
28 April 2010



Dhaka, 02-03May 2010


(Agenda item no. C.3)

Assessment of the World Jute Situation and Related Matters


1.This document is mostly based on the Statistical Bulletin on Jute, Kenaf, Sisal, Abaca, Coir and Allied Fibres (June 2008 & 2009) of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).Since the data of world production, area, yield, trade of jute for the jute year 2008/2009 were not presentedin the last issue of the FAO Statistics (June 2009), the IJSG Secretariat wrote to FAO to obtain the said data.In reply FAO informed that the data will be available in the forthcoming issue (June 2010). Therefore, the world jute scenario for 2006/2007 and 2007/2008 has been described briefly.

2.It may be mentioned here that the IJSG Secretariat sent requests to all major jute producing countries for the month-wise data on jute and jute products and received data from onlyBangladesh, India,Indonesiaand Nepal.The Secretariat is continuing itsefforts to collect information from other producers of jute and allied fibres to make the document more informativein the coming issues of world jute situation.


3.World production of jute, kenaf and allied fibres was 2,995 thousand tonnesin 2007/2008 which is about 1.8% less than that of the previous year 2006/2007(3,051 thousand tonnes).

4.The production of jute, kenaf and allied fibres in Bangladeshincreased in 2007/2008. Bangladesh produced 1,186thousand tonnes in 2006/2007which increased to 1,237 thousand tonnes in 2007/2008, while India produced 1,800 thousand tonnes in 2006/2007 which decreasedto 1,782 thousand tonnes in 2007/2008.

5.ExceptMyanmar, the other producers, however,show a steady trend in their production. China produced 86.80 thousand tonnes, Nepal 17.10 thousand tonnes, Thailand36.00 thousand tonnes and Vietnam 10.50 thousand tonnes in 2006/2007 and production in 2007/2008 shows anunchanging trend. Myanmar produced 43.60 thousand tonnes in 2006/2007 which somewhat decreased to 40.00 thousand tonnes in 2007/2008.(Table1 and Chart 1 & 2)

Table 1: World Production of Jute, Kenaf & Allied Fibres

(2006/2007 - 2007/2008)

(in thousand tonnes)

2006/2007 / 2007/2008
World / 3051.31
(provisional) / 2994.52
Bangladesh / *1186.00 / *1237.00
China / 86.80 / 86.80
India / **1800.00 / **1782.00
Myanmar / 43.60 / 40.00
Nepal / 17.10 / 17.10
Thailand / 36.00 / 36.00
Vietnam / 10.50 / 10.50

Source: FAO Statistics on Jute, Kenaf and Allied Fibres, June 2008 and *Ministry of Textiles & Jute, GoB & **Jute Commissioner’s Office, India

Chart 1: World Production of Jute, Kenaf & Chart 2: World Production of Jute, Kenaf &

Allied Fibres in 2006/2007 Allied Fibres in 2007/2008

Source: FAO Statistics on Jute, Kenaf and Allied Fibres, June 2008 and *Ministry of Textiles & Jute, GoB **Jute Commissioner’s Office, India

6.Total land area under jute cultivation in the six major producing countries (Bangladesh,China,India,Myanmar, Nepal and Thailand)increased by 1.25% to 1,584.4 thousand hectares in 2007/2008 from 1,564.8 thousand hectares in 2006/2007. The total land area for jute in China shows 3.2% increase from 31.0 thousand hectares in 2006/2007 to 32.0 thousand hectares in 2007/2008.In India, the land area for jute was 970.0 thousand hectares in 2007/2008, showing an increase of2.1% from the previous year of 950.0 thousand hectares. In Myanmar the area under jute cultivation was 50.0 thousand hectares in 2007/2008 which shows a decrease of2.7% from the previous year of 51.4 thousand hectares. The total land areas of jute cultivation in Bangladesh,Nepal and Thailandremained same as previous year. In Bangladesh, Nepal and Thailand, the areas under cultivation were500.0thousand hectares,12.0 thousand hectaresand 20.4 thousand hectares respectively in 2007/2008(Table2).

Table 2: Area of Jute, Kenaf and Allied Fibres in Major Producing Countries

Year / Area (Thousand ha) / Total
(Thousand ha)
Bangladesh / China / India / Myanmar / Nepal / Thailand
2006/2007 / 500.0 / 31.0 / 950.0 / 51.4 / 12.0 / 20.4 / 1,564.8
2007/2008 / 500.0 / 32.0 / 970.0 / 50.0 / 12.0 / 20.4 / 1,584.4

Source: FAO Statistics on Jute, Kenaf and Allied Fibres, June 2008

7.The yield of jute registered adecrease in China, India and Myanmarduring 2007/2008 compared to 2006/2007. In case of Bangladesh, Nepal and Thailandthe yield of jute remained constant (Table3).

