Independent Study/ Science Project
Information for Completion of Project
Project Due Date: Jan. 20, 2005
As you complete your independent study project, keep in mind that you will need to document and share your finings in four different ways. The project logbook contains all of your original work and includes all aspects of your research. The project notebook contains the formal report of your work and your official forms. The display is a visual presentation of your work. The project interview is the final way that you will be asked to share your research with others. Be prepared to share your findings with your class and answer a few questions.
All student projects will be on display before and after the PTSA meeting on Jan. 20th -more details about times and location later. Some projects will be selected to enter in the Mabry Science Fair for judging to decide who will go on to the district level competition.
Project logbook- Show me your logbook for a homework grade when you finish collecting and analyzing data. Consider the following:
ð Notebook is bound and organized into sections with tabs (10)
ð Logbook is written in ink (5)
ð Background information with bibliographic information is included (This may be your rough draft of your introduction.) (20)
ð All aspects of your research plan are written in your logbook (problem, purpose, hypothesis, detailed procedures, safety considerations, materials, etc.). (20)
ð Data (measurements for all trials) and observations are included. Remember to include some photos, write neatly, date each entry, organize your data in tables, and do not forget to write the units for your measurements. (20)
ð Graphs and discussion of results (with words, sentences, and paragraphs) are included for analysis of results section. Use a ruler and label all aspects of your graph(s). You may also include copies of your computer generated graphs. (15)
ð The conclusion section should tell how your data relates to your question, purpose, and hypothesis. Explain how your data support or reject your hypothesis. Also include a discussion of problems that you encountered in your research and possible continued study suggestions. (10)
Project notebook / Final report- The notebook includes a typed report of your research and all the necessary forms. The project notebook and display together will count as a test/project grade. You do not have to place your final report in a notebook. You may use one staple in the top left corner of the final report and simply place your forms with your report in front of your display with your logbook. Remember 12 point font- no larger in the body of the paper. Headings may be size 14.
Contents of the report:
Ø Title Page – include the project title, name, school, and grade
Ø Table of Contents – number each section and list here
Ø Introduction – background information, purpose of study, problem or question, hypothesis (already done- make corrections and print a fresh copy with no markings)
Ø Research Plan – includes materials and a list of detailed procedures (already done also- make corrections and print a fresh copy)
Ø Results- present in tables and graphs and explained in words. Do not tell the outcome of each trial. Discuss results by telling the averages of the trials of each level of the independent variable. Include problems or errors that may have happened. Do not simply have a data table and graph here. You must tell the results in words. Remember to label all parts.
Ø Conclusions – Summarize results with words and tell whether or not data supports your hypothesis. Do not say that the hypothesis was true or false.
Ø Photographs, drawings, plans- include equipment, procedures, apparatus, location, etc. Label each of these too!
Ø Acknowledgements/Credits – thank those that helped
Ø Bibliography – use the form presented in the Mabry Research Guide (this should already be done too)
Display- Use a purchased tri-fold presentation board to present the whole story of your project. The official size limits are 30 inches (76cm) deep, 48 inches (122 cm) wide, and 108 inches (274cm) tall (from the floor to the top of the project). You should make an effort to make your display neat and attractive. It should be like an advertisement for your research. Your logbook and project notebook should be placed in front of your display.
Your display should include headings that are similar to the following: Problem, Hypothesis, Procedure, Data and Observations, Results, and Conclusion. Others like background information, and questions for further study might be included. Center the title in the top of the middle section and arrange the rest of the headings so that they tell the story of your project from top to bottom, left to right. Begin with the problem on the top of the left panel. All of these components should be in your report. Simply edit them for your display and print in a much larger font. Some items may need to be presented in bulleted form to avoid long passages of written text. Here are a few tips for preparing the display:
· Lay the board on a flat surface and arrange the materials a few different ways to help you decide what looks best. Do not attach until you have arranged everything.
· Use rubber cement or double sided tape, not liquid, white glue- it wrinkles the paper. Glue sticks may work fine also. Glitter glue should not be used. Never attach work with tape that can be seen on the board---even invisible tape can be seen
· Use colored border behind information. Use one or two contrasting colors that look good together. Limit the number of different colors used. Some sources say to avoid excessive use of fluorescent colors- they are distracting. Try to make your presentation professional looking.
· Cut straight, glue on straight- use a ruler to make a faint guide line in pencil that can be erased after you have attached the items.
· Never write directly on the board. Use a computer to make your headings and type the information. Do not hand print items used on the backboard.
· Check and double check spelling
· Make the project title stand out by using larger letters that can be read across the room. The title can be scientific or eye catching; you decide what is best for your project. I can use our letter cutter for your title if you give me enough time .I even have construction paper for you to use.
· Illustrations and photos make your project interesting. Your display should have a credit line posted to tell the origins of the photos. One credit line is sufficient for all photos if they were all taken by you.