Newham BID Committee Meeting Minutes
Venue: MJ Medical
Tuesday 7th October 2014, 12.30pm
Attendees: Melinda Rickett (MR), Peter Beaumont (PB), Simon Hendras (SH), Nathaniel Hobbs (NH), Alison Elvey (AE), Alan Treloar (AS), Russell Dodge (RD).
Apologies: Charles Whitehead (CW) Mark Killingback (MK), Tim Brookes (TB), Karen & Cameron MacQuarrie, Michael Galligan (MG), Terry Spargo (TS), Zoe Wilkinson (ZW), Lucy Mancer, Nick Skerratt, Cllr Rob Nolan, Max Lowe, and Bill Osborne (BO).
1) Attendance, apologies & introductions.
Apologies were noted (listed above).
2) Minutes of last meeting, matters arising and outstanding actions
The minutes of the last meeting were approved as a true record although it was noted that the opening rate for the Newham BID newsletter of 37% was a good opening rate well above the average so should be regarded as psoitive. Actions arising would be covered in the agenda.
Actions not covered during the meeting
Totally Truro Operating Agreement amendment to encompass the Newham- still in progress due to negotiation with the Council over the services required. A draft is with Cornwall Councils legal department.
The Newham BID bank account. One signature is still required. This will be dealt with as a priority although all payments and sign offs are currently working ok.
AE to put together a survey for businesses to be discussed at the next BID Committee. This will be part of the economic survey which will be carried out to both benchmark the BID’s work and provide data to assist with the lobbying for the road improvement.
3) Income and expenditure update
Income and expenditure updates were circulated by the BID Manager. A total of £100,000 has been invoiced by the Council with £23,827.83 outstanding (plus a small amount of interest). She highlighted that the BID had spent or committed £20,000 in year 1 and so funds will be rolled over into year 2 to accommodate projects which will start in Year 2.
The committee agreed that, as many projects had taken longer to get off the ground than originally thought, a reallocation of funds into Year 2 was understandable. The BID Manager highlighted that, due to the tendering process, many of the BID projects could cost less than originally thought. It was agreed that if the committed projects wouldn’t absorb the total budget, it would create opportunities for future projects e.g. landscaping projects, business cost saving projects, and further marketing projects.
The BID should also be looking for further funding, and it was suggested that it may be a good idea to approach the Harbour as they may have some funds available for Newham projects. Projects such as historical signage / information boards about the port or directing traffic to the port could possibly be supported by the harbour.
It was confirmed that two businesses in Newham had had Bailiffs visit them chasing the BID Levy. Both businesses had complained about the way Cornwall Council were collecting the Levy. It was discussed that Cornwall Council were very aggressive in their collection techniques due to the fact that Cornwall has the worst rate of non-business rates payers across the county.
The Committee agreed that the BID Manager should not get involved with the collection of the Levy and it was up to businesses to liaise directly with Cornwall Council if they were having problems paying. They stated that it was unlikely the payment of the BID Levy would cause the downfall of a businesses, the business had to be in trouble prior to this. It was agreed that Cornwall Council was the best vehicle to collect the BID Levy.
AE to investigate how BIDs can spend any excess funds.
AE to set up a meeting with Loic Rich (Chair of Truro Harbour commissioners), MK, SH and Cllr RN to identify Newham BID projects which could draw in funding.
MR to talk to Simon Lowry from CC, Loic Rich and the Higher Newham Farm & Village in order to progress the bridge idea (which is outside the scope of the BID).
4) Project updates
AE ran through the project updates
Signage: After discussion at the Signage Sub Group on the 17th June it was agreed that a tender for the Branding project would be let first and the Highways signs required along Newham Road would be commissioned to get some signage up asap. External funding will be investigated for the total signage project once the final designs have been identified and costed.
A tendering process for the Branding project resulted in 15 tenders. Due to the overall high quality of all the submissions, and the need for value for money, the tenders were scored and those over £5,000 were discounted. Three companies were invited to pitch and the successful tender from Changing Brands. An inception meeting with John Lowdon was held on the 5th August and the project is expected to be completed by mid-October 2014.
The chosen brand has been circulated on survey monkey with a positive response with all 27 responders agreeing with the proposed logo. Artwork for the logo was circulated to the meeting and everyone was pleased with the work so far. The only comment was that the text colour of “& The Port of Truro” looked very faint.
Work on the strapline is nearly complete and will be circulated by another Survey Monkey this month. Once the branding is in place the tender for the full signage delivery will be let.
Action: AE will ask businesses if they’d like their name / logo at the entrance to Newham once the new signage contract has been let. AE to feedback comments on the Brand to John Lowdon.
Parking Restrictions
The press release for the yellow lines received good coverage and comment. The BID Manager has received positive feedback from businesses, except a business on Heron Way who would have liked the lines painted all along Heron Way as they sometimes cannot access their business entrance, especially with large deliveries, due to parking. However CC are undertaking a new yellow line consultation across Truro and would be willing to include the yellow lines along Heron Way. AE has written to 37 businesses and has had support for this from five businesses, with only one against. SH asked who wanted the yellow lines and AE said primarily the businesses affected by the parking.