Table 3: Yield of Jute, Kenaf and Allied Fibres in Major Producing Countries

Year / Yield ( tonne/ha)
Bangladesh / China / India / Myanmar / Nepal / Thailand
2006/2007 / 1.98 / 2.80 / 1.89 / 0.85 / 1.43 / 1.76
2007/2008 / 1.98 / 2.71 / 1.80 / 0.80 / 1.43 / 1.76

Source: FAO Statistics on Jute, Kenaf and Allied Fibres, June 2008

8. Anincreasingtrend is observed in the world export ofraw jute, kenaf and allied fibres in 2007/2008compared to the year 2006/2007. The world export of raw jute, kenaf and allied fibres was 533.8 thousand tonnes in2007/2008 which shows a noticeable increase of 14% from the previous year of 468.1 thousand tonnes.Bangladesh exported 439.7 thousand tonnes of raw jute, kenaf and allied fibres in 2006/2007 which increased to 517.0 thousand tonnes in 2007/2008. Among other countries Myanmar exported 9.0thousand tonnes in 2006/2007 whichslightlyincreased to 10.0 thousand tonnes in 2007/2008(Table4 and Chart 3 & 4).

Table 4: World Exports of Raw Jute, Kenaf and Allied Fibres

(in thousand tonnes)

Country / 2006/2007 / 2007/2008
World / 468.1 / 533.8
Bangladesh / *439.7 / *517.0
Myanmar / 9.0 / 10.0
Thailand / 1.0 / 1.0
Others / 18.8 / 5.8

Source: FAO Statistics on Jute, Kenaf and Allied Fibres, June 2008 and *Ministry of Textiles & Jute, GoB

Chart 3: World Exports of Raw Jute in 2007/2008 and 2006/2007

Source: FAO Statistics on Jute, Kenaf and Allied Fibres, June 2008

9. World export of products of jute, kenaf and allied fibres registered adecrease in the calendar year 2007. The export was 766.3 thousand tonnes in 2006 and 754.0thousand tonnes in 2007 showing a fall of 1.6%. In major producing countries, Bangladesh, India and EC had a slight decrease of export of jute products in 2007 compared to the year 2006. China had a trivial increase in export of jute products during the year 2007. In 2007 the world export of products of jute, kenaf and allied fibresin Nepal and Thailand remained the sameas the previous year (Table5 and Chart 5 & 6).

Table 5: World Exports of Products of Jute, Kenaf and Allied Fibres

(in thousand tonnes)

2006 / 2007
World / 766.3 / 754.0
Bangladesh / 478.9 / 477.0
China / 18.5 / 20.0
India / 189.5 / 175.6
Nepal / 13.0 / 13.0
Thailand / 7.0 / 7.0
EC (27) / 42.2 / 41.4
Others / 17.2 / 20.0

Source: FAO Statistics on Jute, Kenaf and Allied Fibres, June 2008

Chart 5: World Exports of Jute Products in 2006 and 2007

Source: FAO Statistics on Jute, Kenaf and Allied Fibres, June 2008

10.World import of raw jute, kenaf and allied fibresincreased during the calendar year 2007 compared to the previous year 2006. The import volume was 500.6 thousand tonnes in 2007 and 348.5 thousand tonnes in 2006 representing a noticeableincrease of 43.6% from the previous year. India shows a remarkableincrease to 162.7 thousand tonnes in 2007 from 60.3 thousand tonnes in 2006 which shows a strikingincrease of 170%. In China the import of raw jute, kenaf and allied fibresalso increasedmarkedlyfrom 88.6 thousand tonnes in 2006 to 125.7 thousand tonnes in 2007. Besides, apart fromPakistan, the import of raw jute, kenaf and allied fibres inother countries have increased(Table6 and Chart 7 & 8).

Table 6: World Imports of Raw Jute, Kenaf and Allied Fibres

(in thousand tonnes)

2006 / 2007
World / 348.5 / 500.6
India / 60.3 / 162.7
Pakistan / 115.8 / 110.1
China / 88.6 / 125.7
Thailand / 18.4 / 23.3
EC (27) / 13.0 / 20.7
Cote d`Ivorie / 12.0 / 12.0
Others / 40.4 / 46.1

Source: FAO Statistics on Jute, Kenaf and Allied Fibres, June 2008

Chart 7: World Imports of Raw Jute in 2006 and 2007

Source: FAO Statistics on Jute, Kenaf and Allied Fibres, June 2008

11.The following part of this document is a comparative assessment of the two major jute producing countries viz. Bangladesh and Indiafor the jute years 2007/2008 and 2008/2009. It will present the scenario of production andexport of raw jute and jute products,export prices of jute products, prices of jute at grower level of these two countries. Data received from the Embassy of the Republic ofIndonesiain Dhaka and Trade and Export Promotion Centre, Nepalis also furnished.


