Board of Directors SpringMeeting
EuroCHRIE Federation
Council on Hotel, Restaurant and
Institutional Education /

Friday/Saturday 2/3rd March 2012

Hosted by Ecole Hoteliere LAUSANNE [EHL]


  1. Call to order (RW)

RWwelcomed everybody to the Board Meeting of the LausanneConference.

In particular, he welcomed ICHRIE President Susan Fournier.

In addition he welcomed Christian Perrette, [CP] from Foundation Nestlé Pro-Gastronomia, David Horrigan [DH], Patricia Cuevas [PC] ,John Lohr [JL], Caroline Mclay [CM] from Ecole Hôtelièrede Lausanne and a special welcome to Philippe Rossiter [PR]from the Institute of Hospitality (IOH).

Thanks were expressed to the LausanneTeamfor all the arrangements that were in place for the Spring Board Meeting.


Robert Wetterauer (RW), Jouni Ahonen (JA), Susan Fournier (SF), Paul Jackson (PJ), , Herve Fournier (HF),Richard Ginioux [RG], Risto Karmavuo [RK], Maureen Brookes [MB], Kevin Nield [KN],Rai Shacklock [RS],Patricia Cuevas [PC], John Lohr [JL] ,Bill Samenfink [BS],Peter Bohan [PB],Christian Perrette [CP], David Horrigan [DH] Liz Ineson [LI].

PR, Caroline Mclay [CM]Hilary Murphy (HM), Myriam McAlinden all EHL, part attendance

  1. Apologies for Absence [PJ]

Eda Gurel [EG], Jan Meijerhof (JM),Clemens Berendsen (CB),Sandra Watson [SW,]Steve Shacklock [SS], Dominic Delane [DD] all sent apologies for absence.

  1. Minutes of the last EuroCHRIE Board Meeting –Dubrovnik, October, 2011 [PJ]

These minutes had been circulated and were approved as a true and accurate record of the meeting. Moved by BS/RK & carried unanimously.

RW expressed thanks to the secretary for these.

  1. Matters Arising.

None that would not be covered by Agenda

  1. EuroCHRIE President(RW)
  • RW outlined the challenges facing EuroCHRIE--one of which was the need to move forwards with our Vision for 2015.
  • One of the ideas which was mooted in Dubrovnik was the need to be more professional in our Administration and to that end he had invited Phillip Rossiter to our meeting, to establish whether or not they could help with our needs.
  • PR then spoke to us about their ability to provide us with a permanent 'home' plus an office back up based in South London
  • Some concerns raised by various members who remembered the Greek debacle of some years ago
  • Action It was decided that PJ/MB would pursue these ideas with PR in UK. A report would then be brought to the Providence meeting for discussion and approval.
  • Organisation in excellent shape but Membership needs to be addressed. Some excellent plans by RS/MB were in place for Dubrovnik Conference which worked very well. These resulted in the recruitment of three new members to Board we should benefit further fromthis next time.
  • Some questions around our current IT systems--currently we use our own platform hosted by SS with a link from ICHRIE site. With the advent of CVENT we will need to manage our architecture to ensure that we leverage these systems to our best advantage. SF pointed out that eventually all federations will have a link off main ICHRIE site.
  • Action -PJ tasked with producing an IT discussion document for Providence. Asked for volunteers to assist in this-DH, RW would help. PJ to ask SS?JA for their help. JL talked about need to ensure that we are maximising our usage of Facebook, Linked -In and Twitter
  • C-Event-ICHRIE uses this software system to manage events-RW has been in touch with ICHRIE CEO Kathy who is following this up.
  • These discussions are progressing well but will be too late for Lausanne -should be in place for Freiburg next year.
  • RW reported on the meeting of the Executive Officers of EC for the strategic future of EC. He outlined some of the debates but emphasised that all actions recommended would need approval of full board. Many of the actions outlined in October are now intrainthis would be pursued with thein Providence & Lausanne. We would need to allocate some more time to this.
  • He stressed the need for us to develop partnerships with Industry, Sponsors.
  • He reminded delegates that we need to consider the upcoming elections and the need to put ourselves forward for these positions.
  • BS Congratulated the President on all his efforts and wished him well for his attendance at ITB in Berlin--excellent that he is attending this and that he has been invited to be an expert speaker on the Open Forum panel.

