Dear Parent or Guardian:

I will be showing the film, Erin Brockovich, on both March 21st and 23rd after school for extra credit. The students have begun to study the 1990’s. I feel that the students can gain a better understanding of the impact of the Flint Crisis by viewing an example of how the water supply, bureaucracy, and long term health of residents all tie together. This movie covers the story of the Pacific Gas & Electric Company allowing toxic waste to get dumped, which led to residents in the area getting extremely ill. This event resulted in one of the biggest class action suits to date, and received the Oscar for Best Lead Actress, nominations for Best Motion Picture, as well as Best Writing, and Best Supporting Actor in 2000. It is rated R, therefore I am requiring students to receive permission in order to view the movie.

Please sign your name at the bottom if your child has permission to stay after school and view the film.

Thank you,

Sarah Hankins

My child MAY view the film Erin Brockovich:

______(Student name)

______(Parent or Guardian signature) (link to IMDb’s page for Erin Brockovich) Under Parents Guide it lists areas of the film with content that earned the film the rating of R.