Production of Raw Jute

12. The total production of raw jute for the jute year 2008/2009 in Bangladeshand India was 915 and 1472 thousand tonnes respectively which showed a decrease of 26% in comparison to the previous year 2007/2008 for Bangladesh. In case of Indiathere is also a decreaseof 17.4% in production in 2008/2009 compared to the previous year 2007/2008. The figures are:

Country / 2007/2008
(in thousand tonnes) / 2008/2009
(in thousand tonnes) / % Change
Bangladesh / 1237 / 915 / (-) 26.0%
India / 1782 / 1472 / (-) 17.4%

Source: Ministry of Textiles & Jute, GoB and Jute Commissioner’s Office, India

Production of Jute Products

13.From July 2008 to June 2009, Bangladesh produced 40.49 thousand tonnes of Hessian, 180.60 thousand tonnes of Sacking, 11.13 thousand tonnes of CBC and359.09 thousand tonnes of Yarn/Twine(Table7).

Table 7: Production of Jute Products in Bangladesh

(July 2008-June 2009)

(in thousand tonnes)

Month / Hessian / Sacking / CBC / Yarn/Twine / Others / Total
July-08 / 4.64 / 13.46 / 1.54 / 30.88 / 0.56 / 51.08
August-08 / 4.49 / 13.57 / 1.30 / 27.31 / 0.49 / 47.16
September-08 / 4.11 / 13.13 / 1.17 / 28.61 / 0.44 / 47.46
October-08 / 3.64 / 10.91 / 1.09 / 28.12 / 0.27 / 44.03
November-08 / 4.47 / 16.33 / 1.18 / 30.95 / 0.15 / 53.08
December-08 / 2.48 / 15.21 / 0.92 / 31.92 / 0.16 / 50.69
January-09 / 3.00 / 13.93 / 0.86 / 31.12 / 0.20 / 49.11
February-09 / 2.63 / 13.05 / 0.69 / 30.59 / 0.15 / 47.11
March-09 / 2.35 / 13.30 / 0.50 / 30.21 / 0.15 / 46.51
April-09 / 2.30 / 13.20 / 0.60 / 29.67 / 0.17 / 45.94
May-09 / 2.28 / 12.07 / 0.54 / 29.72 / 0.17 / 44.78
June-09 / 4.10 / 32.44 / 0.74 / 29.99 / 0.20 / 67.47
Total / 40.49 / 180.60 / 11.13 / 359.09 / 3.11 / 594.42

Source: Ministry of Textiles & Jute, GoB

14.In the previous jute year,from July 2007 to June 2008 Bangladesh produced a total of 48.49 thousand tonnes of Hessian, 173.22 thousand tonnes of Sacking, 21.40 thousand tonnes of CBC and 377.30 thousand tonnes of Yarn/Twine(Table8).

Table 8: Production of Jute Products in Bangladesh

(July 2007-June 2008)

(in thousand tonnes)

Month / Hessian / Sacking / CBC / Yarn/Twine / Others / Total
July-07 / 4.11 / 15.93 / 1.79 / 29.88 / 0.80 / 52.51
August-07 / 3.78 / 14.52 / 1.76 / 28.16 / 0.78 / 48.99
September-07 / 4.26 / 14.50 / 1.68 / 31.25 / 0.68 / 52.36
October-07 / 3.51 / 12.20 / 1.41 / 31.68 / 0.56 / 49.35
November-07 / 4.43 / 14.03 / 1.88 / 31.55 / 0.67 / 52.56
December-07 / 3.87 / 15.84 / 1.22 / 30.68 / 0.57 / 52.18
January-08 / 4.76 / 13.24 / 1.74 / 29.95 / 0.72 / 50.40
February-08 / 4.24 / 12.61 / 1.76 / 31.73 / 0.69 / 51.01
March-08 / 4.11 / 14.46 / 1.90 / 30.33 / 0.74 / 51.54
April-08 / 4.29 / 14.39 / 1.91 / 32.75 / 0.68 / 54.02
May-08 / 4.16 / 13.66 / 1.83 / 33.71 / 0.56 / 53.91
June-08 / 2.99 / 17.85 / 2.52 / 35.64 / 0.57 / 59.57
Total / 48.49 / 173.22 / 21.40 / 377.30 / 8.01 / 628.41

Source: Ministry of Textiles & Jute, GoB

15.In comparison to the jute year 2007/2008, the total manufacture of jute products in 2008/2009 has decreased from 628.41 thousand tonnes in 2007/2008 to 594.42 thousand tonnesin Bangladesh. While only Sacking has an increase in 2008/2009. Hessian, CBC, Yarn and Others registered a decrease in the jute year 2008/2009 compared to the previous year 2007/2008.

16. India produced a total of 280.9 thousand tonnes of Hessian, 1066.7thousand tonnes of Sacking, and 117.8125.1 thousand tonnes of Yarn and Others respectively in 2008/2009(Table9).

