10th Grade Honors English Syllabus
Mrs. Johnson – Room E-102
Roswell High School 2011– 2012
**Note: extra copies of syllabi, vocab lists, unit outlines, etc, can be found on my website (above)**
Textbook Information:
Literature Course 5,Glencoe McGraw-Hill, 2009(replacement cost $64)
Prentice Writing and Grammar Handbook: Platinum Level (replacement cost $25)
Supplementary novels (replacement cost $20 each)
Required Materials for this Class:
A 3-ring binderspecifically for this class with dividers to organize your materials
An ample supply of loose-leaf notebook paper– not the kind you rip out of a spiral notebook
A supply of blue and/or black pens
A #2 pencil for scantron evaluations
A different color pen for in-class grading and editing
A highlighter
Post-it notes for annotating texts
Donations Requested:
It would be extremely helpful and greatly appreciated if you are able to donate any of these items to our classroom:
Facial tissue (Kleenex, etc)
Hand sanitizer
Paper towels
Expo dry erase markers
Post-it notes
Markers, colored pencils, construction paper
Daily Coursework: Classwork/ Discussion/ Small Projects25%
Writing 25%
Assessments (Tests and Major Projects)25%
Grammar and Vocabulary Quizzes10%
Final Exam 15%
Class Expectations and Guidelines:
The following are my expectations of your behavior and actions in my class. Meeting these expectations will help you learn and do well. Failing to meet any of these expectations will negatively affect your participation grade and may result in a detention.
Detention Policy:Detentions are to be served at 8am in my classroom.If you are not present within two minutes of the detention start timeby my clock in the classroom, then you will not be counted present for the detention. You may request an alternate afternoon detention time, but availability is not guaranteed.All detentions must be served within three school days after they are assigned, or they will be written up to the administration. You may NOT serve my detention during your lunch. Detention is not a study hall. If you ever need extra help, you are always welcome to see me before or after school. During detention, you will perform duties such as cleaning the classroom, including cleaning whiteboards and chalkboards, sweeping, and cleaning gum off of desks. If this does not sound appealing, then do not earn detention.
Extra Help:If you ever have questions or need extra help, come see me. I am happy to schedule an appointment with you. You may drop by before or after school without an appointment, but availability is not guaranteed.
#1 Rule is Respect:The number one rule in my classroom is: RESPECT. You are expected at all times to show respect for every person in my classroom, including yourself, as well as for the classroom itself and all materials in it. This includes listening, being alert and engaged, and focusing on Language Arts. You will be penalized if you are talking when you should be listening, are being disrespectful or rude in any way, are in any way giving the impression of trying to sleep, are putting your head on your desk, are generally showing through your body language and demeanor that you are tuned out, are doing any non-English related work, or are in any way being less than the stellar students I know you can be. RESPECT is the most important element of our classroom atmosphere.
The second concern, after respect, is the value of class time. Generally, be respectful, and don’t do anything that wastes our precious class time.
Tardy Policy:I expect you to be ON TIME every single day. To be on time, when the bell rings you must be in your seat with materials out, already working on the opening assignment. As soon as you walk through the door of E-102, you should immediately read the board, pick up any handouts, and be ready to begin class. You should have your DGP (Daily Grammar Practice) grammar homework on your desk, review it, and be ready to discuss. If you are not in your seat working by the time the bell rings, you are tardy – no discussion and no exceptions. If you are tardy to 1st period, you must report to the front office for a pass. If you are tardy to any other period, you must sign the tardy book in the classroom. The tardy policy is:
1st Offense: Verbal Warning
2ndand 3rdOffenses:Teacher Detention (double detention depending on your attitude and disruption level)
4thOffense and beyond: Office Referral
Be prepared for class:Students are expected to be PREPARED for my class. You are expected to have all materials listed on this syllabus with you every day. If you do not have a pen, paper, the book we are currently studying, or any other specified materials, you will lose points on your daily grade, and you may earn a detention.Every day, you need to bring any texts we are currently studying to class. I appreciate the fact that your Literature book is heavy, and most of the year we will be using supplemental texts. If we are studying a text out of your Literature book, you must have it with you. If not, you are responsible for bringing whatever texts we are studying with you to class every day. Do not ask me if you can return to your locker or anywhere else to retrieve materials – you are responsible for remembering them and bringing them with you, on time, every day.