A lot of the cars which were parking on Lighterage Hill moved to Gas Hill with a small minority of cars parking in their car parks. However GE Capital, concerned by Health and Safety issues as emergency services vehicle could not access their buildings, have implemented double yellow lines up Gas Hill, and are looking to the committee for support in reminding the businesses of the area to please re-enforce with their staff that Gas Hill and Kernow House Car Parks are private property, and parking measures will be introduced to remove the availability of this as an area of parking for non GE staff.
Car parking
Mark Watkins has received interest in his potential area for parking, however many businesses have reported that the cost of this parking is prohibitive, so it’s uncertain if this option will materialise. Anyone interested in this parking opportunity should contact Steve Cudmore on: 07538016398. AE continues to seek other options for parking across Newham.
Speed monitoring
No further action has been taken on this.
Action: AE to add speed reports to Newham website.
Road improvement (Gas Hill to Lighterage Hill)
Cornwall Council (CC) have issued an interim feasibility study. After regularly chasing the report, at first it appeared disappointing, as it contains very little new information, has taken over 10 months to complete and rules out any other options except the £2 million cantilever scheme which is probably cost prohibitive. However on a closer examination it appears that CC have been following the brief of the NIP, which was focused on enabling pedestrians along the road, rather than the BID’s focus which is to make the road fit for purpose and accommodate pedestrians where possible.
They reviewed the option of the cantilevered walkway which was the preferred option at an estimated £2m and discounted an option of taking the path up to the cycle path and upgrading that. In addition the main engineer working on the project did not appear to think that the road improvement would make much of a difference and would not guarantee that two lorries could easily pass.
NH & AE met, on the 9th September, with the relevant officers at CC (commissioning body) & Cormac (deliverers) the two options were discussed and it was revealed both of the options would have a similar price as most of the cost was associated with the piling and the barge situated in the river required to undertake the work.
The CC officer, Vicky Fraser, was very positive about taking the project forward. The meeting concluded that further work would be completed on the study to produce a costed road improvement proposal and Newham BID would be consulted on the project brief going forward to ensure it meets the BIDs requirements.
In addition AE and Vicky Fraser met with Cllr Bert Biscoe to provide an update on progress and the next steps which he supported.
In order for the project to be feasible, the cost benefit has to stack up. The BID needs to work with the Port of Truro to understand their strategy, any business they are losing due to access, any interest in the use of the port & land and build a case for the road.
Committee members discussed the possibility of Section 106 monies from the Higher Newham Farm & Village development for the road, or any other Newham projects. The BID Manager confirmed she had spoken to the developers about section 106 but that they couldn’t tell the council where to direct the monies.
AE to meet with the Port of Truro to find out any development plans for the port which could assist the road development.
AE to ensure an economic survey is undertaken this next quarter.
AE to write to the Harbour for a formal letter of support for the road.
Newham BID Committee to write to Loic Rich to see if the road is stifling the port.
AE to email businesses asking for information about any accidents along the road between Lighterage Hill & Gas Hill.
AE contact Neil Scott to find out who he had been talking to at CC regarding Section 106 monies for Truro BID.
Road Maintenance
Resurfacing work was completed on Newham Road and Heron Way in September. A section of Newham road was not resurfaced by CC as the road is still in good condition. This has upset some of the businesses in the immediate area as CC did not inform the BID manager and so she communicated that it would be for the whole of Newham Road.
There are still drainage works to be undertaken on Newham Road between HSBC and Tescos to alleviate the puddles that form there.
Higher Newham Lane
The BID Manager reported that some of the worst potholes had been temporarily patched up. The BID Manager has discovered that two landowners are involved in the area roads for Higher Newham Road who she is in touch with.
The BID Manager has undertaken the following to resolve the issue of road repairs on Higher Newham Lane, however little progress has been made:
· Circulated a letter from the Newham BID Chairman to Higher Newham Lane businesses;
· Contacted the owners of the area at the top of Higher Newham Lane where cars are parked for a list of businesses using the road to ask for a contribution (I am still waiting / chasing for a response)
· Contacted the land owners of the road;
· Approached the developers of the Higher Newham farm for a contribution (I am waiting to hear);
· Gained a new quote in order to split the project between the two different landowners as it’s likely the repairs could happen as separate projects;
· Approached Cornwall Council to see if the road could be resurfaced at the same time as Newham Road (they referred me back to Cormac).
Without the businesses in the area prepared to contribute to the repair this project cannot be progressed further.
Sustainable transport
Nothing further has happened on this project as there are other more pressing projects.
Williams Travel contacted businesses across Newham with the aim of setting up a Newham bus service. However due to a limited response they will not be pursuing this. AE will delay contacting First to discuss a regular bus service until a demand for a bus service is identified.
Maintenance & cleanliness
The maintenance and cleanliness 12 month contract has been let to Kernow Tree Surgery who started work on site on 12th August 2014. BID businesses have been notified and some will be engaging with the company direct to provide their maintenance of their areas. There is already a noticeable improvement of the look of the area. The owner of the land opposite the port has not been identified so work will continue in this area if the contractor has time to do so over the winter period.
Action: AE to circulate before and after pictures to Committee members and post some on the website. AE to start to put together a Crime Reduction Project (excluding the CCTV element which is underway) and landscaping project with a public realm landscape designer.
CCTV Technology & Crime
The CCTV tender was advertised on Tenders in Cornwall and the Newham BID Website with a deadline date of Thursday 18th September 2014. There were four tender submissions, two have been asked to attend a meeting on the 20th October with the idea of choosing one to start delivery in November.