Table 9: Production of Jute Products in India

(July 2008-June 2009)

(in thousand tonnes)

Month / Hessian / Sacking / CBC / Yarn / Others / Total
July-08 / 27.6 / 95.3 / 0.4 / 16.3 / 8.1 / 147.7
August-08 / 27.1 / 94.2 / 0.4 / 16.3 / 9.2 / 147.2
September-08 / 27.5 / 103.8 / 0.3 / 15.5 / 8.1 / 155.2
October-08 / 24.7 / 96.3 / 0.4 / 10.9 / 11.3 / 143.6
November-08 / 25.7 / 104.2 / 0.4 / 12.0 / 13.0 / 155.3
December-08 / 8.5 / 41.0 / 0.1 / 3.0 / 8.6 / 61.2
January-09 / 23.9 / 95.1 / 0.2 / 8.9 / 10.6 / 138.7
February-09 / 26.4 / 97.7 / 0.2 / 8.4 / 10.9 / 143.6
March-09 / 28.4 / 100.7 / 0.3 / 7.9 / 13.8 / 151.1
April-09 / 26.2 / 94.9 / 0.1 / 7.8 / 10.9 / 139.9
May-09 / 18.7 / 74.9 / 0.1 / 6.4 / 10.8 / 110.9
June-09 / 16.2 / 68.6 / 0.2 / 4.4 / 9.8 / 99.2
Total / 280.9 / 1066.7 / 3.1 / 117.8 / 125.1 / 1593.6

Source: Jute Commissioner’s Office, India.

17. Production of jute products in India in the previous jute year (July 2007 to June 2008), were 340.3 thousand tonnes of Hessian, 1117.5 thousand tonnes of Sacking, and 185.483.9 thousand tonnes of Yarn and Others respectively as shown in Table10.

Table 10: Production of Jute Products in India

(July 2007-June 2008)

(in thousand tonnes)

Month / Hessian / Sacking / CBC / Yarn / Others / Total
July-07 / 29.2 / 90.9 / 0.5 / 16.7 / 8.4 / 145.7
August-07 / 31.5 / 96.8 / 0.5 / 16.4 / 7.3 / 152.5
September-07 / 30.1 / 97.3 / 0.5 / 15.4 / 7.6 / 150.9
October-07 / 28.4 / 90.7 / 0.5 / 15.2 / 6.4 / 141.2
November-07 / 28.3 / 87.6 / 0.5 / 15.6 / 6.6 / 138.6
December-07 / 29.2 / 109.0 / 0.6 / 14.9 / 6.5 / 160.2
January-08 / 26.3 / 105.1 / 0.6 / 14.3 / 6.1 / 152.4
February-08 / 28.2 / 104.0 / 0.6 / 14.7 / 6.4 / 153.9
March-08 / 31.1 / 93.0 / 0.6 / 16.1 / 7.3 / 148.1
April-08 / 28.6 / 76.9 / 0.6 / 16.4 / 7.7 / 130.2
May-08 / 25.5 / 84.3 / 0.5 / 14.9 / 7.0 / 132.2
June-08 / 23.9 / 81.9 / 0.5 / 14.8 / 6.6 / 127.7
Total / 340.3 / 1117.5 / 6.5 / 185.4 / 83.9 / 1733.6

Source: Jute Commissioner’s Office, India.

18.India had anoticeable decrease from 1,733.6 thousand tonnes in 2007/2008 to 1,593.6 thousand tonnes in 2008/2009 in their production of jute products.It appears that there is decrease of production in the category ofHessian, Sacking, CBCand Yarnexcept Otherscategory which shows a remarkable increase.

19.Total production of all jute products in India was highest inNovember2008 (155.3 thousand tonnes) and for Bangladesh it wasin the month ofJune 2009 (67.47 thousand tonnes).

20. India has the largest share in world production of jute and allied fibre products. The total production of jute products for the jute year 2008/2009 in India showed adecreaseof8% in comparison to the previous year 2007/2008. In case of Bangladesh, there is also a considerabledecrease of 5.41% in 2008/2009 compared to the previous year 2007/2008. The figures are:

Manufacture of Jute Products

Country / 2007/2008
(in thousand tonnes) / 2008/2009
(in thousand tonnes) / % Change
India / 1733.60 / 1593.60 / (-) 8.00
Bangladesh / 628.41 / 594.42 / (-) 5.41

Export of Raw Jute

21. During jute year 2008/2009, Bangladesh exported 314.95thousand tonnes of raw jute at a value of US$ 134.62million. The month-wise volume and value of raw jute exported from Bangladesh are shown in Table 11.

Table 11: Export of Raw Jute from Bangladesh

(July 2008-June 2009)

Month / Volume
(in thousand tonnes) / Value
(in million US$) / Price
(in US$/ ton)
July-08 / 9.70 / 3.45 / 356.00
August-08 / 12.32 / 4.94 / 401.00
September-08 / 24.53 / 10.67 / 435.00
October-08 / 36.22 / 16.55 / 457.00
November-08 / 45.38 / 20.51 / 452.00
December-08 / 10.28 / 4.42 / 430.00
January-09 / 20.63 / 8.23 / 399.00
February-09 / 25.36 / 10.04 / 396.00
March-09 / 36.76 / 13.90 / 378.00
April-09 / 33.21 / 14.01 / 422.00
May-09 / 25.36 / 11.18 / 441.00
June-09 / 35.20 / 16.72 / 475.00
Total / 314.95 / 134.62 / ---

Source: Ministry of Textiles & Jute, GoB

22.The total volume and value of raw jute exported from Bangladesh in the previous jute year (2007/2008) was517.01 thousand tonnes at US$ 151.55 million(Table-12). It is observed from Table11and Table12 that the export volume and value of raw jute has noticeable decrease in 2008/2009 compared to the jute year 2007/2008.