Books:Some of the texts we read are in short supply at RHS and/or the copies may be in fragile condition. When we study a novel in class, you are always welcome to purchase your own copy from a bookstore if you would like to be able to write in it, as annotation(writing notes in and marking up a text) is an excellent tool for analysis and understanding. If you would like to donate an extra copy for someone who cannot afford to buy one, so that others may be able to annotate and have a personal text, that generosity is always greatly appreciated. You are not required to purchase copies of the texts we study, and I will always find a way to provide a text for you to use while we are studying it. See me if you have any questions or problems with obtaining any materials or resources for this course. The library is also an excellent source to borrow outside reading materials for deeper study.
Extraneous Materials:All purses, backpacks, bags, lunchboxes, and non-Language Arts materials of any kind must be UNDER YOUR DESKand out of the aisles at all times. English class is not the time for brushing your hair, applying make-up, doing anything on your calculator, etc – any of these non-English class activities will result in losing points from your daily grade and/or will earn you detention.
Not allowed:You ARE allowed to have a water bottle with you if you are careful not to spill it. Plain, clear water only. NO food or drink is allowed in my classroomother than plain, clear water – not even before or after class. It is a school policy that no food or drink is allowed in the halls or classrooms.
Cell phones, ipods, etc. are not allowed during the schoolday, from 8:00-3:40. This policy is a school rule, and if I see one, I have to confiscate it. If we have an exception to this rule and can use them in class, I will let you know. Anything that detracts from a positive environment conducive to learning in this class is not allowed, e.g. there is no reason to have a calculator out in English class. Any actions, including playing on a calculator, that could negatively affect the learning environment, will result in losing points from your daily grade and/or will earn you detention.
HallPass policy:I expect you to be in class and ready to learn. If you urgently need to leave the classroom, let me know without distracting the class; sign the book by the door with your name, the date and time, and your destination; and go quietly. If you disrupt class to ask if you can leave, the answer will be no. If you seem to abuse this policy by asking too frequently to leave (more than two or three times in a semester), you will not be allowed to leave anymore.
Questions in class:If you have a question specific to your situation (a question that applies to just you, not to the class as a whole) or a question about a grade, come and see me on your time – not during class time. Arguing about a tardy, a detention, or a grade will only harm your daily grade and possibly earn you a detention, a second detention, or a write-up. If you need to discuss a situation with me or feel there is an error, see me outside of class time. I am here early every morning and am happy to set up an appointment to talk with you. Respect that class time is limited and will focus on information relevant to and beneficial for the entire class.
Make-up Work Late Work:
Write down the names and telephone numbers of two classmates (whom you do not already know):
Name ______Phone Number ______
Name ______Phone Number ______
What did I miss yesterday?: If you are absent, you should contact one of your classmates for assignments and notes you missed and return to class prepared. Whenever I hand out anything, I will put extra copies in the file crate on the student table. If you are absent, you should check this file crate immediately upon your return. I will put new handouts at the front of the crate. Look through, and take a copy of anything you missed. If you lose a handout, go to this crate and look for an extra. If there are not any more extras left, then you are out of luck – try asking a classmate. Do not ask me for any other extra copies. I clean this crate out as it gets full, and also generally at the end of each unit. Some important documents will also be posted on my website: - so make sure you check there as well. It is YOUR responsibility to check the crate for any materials you missed as soon as you return to school and to turn in your make-up work to me, writing “make-up” on the top. Check with several classmates to make sure you are clear on everything that was turned in, assigned, or done while you were gone. If you miss a quiz or a test, see me outside of class time to schedule a time to make it up before school. I will not remind you about work (including a test or a quiz) that needs to be made up.It is your responsibility to find out what you missed, make it up, and turn it in to me.
Make up work:School policy dictates that a student has as many days to complete work as he/she missed.I will generally allow you up to one week from the time you are absent to make up any quizzes or tests, and to make up and turn in any classwork and homework that was given while you were out. After one week, anything not turned in or made up will become a permanent zero.If work is already assigned and you are out on the day it is due, it is your responsibility to turn it in to me on the day you return. It is your responsibility to talk to me before/ after class to schedule a time to make up quizzes/tests.Schedule an appointment with me, be here at the time we arrange, and wait for me if I have stepped out of the room.
