


Each college runs exactly the same degree and each process applications using the same guidelines issued by The University of Warwick.


Title: / Date of Birth:
Last Name: / Age on 1 Sept 2018:
First Name(s): / Where did you hear about the 2+2 Programme?
Previous Surname (if applicable):
/ Nationality: / Country of Birth:
How long have you lived in the UK?
Telephone: / Email:


Please provide details of all schools, colleges and universities you have attended (from secondary education)
Name of school/college/university: / Dates:


Please provide details of any paid or voluntary work experience, and information regarding any responsibilities you have had at home or in the community.
Type of Work or Area of Responsibility / Dates


Please list any O-levels, GCSEs or other qualifications obtained at school or college. This will help us consider the level of study skills support you may need on a 2+2 course. If you have A-levels, an Access qualification or advanced level vocational qualifications, you should discuss your application with the course leader at the college to see whether you are eligible for 2+2.

Exam Type (eg GCSE, GNVQ, City and Guilds) / Subject / Date / Result/Grade

Please provide a brief description of your hobbies and interests.


The University requires either one academic reference (from a tutor at college or someone else who has taught you in a formal setting) or two character references from people who know you well. You should not ask a member of your family, but an employer, colleague, or other professional person would be suitable.

NB: Please see additional documents: ‘Guidance on writing a reference for an applicant’ and ‘Choosing a suitable referee’.

Please give each of your referees a copy of the reference notes. Ask your referees to put their reference in a sealed envelope, sign over the seal, and give the reference to you. Please return your completed application form along with reference(s) to: Coventry College, Swanswell Centre, 50 Swanswell Street, Coventry, CV1 5DG


Please answer the following questions using approximately 50 words for each section (write clearly in black ink):

Why have you chosen this degree and does it relate to any career aspirations you may have at this time?

How does this course relate to your work experience (including any volunteer work)?

Which topics are of particular interest to you and why?

How will the course relate to your current work or personal commitments?

This course will potentially challenge you. Please explain your motivation to complete it.

Please add any further information that you think may be relevant to your application, including any study support needs you feel you may have, for example IT skills/essay writing:


The University of Warwick and its partner colleges are committed to a policy of equal opportunities and will not discriminate against any applicant or student on the basis of age, gender, nationality, ethnicity or religion. Please help us to make our equal opportunities policy more effective by ticking the boxes below.

Arab ¨ Asian or Asian-British Bangladeshi ¨

Asian or Asian British-Indian ¨ Asian or Asian British-Pakistani ¨

Black or Black British-African ¨ Black or Black British-Caribbean ¨

Chinese ¨ Gypsy or Traveller ¨

Mixed – White and Asian ¨ Mixed – White and Black African ¨

Mixed – White and Black Caribbean ¨ Not known ¨

Other Asian background ¨ Other Black background ¨

Other ethnic background ¨ Other mixed background ¨

White ¨

Gender Male ¨ Female ¨
If you do not wish to disclose this information, please tick here o

Religious Belief

Buddhist ¨

Christian ¨

Hindu ¨

Jewish ¨

Muslim ¨

Sikh ¨

Spiritual ¨

Any other religion or belief ¨

Information Refused ¨

Sexual Orientation

Bisexual ¨

Gay man ¨

Gay woman/lesbian ¨

Heterosexual ¨

Other ¨

Information Refused ¨


The following question is about your parents’ level of education. This includes natural parents, adoptive parents, step-parents or guardians who have brought you up.

Do any of your parents (as defined above) have any higher education qualifications, such as a degree, diploma or certificate of higher education?

Yes ¨ No ¨ Don’t know ¨ Information refused ¨


We welcome applications from candidates with additional needs and consider them on the same academic grounds as those of other applicants. It is helpful to know in advance if you have any special requirements and the Senior Tutor’s Office will be pleased to help assess your needs (024 765 23761).

Are you registered disabled? Yes ¨ No ¨

Do you have a disability/additional needs/medical condition? Yes ¨ No ¨

If yes, please tick the relevant boxes:

¨ Autistic Spectrum Disorder ¨ Mental health difficulty

¨ Blind/partially sighted ¨ Asperger Syndrome

¨ Deaf/hearing impairment ¨ Personal care support required

¨ Multiple disabilities ¨ Wheelchair user/ mobility difficulties

¨ Other disability

¨ A specific learning difficulty, e.g. dyslexia

¨ An unseen disability (e.g. Diabetes, epilepsy, asthma)

¨ Other additional needs (please specify below)


The University asks all its applicants whether they have any criminal convictions. If you have a criminal record, we can still consider you for a place but the University will ask for details of the offence. Depending on the nature of the conviction, the University may give further consideration to your admission before confirming any offer. You are not required to disclose spent convictions.

Do you have any criminal convictions? Yes ¨ No ¨


Please sign and date your application to confirm that the information you have provided is accurate to the best of your knowledge.

Signed ...... Date ...... ………......

Please return to your completed form to Coventry College Coventry, Swanswell Centre, 50 Swanswell Street, Coventry, CV1 5DG

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