Table 12: Export of Raw Jute from Bangladesh

(July 2007-June 2008)

Month / Volume
(in thousand tonnes) / Value
(in million US$) / Price
(in US$/ ton)
July-07 / 33.84 / 8.16 / 241.00
August-07 / 51.31 / 13.14 / 256.00
September-07 / 66.07 / 17.51 / 265.00
October-07 / 49.87 / 13.61 / 273.00
November-07 / 30.96 / 8.67 / 280.00
December-07 / 34.74 / 10.07 / 290.00
January-08 / 42.66 / 12.76 / 299.00
February-08 / 17.46 / 5.20 / 298.00
March-08 / 67.87 / 20.90 / 308.00
April-08 / 48.61 / 15.26 / 314.00
May-08 / 40.32 / 13.39 / 332.00
June-08 / 33.30 / 12.89 / 387.00
Total / 517.01 / 151.55 / ---

Source: Ministry of Textiles & Jute, GoB

23. A comparison of export prices of raw jute in Bangladesh between 2007/2008 and 2008/2009is shown in Chart 9. It is noticed that export prices of raw jute hadfluctuated with anincreasing tendency during the jute year 2008/2009compared to the previous year 2007/2008.

Chart 9: Comparison of Export Prices of Raw Jute in Bangladesh

between 2007/2008 and 2008/2009

Source: Ministry of Textiles & Jute, GoB

24.The representative monthly export prices of jute fibre in Bangladesh (BWD Grade) in 2007/2008 and 2008/2009 are shown in the Table13. The average export price of jute fibre has fairly increased in 2008/2009compared to the previous jute year. In case of monthly export prices of jute fibre there had been an increasing trend during 2008/2009 than in 2007/2008.

Table 13: Representative Monthly Export Prices of Jute Fibre in Bangladesh(BWDGrade)

(US $/tonne)

Months / 2007/2008 / 2008/2009
July / 330.0 / 510
August / 330.0 / 510
September / 330.0 / 510
October / 330.0 / 510
November / 350.0 / 510
December / 370.0 / 505
January / 382.5 / 480
February / 382.5 / 480
March / 410.0 / 490
April / 460.0 / 525
May / 460.0 / 560
June / 460.0 / 610
Average / 382.9 / 516.67

Source: FAO Statistics on Jute, Kenaf and Allied Fibres, June 2009

Export of Jute Products

25. During the jute year 2008/2009, Bangladesh exported 31.39 thousand tonnes of Hessian (US$ 30.87 million), 110.60 thousand tonnes of Sacking (US$ 76.07 million), 9.15 thousand tonnes of CBC (US$ 8.69 million), 301.32 thousand tonnes of Yarn/Twine (US$ 227.87 million), and in the Others category 1.97 thousand tonnes (US$ 2.30million). Total export volume and value of jute products of Bangladesh from July 2008 to June 2009 were 454.43 thousand tonnes and US$ 345.80 million respectively as shown in Table14.

Table 14: Export of Jute Products from Bangladesh

(July 2008-June 2009)

Month / Volume / Value
Hessian / Sacking / CBC / Yarn/
Twine / Others / Total / Hessian / Sacking / CBC / Yarn/
Twine / Others / Total
July-08 / 3.23 / 7.88 / 0.97 / 2.55 / 0.42 / 15.05 / 3.16 / 4.91 / 0.91 / 17.45 / 0.17 / 26.60
August-08 / 3.19 / 9.61 / 0.82 / 25.23 / 0.19 / 39.04 / 3.31 / 5.81 / 0.79 / 16.06 / 0.08 / 26.05
September-08 / 3.46 / 11.98 / 0.73 / 27.49 / 0.02 / 43.68 / 3.46 / 7.15 / 0.70 / 19.13 / 0.01 / 30.45
October-08 / 2.19 / 8.19 / 0.65 / 26.39 / 0.07 / 37.49 / 2.22 / 4.98 / 0.59 / 20.38 / 0.01 / 28.18
November-08 / 2.76 / 12.70 / 0.53 / 27.34 / 0.03 / 43.36 / 2.85 / 7.99 / 0.50 / 20.11 / 0.01 / 31.46
December-08 / 2.29 / 5.73 / 1.12 / 31.22 / 0.30 / 40.66 / 2.40 / 6.80 / 1.11 / 20.24 / 0.01 / 30.56
January-09 / 1.40 / 11.48 / 0.75 / 27.00 / 0.03 / 40.66 / 1.41 / 7.45 / 0.72 / 19.73 / 0.92 / 30.23
February-09 / 2.51 / 9.68 / 0.47 / 27.82 / 0.06 / 40.54 / 2.32 / 6.63 / 0.46 / 19.96 / 0.01 / 29.38
March-09 / 1.76 / 8.40 / 0.69 / 26.87 / 0.15 / 37.87 / 1.57 / 5.73 / 0.67 / 18.75 / 0.12 / 26.84
April-09 / 2.23 / 7.42 / 0.65 / 26.23 / 0.17 / 36.70 / 1.99 / 5.06 / 0.60 / 18.68 / 0.38 / 26.71
May-09 / 3.15 / 6.61 / 0.90 / 26.95 / 0.16 / 37.77 / 2.89 / 4.53 / 0.86 / 18.70 / 0.20 / 27.18
June-09 / 3.22 / 10.92 / 0.87 / 26.23 / 0.37 / 41.61 / 3.29 / 9.03 / 0.78 / 18.68 / 0.38 / 32.16
Total / 31.39 / 110.60 / 9.15 / 301.32 / 1.97 / 454.43 / 30.87 / 76.07 / 8.69 / 227.87 / 2.30 / 345.80

