Emilie Cheung, M.D. Stanford Hospital and Clinics (650)721-7986 phone (650)721-3420 fax


Dear patient,

I hope that this information sheet will help guide you after surgery.

You should wear the sling 90% of the day, for the first 6 weeks after surgery to protect the deep muscle layer repair, which is critical for healing, and also protects against dislocation of the prosthesis. You should also be sleeping in the sling for the first 6 weeks after surgery.

During the first 6 weeks, you can come out of the sling to type on a computer, to turn the pages of a book to read, and feed yourself. But no active motion of the shoulder, such as reaching outwards or upwards, is allowed. For example, no motion such as required to wash your hair, do laundry, washing dishes, or cleaning a window with the arm for the first 6 weeks. You should not drive a car while wearing the sling.

You can shower in 1 week after surgery. To shower, you should remove the sling, let the arm dangle down, and bend forward to clean under the arm with the opposite hand. No dressings are needed over the wound. The wound is covered by Steristrips, and those should be left alone, not peeled off.

You will be given instructions on how to gently stretch your shoulder after surgery. These gentle exercises should be done on a daily basis.

Time to recovery:

Time off of work usually is between 2 weeks, to 5 months, depending on the nature of the job. No heavy lifting with the arm (>15 pounds) for the first 5 months after surgery.

Generally pain should be resolved by 3-6 months after surgery, and your ability to reach vertically overhead is usually achieved by 6 months after surgery. Patients continue to improve steadily with regard to motion and pain, up to one year after surgery.

PLEASE NOTE: YOU HAVE A PROSTHETIC COMPONENT WHICH IS SUSEPTIBLE TO MECHANICAL LOOSENING OR DISLOCATION. Therefore, it is important to adhere to your postop instructions, and to return to clinic at the designated timepoints. Usually, this is at 2 weeks, 6 weeks, 3 months, 6 months, and one year after surgery. Also, we would like to see you every year for routine surveillance of the prosthesis. You should not engage in heavy manual labor for the lifetime of your prosthesis, such as weightlifting more than 20 pounds overhead.


Antibiotics must be taken whenever you will have any operation,scope (bladder, colon, etc.), or other invasive medical or dental procedure. This will remain true for the rest of your life, even for simple procedures like having your teeth cleaned. Please remind alldoctors and dentists in the future that you need to have antibiotics because of your joint replacement.

Recommended antibiotics:

2 g Amoxicillin, 1 hour prior to dental or colonoscopy procedure (one dose only). OR, if you are allergic to Penicillin, then: Cipro 750 mg, 1 hour prior to procedure (one dose only).