiences to those who acknowledge Christ as their risen Savior, as well as to those who do not yet know the Lord. Our high schools enroll students with a broad range of abilities, place these students with teachers of excellence and then produce clear results of academic success and Christian leadership. Lutheran high school students are taught and empowered to boldly defend their faith in a world that is often openly hostile to the Christ-centered worldview. Lutheran high school students are provided with venues for service to share their faith in word and deed.
Through a unique educational system involving more than 2,100 schools, our church body provides unparalleled opportunities for LCMS congregations to engage with the community. Join us again this year as we thank God and celebrate our life together in Lutheran schools.
Sincerely in His name we serve others.
Terry L. Schmidt , Director, LCMS School Ministry, The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (This epistle was written for our use.)
Ministry Opportunities
Stephen Ministers Care. When was the last time someone really listened to you? We are talking about the undistracted, non-judgmental, full-attention kind of listening. We are here to care. To be referred to a Stephen Minister please speak to Joyce Rudowske or call the church office, 983-5000. Thank you!
Trinity Quilters: Our Trinity Quilters are in desperate need of fabric. They have run out and would like to be able to continue producing quilts. In the past year they have sent out 100 quilts to Lutheran World Relief. All cottons are acceptable, sheets make great backings for the quilts, preferably Full to King size. In addition to the fabric, they would love to have a few more hands to help them. Even if you don’t quilt, you can help by cutting squares, or tying knots. They meet on Tuesday morning, between 8a-11:30a, in the Fellowship Hall. If you are interested in more information, contact Esther Godfrey or the church office.
Church and School Announcements
2016 OFFERING ENVELOPESare available in the Welcome Center. Be sure to pick yours up today!
If you do not find yours, check with Sue Moore in the church office, (269) 983-5000, ext. 403.
Are available in the Welcome Center through today. After that, any that are left will be mailed out. Be sure to stop by and pick yours up today, and save Trinity some postage.
Please check out the Bible Study offering in the Winter Bible Study booklet. Most classes will start this week. If you have any questions, please contact the church office at 269-983-5000.
Come and Help Celebrate
National Lutheran Schools Week
by attending theLiterature Festival:
Each classroom, young 5’s – 8th Grade are adopting a book or author that they will highlight at the Literature Festival. Please join us on Monday afternoon from 2-3p (check in at the school office) or Monday evening from 6:30-7:30p, as you will go from one room to the next and see what the children have been learning.
This study discusses current topics in the news.
All are welcome to join us on Wednesdays, at 6:30p, in the Ministry Center, Lighthouse Café.
Ladies Aid Meeting, Tuesday, February 1st, 1-3p, in the Lighthouse Café, Trinity Ministry Center.
Come and hear Heidi Lockman speak about the SCRIP Program that our School offers. You will have the opportunity to place orders also and learn how to do that in the future. February is also a LWML month, so mite boxes will be collected.
There are plenty of ways you can save for the future. One of the best is with an IRA from Church Extension Fund. You get financial peace, knowing you’re investing wisely with tax advantages and competitive interest rates. And you find peace of mind knowing you’re also investing in Missouri Synod Lutheran churches and schools across Michigan. Call 800-242-3944 about starting a CEF IRA – or how easy it is to roll over an existing account. You can also visit CEF online at
Please inform the church office when you or your family member’s statuschanges or are well enough to be removed from the Prayer List
Those ill or Recovering: Diane Atkins (mother of Candy Briney), Heather Metz (friend of the Bradford’s), Zach Matzke (son of Mark & Sally Matzke), Shirley Vachon (sister of Sandi Hettig), Mary Urish (mother of Diane Fleisher), Tom Butler, Tim Taylor (friend of Adele Schultz), Mark Lange (son of Bill & Janice Lange), Gay Ross (Uncle to the Pedde girls), Jerry Wojahn (father of Jerrold Wojahn), Louie Miltibarger, Beverly Selent, Adela Schultz, Ted Mutz, Edna Volkers, Vera Kunst, Eloris Schulte, Rita Quinn (friend of Nancy Pedde), Doug Hoyh (cousin of Karen Thumm), Geneva Payne (friend of Sylvia Lieberg), Jean Roberts, Linda Voorman (cousin of Sharon Warren)
Special Birthdays:1/25-Edna Volkers (90), 1/28-Martha Tilly (85), 1/29-Ellie Grimm (89), 1/30-Carl Lavanway (85)
Special Anniversaries:
Special Prayers:For all of our Lutheran Schools, as we celebrate National Lutheran Schools Week. May the ministry of the Lutheran School continue to grow stronger and bless many families.
For the Lassier family & their farming neighbors loosing their farms due to eminent domain imposed upon them by state government.
For Those Mourning:For the family of Rodney Davis
Prayers will remain on this list for 2 weeks,
unless otherwise requested.