Late Essays and Major Projects:This make-up policy does not apply to out-of-class compositions and major projects because they will be assigned well in advance of due dates.If you are absent on the day a composition/ major project is due, it is due the day you return.Late compositions/ major projects are penalized ten points per day for three days; after three days, they will receive a zero. Do not bring a disk to school to print out your paper and expect that this counts as turning your paper in on time. I do not accept work on disks, cds, flash drives, etc. I do not accept emailed work. Your physical paper must be in my hands at the beginning of the class period it is due. You can email your paper to yourself and print it out in the library before school starts or during lunch if you are not able to print elsewhere. Internet, computer, and printer problems are NOT valid excuses for not having your work. Papers are assigned well in advance, and you should complete your work with sufficient time to compensate for computer emergencies or any other problems. All papers are due at the beginning of class on the due date - period.If turnitin.com is required, your paper must also be submitted electronically by the due date. Submitting your paper on turnitin.com does not replace turning in a hard copy in class.
Turnitin.com:We will be using a website called turnitin.com this year. When you have a formal writing assignment due, you will be required to submit both a printed hard copy AND an electronic copy to the website turnitin.com, which will verify papers to ensure they are not plagiarized. Review the policy to make sure you know what constitutes plagiarism. We will also discuss plagiarism in class, and you can see me before school if you have any further questions. If EITHER your hard copy OR your electronic submission is late, then your work is considered late, and you will lose points according to the guidelines for late work. Once you submit work online, print the receipt for your submission and keep it to prove you’ve turned in that assignment. See the end of this syllabus for instructions on creating your turnitin.com account. Create your account as soon as possible.
No late or incomplete homework/ classwork:Homework is due at the beginning of the period, and incomplete and/or late homework/ classwork will not be accepted. If your work is not turned in immediately after I ask for it, or is not on your desk as I walk by if I am checking it in class, then it is a zero – no exceptions.This means that if you find it two minutes after the rest of the class has turned it in, it is still a zero.Have your work ready, complete, and on-time.Homework and classwork shows your investment in your learning. I will not frequently collect these smaller assignments, but doing them will prepare you for discussions and assessments. I will occasionally collect or check these smaller assignments, and zeroes will hurt your grade.
Format Guidelines: I expect all assignments to be written in blue or black ink except assignments that are completed on scantrons (require a #2 pencil) and except for assignments that I tell you are creative. Unless I give permission for other colors, if you write in anything other than blue or black ink, you will lose 10 points on the assignment. Also, do not ever turn in paper that is ripped out of a notebook and has fringes on the side. If I see it, I will not accept it. If it makes it to my grading inbox, you will lose 10 points on the assignment for paper with fringes.
Note on margins, font size, and font selection: Do not attempt to circumvent page/ word requirements on typed assignments by creatively manipulating font, font size, and margin size. I know these tricks and am not impressed. For required MLA format, see the OWL website:
The OWL (Online Writing Lab) is an excellent resource for any formatting, grammar, and writing questions. This is the source I use to verify correct MLA format for papers.
Note on essay grades/ comments: In grading your essays, I will frequently use the following abbreviations:
RO = run-on sentence. Two independent clauses not properly connected. Remember, you must connect with a comma AND coordinating conjunction to connect them. Alternately, you can use a semicolon to connect them.
CS = comma splice. Two independent clauses with a comma between them. Remember, you must connect with a comma AND coordinating conjunction to connect them. Alternately, you can use a semicolon to connect them.
WC = word choice. The word you have used is awkward, incorrect, or informal.
sp = spelling error
p = punctuation error
inf = informal. Make sure your language is formal and appropriate.
agr = agreement error (subject/ verb agreement, pronoun/ antecedent agreement)
+ or √ = something good, or checking off sources used or points made
-- (minus) or underline = something off or incorrect that could be revised to be better
* Another frequent comment at the very beginning of essays is “better engage your reader,” or “capture reader’s attention.” These may be abbreviated to “BER” or “engage,” or “CRA” or “capture.” You want to grab your reader’s attention from the very first line. You may use imagery/ set the scene with lots of sensory details and good diction, or you may use a famous quote at the beginning, or you may ask a rhetorical question. As part of your revision process, go back and reread the first lines of your paper – would they capture your interest and attention?
* Another frequent comment is “go deeper,” or “need more depth,” or “expand.” If you see this comment on your paper, then you have started off well, with a good point, but you need to flesh it out and go into more depth with your analysis – say more.