(Volume in thousand tonnes and Values in million US$)

Source: Ministry of Textiles & Jute, GoB

26. During July 2007 to June 2008, Bangladesh exported 42.83 thousand tonnes of Hessian (US$ 41.10 million), 113.95 thousand tonnes of Sacking (US$ 67.94 million), 18.53 thousand tonnes of CBC (US$ 17.22 million), 368.85 thousand tonnes of Yarn/Twine (US$ 252.00 million), and in the Others category 4.32 thousand tonnes (US$ 3.03 million). Total export volume and value of jute products of Bangladesh from July 2007 to June 2008 were 548.49 thousand tonnes and US$ 381.29 million respectively as shown inTable 15.

Table 15: Export of Jute Products from Bangladesh

(July 2007-June 2008)

(Volume in thousand tonnes and Values in million US$)

Month / Volume / Value
Hessian / Sacking / CBC / Yarn/
Twine / Others / Total / Hessian / Sacking / CBC / Yarn/
Twine / Others / Total
July-07 / 3.05 / 6.98 / 1.24 / 29.33 / 0.48 / 41.07 / 2.60 / 4.29 / 1.03 / 20.10 / 0.17 / 28.19
August-07 / 3.78 / 8.52 / 1.68 / 29.22 / 0.32 / 43.51 / 3.52 / 5.08 / 1.44 / 19.90 / 0.27 / 30.21
September-07 / 3.70 / 8.58 / 1.35 / 29.04 / 0.62 / 43.29 / 3.57 / 5.10 / 1.20 / 19.80 / 0.33 / 30.00
October-07 / 2.98 / 8.53 / 1.06 / 29.85 / 0.39 / 42.81 / 2.82 / 5.09 / 0.94 / 20.40 / 0.26 / 29.51
November-07 / 3.74 / 8.55 / 1.82 / 30.71 / 0.52 / 45.33 / 3.68 / 5.29 / 1.67 / 21.00 / 0.31 / 31.95
December-07 / 3.61 / 6.35 / 2.00 / 31.47 / 0.31 / 43.74 / 3.79 / 4.84 / 1.90 / 21.40 / 0.21 / 32.14
January-08 / 4.14 / 10.39 / 1.61 / 29.38 / 0.50 / 46.02 / 4.08 / 6.47 / 1.56 / 21.50 / 0.28 / 33.89
February-08 / 3.25 / 12.77 / 1.35 / 29.77 / 0.19 / 47.32 / 3.13 / 7.63 / 1.28 / 19.70 / 0.31 / 32.05
March-08 / 3.57 / 16.87 / 1.38 / 29.11 / 0.74 / 51.67 / 3.40 / 9.74 / 1.34 / 21.00 / 0.46 / 35.94
April-08 / 3.61 / 10.51 / 1.72 / 31.84 / 0.11 / 47.78 / 3.49 / 6.39 / 1.67 / 20.00 / 0.20 / 31.75
May-08 / 3.00 / 6.21 / 1.23 / 31.98 / 0.04 / 42.47 / 2.89 / 3.85 / 1.19 / 21.90 / 0.14 / 29.97
June-08 / 4.42 / 9.69 / 2.10 / 37.13 / 0.12 / 53.46 / 4.13 / 4.17 / 2.00 / 25.30 / 0.09 / 35.69
Total / 42.83 / 113.95 / 18.53 / 368.85 / 4.32 / 548.49 / 41.10 / 67.94 / 17.22 / 252.00 / 3.03 / 381.29

Source: Ministry of Textiles & Jute, GoB

27. In comparison to the jute year 2007/2008, the export volume of jute products in 2008/2009 has decreased in Bangladesh by 17.15%. Corresponding export value has also decreased by 9.3% in 2008/2009 in comparison to the previous year.

28.India, the other important exporter of jute products, exported 45.7 thousand tonnes of Hessian (US$ 41.66 million), 47.8 thousand tonnes of Sacking (US$ 34.10 million), 70.8thousand tonnes of Yarn (US$ 55.59 million) and 9.3 thousand tonnes in the Others category (US$25.88 million) during July 2008-June 2009. Total export volume and value of jute products from India were 173.6 thousand tonnes and US$ 234.03 million respectively. These are shown in Table16.