Emergency Contacts
Pastor Roth, Senior Pastor
cell: (269) 932-8456
Hospital Visitation and Care - if you or a loved one is hospitalized please contact the church office and let us know. During times of illness or injury we want you to be assured of Christ’s love and compassion.The hospital cannot report to us as members are admitted.
~ Glory be to God ~
The Altar Flowers are from the Altar Guild
This Week at Trinity
Sunday, January 24th
8 & 10:30a Worship (S)
9:15a Bible Classes (varies)
9:15a Contemporary Worship (SRC)
2-3p Jr High Bowling (Kelly’s Bowl)
6:30-7:30p Nat. Youth Gathering Meeting (SRC)
Monday, January 25th National Lutheran Schools Week
9:30-11a Lifelight Bible Study (LHC)
2-4p Plarn Gathering (LHC)
6-8p DBSA of SW Michigan (LHC)
6:30-8p Bd of Ministry (MC-1st fl)
6:30-8p Hope Revisited (women’s study) LHL
6:30-9p Bd of Elders Meeting (MC-2nd floor)
6:30-7:30p Laterite Festival (School)
Tuesday, January 26thNational Lutheran Schools Week
8-11:30a Quilters (CFH)
10a Soup Kitchen
11:30a-12:30p MLT Bible Study (LHC)
12:30-1:30p Care Team (MCB)
1:30-3p MLT Meeting (MC-1st floor)
3:30-5p Faculty Meeting (school)
6:30-8:30p AIC Membership Class (MC-1st floor)
Wednesday, January 27thNational Lutheran Schools Week
6:45-7:45a Sonriser’s Bible Study (LHC)
3:15-5:45p Jr. High Drop Ins (SRC)
WOW – 5-6:15p Pizza (CFH)
6:30p Mid-Week Worship Service (S)
6:30-7:30p 5th & 6th Grade Confirm (rm 205/209)
6:30-8p 7th8th Grade Confirm (Rm 205/209); Wired Word (LHC); Young Adult Bible Study (SRC); K.F.C. (CMR)
Thursday, January 28th National Lutheran Schools Week
9:30-11a Adult Bible Study (LHC)
6:30-7:30p Preschool Dad’s Night (Gym)
6:30-8p Adult Choir (Music Room)
7-9p Contemporary Praise Team (SRC)
Friday, January 29th National Lutheran Schools Week
½ day of school – 11:15a dismissal
10-11a Countywide NLSW Worship Service (S)
Saturday, January 30th
9a-5p 7th & 8th Grade Retreat (LHC)
Sunday, January 31st
8 & 10:30a Worship (S)
9:15-10:15a Bible Classes (varies)
9:15a Contemporary Worship (SRC)
6:30-7:30p Sr High Youth Group (SRC)
CFH-Christian Fellowship Hall; CMR-Children’s Ministry Room; LHC-Lighthouse Café;
LHL-Lighthouse Lounge; MC-Ministry Center; MCB-Ministry Center Boardroom;
S-Sanctuary; SRC-Solid Rock Café;SCH-School; WC-Welcome. Center
Trinity Lutheran Church and School
619 Main St. St. Joseph, Michigan 49085
Church: 269-983-5000 School: 269-983-3056
Early Childhood Center: 269-983-0040
Third Sunday after Epiphany
January 24, 2016
We extend a warm welcome to all who worship with us today. It is our joy to worship with you. As the Holy Spirit gathers, enlightens, and sanctifies the Church, we believe you will meet your risen Savior today through Word and Sacrament. If you are a first-time visitor, please introduce yourself to one of our pastors after the service. And if you do not have a church home, we invite you to consider becoming a part of our church family.
Please join together in the Welcome Center after
each worship service for a time of fellowship.
Please take time to fill out the
Welcome & Communication sheet in your bulletin and place it in the offering plate as it is passed. Thank you.
Serving Today:
Preacher...... Pastor Michael J. Roth
Liturgist...... Vicar Trenton Wollberg,Pastor Anthony Gerber
Organist...... Paula Steuernagel
Flutiest...... (8) Stephanie McLaughlin
Trumpet...... Jacob Roth
Choir...... (8) Adult Choir
Lay Readers ...... (8)Terri Rushlow
...... (10:30)Maureen Bradford
Acolytes...... (8)Cody Fisher, Charlene Archut
...... (10:30)Noah Lyon, Elsie Bradford
Communion Assistants...... (10:30) Kevin Doroh, Mike Hansen,
...... Rich Hackbarth, Chuck Kruggel, Steve Krieger,
...... Michael Brow, Jim Machacek
Elders ...... (8)(9:15)Scott Kizer (10:30)Marc Freudenburg
Contemporary Worship Leader...... Scott Kizer
Contemporary Music Team...... Rickey Moore, Brad Wishart,
...... Jeff Davis, Kaye Krieger, Anna Rorabeck,
...... Bonnie Johnson, Brad & Shelly Chaffee