5. ICHRIE President [SF]

  • Conference is in Providence, Rhode Island and promises to be a well designed enjoyable conference. Johnson and Wales school are actively involved and it should be a super event. Suggests that our delegates go to Boston and then take bus/trainrather than flying to Providence
  • Her year is progressing all too speedily but her Outreach plans are going well
  • She has been proactive in the area of trying to attract Corporate Sponsorship but the organisation requires a lot more!
  • Control of costs at ICHRIE is being pursued and she informed us that due to the very tight budget only a minor cost of living increase in salaries was provided for the ICHRIE staff- this fiscal prudence was welcomed by the Board.
  • RW expressed his continuing support of SF for her year and from the whole of our EuroCHRIE family during her Presidency. We are all very proud of her achievements.
  1. Immediate Past President [JA]
  • JA outlined that we will have 4 Board vacancies this year -
  • Director of Networking
  • Director of Education
  • Secretary
  • Vice President
  • JA spoke about the Annual EuroCHRIE Awards- these include:
  • Nestle Pro Gastronomia Award
  • Laureate Award for Teaching and Learning
  • Institute of Hospitality Best Paper Award Industry International Award
  • Industry Domestic Award
  • EuroCHRIE President's Award
  • JA outlined his report as Area Consultant to the Scandinavian area-6 Finnish members, 4 in Estonia. No success in Denmark, Sweden and Norway who have a very strong association
  • RW expressed thanks to JA for his work.
  1. Vice President Report (MB)
  • MB reviewed the Mentoring scheme and the launch of the pilot scheme last Conference. 7 students signed up for this and were matched with mentees. This was seen as offering an additional benefit to new members in helping to attract junior academics.
  • She had drafted a paper on this and has been assisted in the process by RG. Mentoring format was to take place- mainly by e-mail-Skype.
  • She has logged the success/development points of the scheme-all the Board were in favour in persisting with this.
  • She proposed that we would adopt -for the Lausanne Conference - a refinement of this which would be to 'Buddy-up' all first time attendees with a more senior partner. After the conference it could be that this 'buddy' could chase up new attendees for them to join up! She also suggested that we have new members who may wish to be mentees, complete a registration form when then register for the conference. This way we will have the information earlier and hopefully be better able to match with a mentee.
  • She had reviewed the Dubrovnik Conference Feedback forms and felt that these did not give us sufficient usable information. She will therefore work with HM/CM to establish a more suitable form for Lausanne.
  • Some discussion about carrying out a EC membership survey--JA/RK would be able to do this -perhaps fro Freiburg? SF agreed to provide feedback on the ICHRIE member survey before any further decisions were undertaken.
  • She had received agreement by CHME to post conference flyers in their conference bags for free at the forthcoming conference in Birmingham in May.
  • Announced that she is using Easy Chair for chairing a stream for the I-CHRIE conference and that we should consider using this free software for EuroCHRIE. MB is happy to provide feedback on the experience if we wish to use this.
  • UK Area Consultant. Two nominations, both supported by HOD Manchester Met have been received. MB will collect votes from Board and then advise the nominated person
  • RW thanked MB for all the support she has given him since taking office and for her initiatives.
  1. Secretary Report (PJ)
  • Nothing different to report.
  • PJ has indicated that he would like to step down as Secretary after Providence.
  • RW Thanked PJ for his work
  1. Treasurer’s Report (HF)

Received HF’s report.