Table 16: Export of Jute Products from India

(July 2008-June 2009)

Month / Volume ( in thousand tonnes) / Value ( in million US$)
Hessian / Sacking / CBC / Yarn / JDP / Others / Total / Hessian / Sacking / CBC / Yarn / JDP / Others / Total
July. 08 / 6.9 / 8.2 / N/A / 8.5 / N/A / 0.7 / 24.3 / 4.93 / 5.79 / N/A / 6.16 / 9.89 / 0.81 / 27.58
Aug. 08 / 6.6 / 5.2 / N/A / 8.3 / N/A / 1.1 / 21.2 / 4.71 / 3.61 / N/A / 5.68 / 7.78 / 1.27 / 23.05
Sep. 08 / 4.8 / 4.0 / N/A / 9.2 / N/A / 0.7 / 18.7 / 3.28 / 2.65 / N/A / 5.92 / 9.31 / 0.83 / 21.99
Oct. 08 / 4.1 / 4.6 / N/A / 6.6 / N/A / 0.8 / 16.1 / 2.63 / 2.86 / N/A / 3.99 / 6.87 / 0.89 / 17.24
Nov. 08 / 5.4 / 5.2 / N/A / 9.7 / N/A / 1.6 / 21.9 / 4.82 / 3.18 / N/A / 5.82 / 6.14 / 4.58 / 24.54
Dec. 08 / 0.6 / 0.5 / N/A / 1.3 / N/A / 0.0 / 2.4 / 5.51 / 3.16 / N/A / 8.11 / 5.56 / 0.00 / 22.34
Jan. 09 / 3.0 / 3.6 / N/A / 6.3 / N/A / 0.4 / 13.3 / 2.74 / 2.27 / N/A / 4.07 / 4.96 / 5.70 / 19.74
Feb. 09 / 2.3 / 3.6 / N/A / 4.9 / N/A / 0.5 / 11.3 / 2.08 / 2.25 / N/A / 3.14 / 4.91 / 7.02 / 19.40
Mar. 09 / 3.0 / 3.8 / N/A / 4.8 / N/A / 1.3 / 12.9 / 2.59 / 2.31 / N/A / 2.96 / 5.33 / 1.71 / 14.90
Apr. 09 / 3.0 / 3.9 / N/A / 4.9 / N/A / 0.7 / 12.5 / 2.81 / 2.59 / N/A / 5.35 / 5.45 / 0.97 / 17.17
May. 09 / 2.7 / 3.2 / N/A / 3.8 / N/A / 0.7 / 10.4 / 2.48 / 2.10 / N/A / 2.63 / 5.26 / 0.97 / 13.44
Jun. 09 / 3.3 / 2.0 / N/A / 2.5 / N/A / 0.8 / 8.6 / 3.08 / 1.33 / N/A / 1.76 / 5.34 / 1.13 / 12.64
Total / 45.7 / 47.8 / --- / 70.8 / --- / 9.3 / 173.6 / 41.66 / 34.10 / --- / 55.59 / 76.80 / 25.88 / 234.03

Source: Jute Commissioner’s Office, India

29.During the previous jute year 2007/2008India exported 81.4 thousand tonnes of Hessian (US$ 74.60 million), 30.9 thousand tonnes of Sacking (US$ 22.43 million), 91.1 thousand tonnes of Yarn (US$ 72.68 million) and 14.6 thousand tonnes in the Others category (US$ 16.32 million) during July 2007-June 2008. Total export volume and value of jute products fromIndia were 218.0 thousand tonnes and US$ 281.53 million respectively. These are shown in Table 17.

Table 17: Export of Jute Products from India

(July 2007-June 2008)

