Crowne Plaza Hotel, Alexandria, VA
Executive Committee Minutes
April 16 – April 18, 2016
Deb Garrett, President
Dan Bureau, Member-at-Large for Development
Gavin Henning, Member-at-Large for Outreach
Ann Hower, Secretary
Ralph Johnson, Treasurer
Marybeth Drechsler Sharp, Executive Director
Marjorie Savage, Member-at-Large for Standards Development
Jen Wells, Editor
Noah Henry-Darwish, CAS Intern
Lindsey Templeton, CAS Intern
President Garrett called the meeting to order at 1:12.
President Garret asked the Executive Committee to share update on their lives. President Garrett reviewed the Executive Committee and Board meeting agendas. She described how we will use a consent agenda to move through the reports more quickly. She described the three major presentations to be presented to the board: 1)N. Henry-Darwish and M. Drechsler Sharp will present the results of the Linkage Project, 2) P. Carretta will report on the Cross Functional Standards, and 3) R. Johnson and D. Franklin will report on the FY16 and FY17 budget. R.Keeling will be meeting with a small group of Executive Committee and Directors to discuss future direction of CAS. President Garrett acknowledged that what is decided at this meeting will define the future for CAS.
A.Hower moved that the minutes from 3/17/16 conference call be approved. M. Savage seconded. Motion approved.
President Garrett gave her report. She updated the Executive Committee about her communications with NaBITA. The Executive Committee recommended that President Garrett send specific questions regarding legal and governance connection between NCHERM and NaBITA to clarify that relationship.
M. Drechsler Sharp shared her activities at ACPA and NASPA. She led the Executive Committee in a discussion about the role of CAS in conducting external reviews, accreditation, and partnerships with ACUI or other associations.
The Executive Committee tabled the Treasurer’s report to Sunday, April 16.
M. Savage discussed the standard revisions up for approval at this meeting. M. Savage led a discussion about the development of the SRC and asked how we move standard review work away from the Executive Committee. M. Savage, J. Wells and D. Bureau will create a process for revision committees. G. Henning is heading new FALDO committee. The Executive Committee agreed to discuss the formation of the SRC at our September meeting.
The Executive Committee recessed at 5:17 p.m.
Day Two
Sunday, April 17, 2016
L. Templeton joined the Executive Committee meeting.
President Garrett called the meeting to order at 8:49A.
M. Dreschler Sharp led a discussion on the development of cross-functional standards.
R. Johnson reviewed the financial status of CAS and indicated that we need to either increase revenue or decrease expenses. He described that there are not many places we can cut expenses to close the gap between revenue and expenses and we will enter a deficit state next year. R. Johnson talked about other options such as fund raising can be considered but are not included in this projected budget. The Executive Committee discussed several options for reducing expenses and increasing revenue including raising the price for CAS materials and reducing expenses at CAS board meetings.
Ralph moved to approve increase costs of SAG materials. FY17 proposed budget. Gavin seconded. Motion passed.
R. Keeling joined the meeting.He described the separate process that will take place this afternoon to address the bigger issues facing CAS. CAS needs to make decisions and develop an action plan to move forward. He described the urgency in determining what is needed in the field and the role of CAS to meet that need. We must conduct market research to determine what the field needs. The Executive Committee will meet with R. Keeling’s work group at 4 p.m. on Sunday, April 17.
President Garrett reviewed the agenda again and how it will be revised based on today’s discussions.
G. Henning motioned to adjourn and R. Johnson seconded. The Executive Committee adjourned at 12:03 p.m.
Monday, April 18
President Garrett reconvened meeting of Executive Committee at 5:42 p.m.
We reviewed our discussion with R. Keeling’s workgroup and named his workgroup the Sustainability Group. We agreed we must ask Board of Directors what their associations need from CAS within the larger context of higher education. We identified immediate priorities to be presented to the Board of Directors on Tuesday, April 19:
- Develop an RFP to hire a firm to conduct market research.
- Create Cross Functional Standards and Multifunctional Standards by identifying individuals to write them and compensate them with a stipend from contingency fund.
- Create rubrics by sending M. Drechsler Sharp and J. Wells to Campus Labs. The funds will be taken from contingency fund.
- Determine the format of the November Board meeting. We will make a decision of who attends the November board meeting by July 15, 2016.
- Identify current projects that will be placed into hiatus
- Cancel April 2017 Board of Directors meeting
The Executive Committee discussed the proposed budget in detail and revised it according to recommendations made at Executive Committee and Board of Directors discussions.
G. Henning moved to approve revised budget. M. Savage seconded. Motion passed.
The Executive Committee recessed at 6:10 p.m.
April 19, 2016
President Garrett reconvened the Executive Committee at 10:32 a.m.She led a discussion of immediate next steps including the development of a communications plan and setting a time and date for our next conference call. The Executive Committee scheduled a conference call for May 2, at 1 p.m. EST.
The Executive Committee designed a multi-part communication plan to be implemented within the next 72 hours. We determined that D. Gregory be invited to join the Sustainability Group. We discussed the importance of identifying opportunities for Board involvement in the upcoming months.
M. Drechsler Sharp will review her responsibilities so she can prioritize new initiatives. She will also review implications for canceling April 2017 meeting.
The Executive Committee agreed that the price of the SAGS will increase on May 1, 2016. D. Franklin and S. Gordon will assist with creation of RFP for market research.
We identified agenda items for the May 2 Executive Committee Conference Call and the agenda will include:
- Prioritizing M. Drechsler Sharps responsibilities
- Increasing price of SAGS by May 1
- Charge Marketing Research Group to being RFP process
We identified agenda items for the May 12 Executive Committee Conference Call and the agenda will include:
- Updates on agenda items from May 2 conference call
- Draft November Board meeting agenda which must include elections, change fiscal year, dining standards, five sets of standards for November including Dining
- Implications for canceling April2017 Board Meeting and whether we should shorten November Board meeting
- Prepare to charge 3sets of Cross Functional Standards.
The executive committee recessed at 11:41 a.m.