Spanish 1-2

Mrs. Jennifer Bondurant

Room C3

School Phone 602 467-6551

School e-mail

School Webpage Desert Sky Middle School / Homepage

Teacher website

Available 7:45-8:15 daily for tutoring, computers, or make-up work.

Course Description:

This course is an introduction to the Spanish language and culture. Students learn vocabulary and basic language structures throughconversation and written expression. In Spanish 1-2, students begin to acquire listening, speaking, reading, writing and culture skills. The study of Spanish will help students understand and appreciate their own language and culture as well as the language and cultures of Spanish-speaking people. As an added advantage, studies show that learning a foreign language increases scores on college entrance tests. Speaking Spanish will also help students in the workplace. Students who successfully pass the DVUSD Spanish Exam may enroll in Spanish 3-4. Proficient students may continue with Spanish 5-6, leading to 7-8 AP. Or they may take Rio Salado Community College courses offered as duel enrollment Spanish 101/102, 201/202.

This course is aligned with the Arizona State Standards which include the Common Core State Standards.

Course Goals & Objectives:

Students will ask and answer questions for information or clarification; have conversations with other students and relay information to a third party; listen to passages and respond to comprehension checks; give a show speech; use pronunciation which is less impeded by English interference and more comprehensible to native speakers; read materials from authentic sources; write paragraphs and compositions using present verb tense; identify geographical features in countries where Spanish is spoken and relate geography to historical and cultural development; compare and contrast cultures which are being studied with U.S. culture; note influences of Spanish speaking culture on U.S. culture and language. This class aligns with Arizona State Standards,

Course Materials:

In class students will use the textbook ¡Asi se dice!,available online or checked out from the bookstore. In order to be prepared for a variety of activities, students need to bring completed assignments, folder or binder, paper, pencil, red pen for corrections, flashcards, notes, and necessary handouts.

Classroom/Course Expectations:

1. Be prepared! With ID, assignments, supplies, text, projects.

2. Be polite! No hats, chewing gum, grooming, electronics, no rudeness.

3. Act with integrity!!! Do your own homework, quizzes, and tests.

Assigned work: No late work is accepted for credit. Assignments can be found at my website, Some assignments may require the use of a computer. The media center is open 8:55 a.m. to 3:15 p.m.or student can work in my room after school by appointment.Assignments are quickly assessed daily. Some assignments will be collected and graded by Señora outside of class. An assignment at least half but not totally complete will earn half-credit. An assignment that is less than half-completed will receive 0 points. An assignment that is completed may receive all points possible unless graded for accuracy. All assignments are corrected in red pen and are discussed in class. Assignments that must be rewritten may receive full credit. Written work accounts for 20% of the student’s grade. Students must do their own work in order to learn!!!

Participation:Oral participation is necessary to learn to speak a language. Pesos are frequently used to keep accurate account of individual student participation. When a student correctly responds during class, Señora hands the student apeso—poker chip or bingo marker. At the end of each class, the number of pesos earned by each student is recorded by the teacher. Participation accounts for 20% of the student’s grade. A student with an excused absence is excused from the participation points for that day.

Assessments:All tests are announced/posted several days, if not weeks, in advance. Most quizzes are also announced in advance. Pop quizzes are possible, though! Vocabulary homework must be completed in order to take the vocabulary quizzes. Students who do their own assignments and who participate well in class should have no problem passing all tests and quizzes. Tests and quizzes account for 40% of the student’s grade.District semester assessments may be multiple parts all of which account for 20% of the semester grade.

Electronic Devices: Many students want to have the privilege of carrying electronic devices on campus. With that privilege comes the responsibility of ensuring that those items are not used on campus during class or on a bus. If students are found listening to music or texting in class or otherwise not fully engaged in learning, the device will be confiscated. Misuse of electronic devices may result in disciplinary procedures in addition to the confiscation of the device.

Grading Scale:






Final course grades are computed as 80% points earned for the coursework done throughout the semester and 20% points earned on various semester exam.

Test Retakes:

Students must complete the original written practice assigned along with additional practice which must be completed and turned in a day before the retake. Talk with the teacher for the specificrequirements.Students may retake a test or a quiz during lunch or by appointment before school.

This retake policy does not apply to District or teacher-created semester exams.


Daily attendance is crucial for academic success. It will be difficult for students to have enough exposure to concepts and practice to begin to acquire the Spanish language without regular and consistent attendance. District rules are followed regarding absences; students have one day to make up an assignment for each day missed. It is very important for parents to call in when students are absent.

Make-up Policy:

Students who have an absence which is excused have one day for each day absent to turn in missed work. See the student handbook for more information regarding excused and unexcused absences.Students may come in during lunch or may make an appointment with the teacher to make up a missed test or quiz or to get help with missed assignments.Make-up papers are turned in to the blue tub labeled “Absent, Re-do.” Please have your student contact the teacher prior to the due date if additional time is needed.

An assignment which is considered a long-term project is due on the due date and time as stated when the long-term project was assigned. Long-term projects may be turned in prior to the due date.


______1 2 3 4 5 6 7

PRINT STUDENT LAST NAME, FIRST NAME and circle the class hour.

I have read and understand the information contained in the Planned Course Statement and Class Policies for Spanish 1-2.


Print parent name.Parent signature/date


Print student name. Student signature/date

Parent e-mail ______

Parent mobile phone ______

Parent home phone ______

Parent work phone ______

**********Please circle the preferred means of parent contact.**********

Bonus points will be awarded to a student whose parent/guardian sends Mrs. Bondurant an email by 8-19-16 with the student’s first and last names in the subject line. This is for contact purposes only; I will not read any of these emails.