Bristol Friday Darts League
- Name
- The League shall be called “Bristol Friday Darts League” (hereafter referred to as “the League”)
- Registration
- Each team will submit a list of all their players.
- The list must be handed in when stipulated by the Secretary. Failure to do so will result in a £5 fine which will double up at each successive meeting the form is not submitted.
- Once having played for a team, a player cannot play for another team in the League for the rest of that season.
- If a team withdraws from the League for any reason, any remaining players may sign for an existing team as long as:
- The halfway point of the season has not been reached
- Each player has paid to the League their proportion of any monies outstanding from their original team.
- No players can be signed on after the halfway point of any season.
- Players must be signed and the Secretary notified a clear 7 days before being eligible to play.
- No transfers will be allowed during the season.
- Should a player be found to have played for more than one team, then that player will be suspended for the rest of the season and the team they played for second will forfeit any points gained in the offending match(es). If any of the offending games were Cup matches, then the offending team will forfeit those matches.
- A single Division 2 team may only sign on two players from a Division 1 team each season.
- Teams can sign on any number of players (men or women).
- Any team found to have played an unregistered player will lose all points gained in any match that that player played.
- League Fees
- The entrance fee will be £10 per team and £1 per player
- League fees are as follows:
- League: £5.00 per match.
- Cup: £5.00 per match
- Singles knockout £2.00 per player
- Pairs knockout £3.00 per pair.
- New teams entering or teams returning to the League will be required to pay a non-refundable bond of £20 plus 50% of their league fees at the first meeting of the season.
- League Meetings
- League Meetings will be held on the second Wednesday of each month.
- Each team must be properly represented at each meeting.
- Committee Members can act as their team’s representative.
- Any team not represented will be fined £5.00.
- All meetings will commence at 20:00 with a role call.
- The last League Meeting of any season will be deemed to be a General Meeting.
- General Meetings are open to all players.
- If a vote on any matter at a League Meeting is required, then each team will have one vote.
- If a vote is required on any matter at a General Meeting, then each player shall have one vote.
- Match Rules
In addition to the accepted rules of darts, the following rules will apply:
- Boards must be open for practice at 20:45.
- Home team to nominate players first in all matches with the exception of Cup Semi Finals and Finals where the toss of coin will be used. The winner of the toss can choose to nominate 1st or 2nd (nomination to then be alternate).
- Each nominated player’s full name (first and surname) must be entered on the scorecard. This applies to both singles and doubles.
- The matches to start promptly at 21:00.
- Failure to start at 21:00: the offending team will be deemed to have lost that game and point and the match will move on to the next game. This includes the provision of a shouter and/or chalker.
- If at any time during a match, either team fails to be ready to start the next game within 5 minutes of the end of the preceding game, then the offending team will be deemed to have lost that game and point and the match will move on to the next game. This includes the provision of a shouter and/or chalker.
- The match will be played in the following format: 6 singles, 3 pairs.
- Singles games will be played on a best of 3 legs, 501 flying start double finish basis. Bull to count as double 25.
- Pairs games will be played over one leg, 701 flying start, double finish basis. Bull to count as double 25.
- The home team shall throw for the bull first and the winner of the bull will throw first. In singles games, the winner of the bull will throw first in the 1st and 3rd legs.
- A raised oche must be used in all League and Cup matches as well as any knock-out tournaments.
- The board must be 5 feet 8 inches (173 cm) from the floor to the centre of the bull in plumb line to the oche. The oche must be 7 feet 9¼ inches (237 cm) from the face of board.
- Darts score where the point enters board.
- Any dart or darts falling from the board before the shouter has called the score shall not count.
- Darts supported by others must have their points touching the board to count.
- At no time must the scorer or shouter move any darts when players go for the Bull.
- If a player is told a wrong finishing score and gets that score, such score does not count. The player is entitled to throw the darts again.
- Any player calling check will be given the score scored. If then the player then wants to know check left, then they must call check for a second time.
- Teams will be awarded 1 point for each game they win and further 2 bonus points for winning the match.
- Match Results. The winning team will:
- Notify the Secretary of the result within 48 hours of the match
- Submit the scorecard to the League Secretary no later than the next League Meeting following the match
- Failure to fulfil r.i will result in a £5 fine and deduction of all points won during the match.
- Failure to fulfil r.ii will result in a £5 fine and the deduction of the bonus points won during the match.
- Match Cancellations/Rearrangements
- If a team cannot fulfil a fixture, then it is the responsibility of that team to contact both the opposition and League Secretary at least 24 hours before the game is due to be played.
- If less than 24 hours notice, then:
- The game will not be rearranged
- The offending team will be fined £20 and charged the opposition’s match fee in addition to their own match fee.
- If the offending team were due to play away, on provision of a receipt, the home team can claim against the offending team for food prepared for the match up to a value agreed by the Committee.
- If more than 24 hours notice is given, then
- The game will not be rearranged
- The offending team may be fine £20. In exceptional circumstances the committee at the following monthly meeting will decide if the offending team should be fined.
- The non-offending team will be deemed to have won 9-0.
- Miscellaneous
- The League will be run by a Committee comprising:
- Chairman
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- 2 Committee Members.
- Any complaints should be made in writing to the Secretary and will be considered by the Committee.
- Players and/or teams subject of a complaint may be called before the Committee to answer the complaint.
- The Committee will decide if a complaint is to be upheld and any penalty to be levied. The Committee’s decision is final.
- Failure to appear before the Committee when requested will be assumed as acceptance of the complaint.
- Any rule not covered by these rules will be decided by the Committee whose decision is final.
- These rules can only be amended at a General Meeting.
- The team with most points will be declared the League Champions. If 2 or more teams finish on the same points, final placings will be decided by the following:
- Game Difference, then;
- Matches won, then;
- Games won, then;
- Result of head-to-head matches, then;
- Games score in head-to-head matches.
If teams still cannot be separated, a play-off will be held.
- Teams who are knocked out of the 1st round of the Cup may be entered into a Subsidiary Cup.
- Unless to be drawn on the night, all Cup, singles and doubles knock-out draws will be made at a League Delegates Meeting.
- At any event where a draw on the night is required, the draw will take place at 20:25. Any player not present at the time of the draw starts will be disqualified.
- Any fixture rearrangements under Rule 6 will not result in a change to the published fixture list. Any rearrangements which cannot be accommodated during the designated season will take place at the end of the season.
- In the event of a Presentation Night being held, each team will be charged an amount to be agreed by the Committee per signed-on player for a ticket for the evening. Additional tickets can also be purchased at the same price.
- All trophies and prize money will be handed out at the Presentation Night.
- If a team or player is not present to collect their prize money at the Presentation Night, the money will be donated to charity.
Last updated at AGM on 9th May 2012.