Advanced Chemistry
Ms. Fisher
1. To understand how the structure of matter affects the physical and chemical properties of different substances
2. To understand the driving forces of chemical reactions and make predictions about the outcomes of these reactions
3. To understand how chemistry affects our everyday lives and be able to analyze and evaluate new information using the skills learned in chemistry
Course Materials
Students are required to bring a notebook or loose-leaf paper, a pen or pencil, and a scientific or graphing calculator to each class. Students are required to purchase a 1-subject notebook to use specifically as a lab notebook, which will be stored in the classroom when not in use. Students are also encouraged to have a binder or folder for storing papers. A textbook will be provided as an additional resource and will be used occasionally in class.
All students are expected to respect the teacher, other students, and school property. Students who disrupt the learning environment may receive any or all of the following: conference with teacher, call to parents/guardians, behavior referral, detention, and removal from class. Any student who is repeatedly removed from class may be permanently removed from the class with an F. If students do not follow lab rules, they will be removed from the lab and given a zero. A second offense will result in permanent removal from the labs and may result in removal from the class with an F.
Homework is due at the beginning of the class period on the day it due. Incomplete homework will be accepted and graded as is but late homework will not be accepted for credit except due to excused absences. Alternative assignments may be given for an excused absence. Absent students will be given one more day than the number of days they were absent to make up work. Not every assignment will be graded but students are still expected to complete all assignments on time. Not completing practice assignments will make it difficult to do well in all other aspects of this course.
Extra credit assignments, offered only at the teacher’s discretion, will be an option given to every student in the class. Individual requests for extra credit opportunities will not be honored.
In chemistry, merely knowing what the terms mean and being able to solve problems are not enough. Explanations of how an answer was reached and why it makes sense are also required for assignments and exams. This includes showing work for math problems. In order to achieve this, it is important that every student participates during class. Class sessions will consist of lectures, discussions, working on problems, lab activities, quizzes, and exams.
Lab notebooks are required for each lab. Not having a lab notebook or not completing the preliminary lab section (title, purpose, hypothesis, and pre-lab questions) before the lab will result in not doing the lab at the scheduled time. Every lab not done due to this or an excused absence will need to be completed within one week of the scheduled lab. An alternative assignment may be given in some cases due to the nature of some labs. The student is responsible for making these arrangements with the teacher.
Students may not retake tests or quizzes. Any test or quiz missed due to an excused absence must be taken once the student returns to school. Students may be given an alternative test or quiz instead of the original.
Cheating is not permitted in any situation and will result in a zero and behavior referral for each person involved. This includes copying homework, quizzes, tests, or other work, allowing others to copy your work, and plagiarism on assigned papers. When working in a group, each student must phrase answers in their own words to avoid copying the work of other students.
Please feel free to stop by room 169 before or after school with any questions or concerns or contact the teacher at or (218) 945-6953 ext. 169.
Semester grades will be determined from 45% of each quarter grade and 10% of the semester exam grade.
Quarter grades are based on the following:
Homework 25%
Labs 25%
Tests and quizzes 50%
The grading scale is as follows:
93 – 100% A 73 – 76% C
90 – 92% A- 70 – 72% C-
87 – 89% B+ 67 – 69% D+
83 – 86% B 63 – 66% D
80 – 82% B- 60 – 62% D-
77 – 79% C+ 0 – 59% F
Course Outline
Chp 2: Scientific Method & Measurement
Chp 1 & 2: Matter & Change
Chp 3 – 5: Atomic Structure & Periodicity
Chp 6 7: Chemical Bonding
Chp 8: Chemical Reactions
Chp 9: Stoichiometry
Chp 11 & 12: Gases
Chp 14 & 15: Solutions
Chp 16 & 17: Acids Bases