Month / Volume ( in thousand tonnes) / Value ( in million US$)
Hessian / Sacking / CBC / Yarn / JDP / Others / Total / Hessian / Sacking / CBC / Yarn / JDP / Others / Total
Jul-07 / 8.3 / 3.1 / N/A / 7.7 / N/A / 1.6 / 20.7 / 6.49 / 2.51 / N/A / 6.47 / 8.79 / 1.13 / 25.39
Aug-07 / 9.0 / 1.6 / N/A / 7.5 / N/A / 1.0 / 19.1 / 10.06 / 1.23 / N/A / 6.46 / 8.69 / 1.80 / 28.24
Sep-07 / 7.0 / 1.6 / N/A / 7.7 / N/A / 1.2 / 17.5 / 7.84 / 1.21 / N/A / 6.44 / 5.53 / 1.46 / 22.48
Oct-07 / 15.4 / 1.9 / N/A / 7.2 / N/A / 0.9 / 25.4 / 6.31 / 0.93 / N/A / 5.63 / 5.63 / 1.12 / 19.62
Nov-07 / 5.2 / 0.9 / N/A / 7.9 / N/A / 1.3 / 15.3 / 5.87 / 0.69 / N/A / 6.48 / 7.11 / 1.61 / 21.76
Dec-07 / 5.9 / 2.6 / N/A / 7.2 / N/A / 1.3 / 17.0 / 6.66 / 2.01 / N/A / 5.79 / 7.74 / 1.42 / 23.62
Jan-08 / 5.0 / 1.3 / N/A / 7.1 / N/A / 1.1 / 14.5 / 5.64 / 1.01 / N/A / 5.73 / 7.75 / 1.20 / 21.33
Feb-08 / 4.6 / 1.5 / N/A / 7.0 / N/A / 0.9 / 14.0 / 5.19 / 1.16 / N/A / 5.52 / 8.54 / 1.03 / 21.44
Mar-08 / 4.7 / 1.9 / N/A / 8.5 / N/A / 1.7 / 16.8 / 5.17 / 1.44 / N/A / 6.54 / 8.33 / 1.90 / 23.38
Apr-08 / 5.5 / 3.5 / N/A / 8.6 / N/A / 1.3 / 18.9 / 6.08 / 2.67 / N/A / 6.81 / 8.00 / 1.42 / 24.98
May-08 / 5.1 / 6.3 / N/A / 7.8 / N/A / 1.3 / 20.5 / 5.37 / 4.57 / N/A / 5.69 / 9.32 / 1.26 / 26.21
Jun-08 / 5.7 / 4.7 / N/A / 6.9 / N/A / 1.0 / 18.3 / 3.92 / 3.00 / N/A / 5.12 / 10.07 / 0.97 / 23.08
Total / 81.4 / 30.9 / --- / 91.1 / --- / 14.6 / 218.0 / 74.60 / 22.43 / --- / 72.68 / 95.50 / 16.32 / 281.53

Source: Jute Commissioner’s Office, India

30.The export volume of jute products from India has markedly decreased by 20.37%and the corresponding export value has also decreased by 16.87% in 2008/2009 in comparison to the previous year. Though the figures of the volume of JDP are not available, but it appears that the export value of JDP hasnoticeably decreased in 2008/2009 to US$ 76.80 millionfrom that of US$ 95.50 million in 2007/2008.

Export Prices of Jute Products

31.In Bangladesh, the export prices of Hessian was more or less steady except downward trends in the month from February 2009 to May 2009. It was observed that Sacking showed afluctuating tendency throughout the year 2008/2009 withanabrupt increase of US$ 1187 in December 2008,while the prices of CBC and Yarn displayed a steady trend. But in case of Others, the export prices wereunsteadyduring the year2008/2009, where the price was US$ 333.0 in November 2008 whichsharply increasedto US$3066.0 in December 2008. Again the price declinedto US$ 333.0instantlyin the next month i.e. in January 2009. It started to increaseyet again from February 2009 and reached to US$ 2533.0 in March 2009. During the remainingperiod the price of Others category had steadily decreasedas appears fromTable18and Chart 10.

Table 18: Export Prices of Jute Products in Bangladesh

(July 2008-June 2009)

(in US$/ton)

Month / Hessian / Sacking / CBC / Yarn / Others
July-08 / 978.00 / 623.00 / 938.00 / 683.00 / 405.00
August-08 / 1038.00 / 605.00 / 963.00 / 636.00 / 421.00
September-08 / 1000.00 / 597.00 / 959.00 / 696.00 / 535.00
October-08 / 1014.00 / 615.00 / 907.00 / 772.00 / 143.00
November-08 / 1033.00 / 629.00 / 943.00 / 733.00 / 333.00
December-08 / 1048.00 / 1187.00 / 991.00 / 648.00 / 3066.00
January-09 / 1007.00 / 649.00 / 960.00 / 730.00 / 333.00
February-09 / 924.00 / 685.00 / 978.00 / 717.00 / 2000.00
March-09 / 892.00 / 682.00 / 971.00 / 698.00 / 2533.00
April-09 / 892.00 / 681.00 / 923.00 / 712.00 / 1176.00
May-09 / 917.00 / 685.00 / 956.00 / 694.00 / 1125.00
June-09 / 1022.00 / 827.00 / 896.00 / 712.00 / 1027.00
Average Export Prices / 980.42 / 705.42 / 948.75 / 701.73 / 1091.42

Source: Ministry of Textiles & Jute, GoB

Chart 10: Export Prices of Jute Products in Bangladesh (July 2008- June 2009)

Source: Ministry of Textiles & Jute, GoB

32.In the previous jute year 2007/2008, the export prices of Hessian and Yarn were more or less steady, while that of Sacking showed a decreasing tendency from US$ 614.00 per ton in July 2007 to US$ 430.00 per ton in June 2008. Prices of CBC showed an increasing tendency during the same year. CBC has increased from US$ 833.00 per ton in July 2007 to US$ 968.00 per ton in June 2008. But in case of Others the export prices were unstable during the year2007/2008, where the price was US$ 367.00 in July 2007 and increasedto US$ 1685.00 in February 2008. Again the price turned down to US$ 623.00 in March 2008 and in May 2008, it reached a maximum of US$ 3221.00 per ton which was once again droppeddrastically to US$ 784.00 per ton in June 2008 as shown inTable19 andChart 11.