Location(s):______Bard 350, Thurston 420 ______

Chemical(s):_____Oxidizers: potassium permaganate______

1. Purchasing:All purchases of this material must have written approval from the Principal Investigator before ordering. The user is responsible to ensure that a current Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) is obtained unless a current one is already available within the laboratory. Quantities of this material will be limited to ______, or the smallest amount necessary to complete the experiment.

2. Storage:Materials will be stored according to compatibility and label recommendations in a designated area: solvent cabinets in 420 Thurston and 350 Bard Hall. Storage areas will be regularly inspected by Prof. Ober to ensure safety. Periodic inventory reductions will be scheduled.

3. Authorized personnel:Use of this material requires prior written approval from the PI. Use will be limited to the following personnel (check all that apply):

Principal Investigator __ _

Graduate students__ __

Technical staff __ _

Post doctoral employees__ _

Undergraduates ____

Other (describe) ______

4. Training requirements:The user must demonstrate competency and familiarity regarding the safe handling and use of this material prior to purchase. Training should include the following:

Review of current MSDS

Review of the OSHA Lab Standard

Review of the Chemical Hygiene Plan

Laboratory safety training (EH&S)

Special training provided by the department/supervisor

Review of the departmental safety manual

Safety meetings and seminars

5.   Use location:Materials shall be used only in the following designated areas in room Bard 350 and/or Thurston 420. Check all that apply:

demarcated area in lab (describe)______

fume hood _____

glove box _____

other (describe) ______

6. Personal protective equipment:All personnel are required to wear the following personal protective equipment whenever handling this material (check all that apply):

Chemical safety goggles _____

Face shield _____

Gloves (type) _________

Respirator (type)______

Rubber apron _____

Lab coat _____

Tyvek clothing _____

Other (describe) ______

7. Waste disposal:The authorized person using this material is responsible for the safe collection, preparation and proper disposal of waste unless otherwise stated below. Waste shall be disposed of as soon as possible and in accordance with all laboratory and University procedures.

Specific instructions:

8. Decontamination:Specific instructions:

9. Exposures:Emergency procedures to be followed (from MSDS):

Skin/eye contact--Symptoms: burning sensation. Material is extremely destructive to tissue of the mucous membranes

First Aid: eye: flush with plenty of water for 15 minutes. Get immediate medical attention. Skin: wash with soap and water. Remove contaminated clothing and shoes.

Ingestion-- Symptoms:

First Aid: get immediate medical attention.

Inhalation--Symptoms: burning sensation, coughing, wheezing, laryngitis, shortness of breath, headache, nausea and vomiting. Inhalation may be fatal as a result of spasm, inflammation and edema of the anemia, kidney disease, swelling of the throat.

First Aid: remove subject to fresh air. Maintain breathing and call a physician.

Med Cond Aggravated By Exp: persons with a history of skin and respiratory disorders may be at increased risk from exposure.

10. Spills: evacuate area. Wear SCBA, rubber boots and heavy rubber gloves. Cover with dry- lime, sand, or soda ash. Place in covered containers using non-sparking tools and transport outdoors. Ventilate spill area. Dry powder may be recovered by vacuum.

Neutralizing Agent: dry-lime, soda ash.

11. Phone numbers:

Cornell Campus Police 911 (accidents, spills)

Environmental Health and Safety 5-8200

Gannett Health Center 5-5155

12. Other:

Cond To Avoid (Stability): do not store near combustibles.

Materials To Avoid: strong reducing agents, finely powdered metals, fuels, organics, aluminum, zinc, lead, copper, and their alloys.

Hazardous Decomp Products: on decomposition releases oxygen, oxides of potassium and manganese.

Unusual Fire And Expl Hazrds: strong oxidizer. Contact with other material may cause fire.

Other Precautions: avoid breathing dust.

Prepared by: ______Date: ______

Reviewed/Revised: ______

A copy of the completed SOP must be filed with the Cornell Chemical Hygiene Officer at EH&S, 125 Humphreys Service Building.