  • Balances favourable-presented these in Dubrovnik for the year end and updated the Budgets here
  • A positive balance is showing for the year thus far
  • HF reported on the excellent results achieved by the Dubrovnik Conference-first class accounts, and a very successful balance
  • He proposed that we would remit half of the profit made by the College back to them in the form of Sponsorship for membership and to fund staff/student attendance at Conferences--Board approved this unanimously. HF would write to Don Hudspeth with this offer. [Already actioned by HF]
  • Moved by PJ & seconded by BS that we accept accounts and his budgets-this was carried unanimously.
  • PJ, in the interests of Good Governance, has visited the Bank and can confirm that it exists and nestles near to Caesar Ritz, Le Bouvriet. He presented a small award to HF in recognition of his work to water conservation in the Vallais area.
  • RW Expressed his & all the Board’s deep appreciation of HF’s work
  1. Director at Large report (BS)
  • BS once again reported that he had nothing to report [but then told us that the Bye Laws are all up to date]
  • He talked generally about the ICHRIE awards and the need for us to submit nominations to Chrie for these awards--we stand a good chance of the acceptance of our nominations. He will send out to us a list of the awards and the criteria. We then need to get these to Cynthia Deale at ICHRIE
  • RW thanked BS for all his work on behalf of EuroCHRIE and his continued support of EuroCHRIE.
  1. Board of Directors’ Reports and Area Consultants’ Reports:
  1. Director of Networking (RK)
  • Has been working with RW to look at the conference in Freiburg in 2013.
  • We also have had interest from Rhodes, Florence and Dubai for 2014. Rhodes have put together an expensive bid from Greece. Some worry about flights to Rhodes which would probably have to be via Athens.
  • There are some other possibilities for 2015/2016
  • RK will push the bids to be prepared for us to make a decision in Providence -if not, we will make this decision at Lausanne.
  • Thanks from RW to RK for his work.
  1. Director of Membership (RS)
  • 116 members listed -this is not a definitive figure but this is hard to get - the real figure is likely to be more than this. Nonetheless it would appear that our membership numbers are declining from a peak of around 200 a few years ago.
  • Follow up of non-members at conference—we have to do some careful follow up of these--new style attendees party plus mentoring process has assisted in this with new members now on the Board
  • The 'Buddy Up' Style could be a positive step to help the drive.
  • Area Consultants to be asked to assist Director of Membership & also in building up a map of all the various country links that could possibly provide opportunities for growth.
  • The Swiss model of having local country conferences is a good one with local workshops twice a year--a real benefit for the Members.
  • Reaching out to FE as well as Graduate Hospitality Schools
  • We should adapt a real differential in pricing Strategy for the costs of Conferences--making it more attractive for non members to join up rather than pay a minimal extra cost
  • We must have a manned stand at Conferences to promote EuroCHRIE membership. RS to liaise with Lausanne for this
  • Could we target all attendees- pointing out the positive benefits of membership
  • Lack of a newsletter has not helped membership in that they can act as a stimulus for membership discussions
  • Action-to produce a Newsletter for Providence, work with Area Consultants to produce membership renewals, identify new areas of opportunity.
  • RW said that we all must make it our priority to get new members and thanked RS for her continued drive and enthusiasm for the job
  1. Director of Research (SW)

SW's report was received by the Board.

  1. Director of Education (KN)
  • KN to run workshops again at Conference-PJ will be happy to help with his topics
  • Career Academy for Lausanne
  • we’re running the leadership strand of the Career Academy as well as delivering.
  • Also arranged meeting with new HEA set up
  • Refereed for ICHRIE and EuroCHRIE
  • There was general agreement for a Career Academy similar to ICHRIE being held at Lausanne conference
  1. Director of Communication and Marketing (DH]
  • RW welcomed DH to his first meeting. He had met up with DH previously and had outlined a few thoughts to him around the need for EuroCHRIE to produce a better, more progressive image which would appeal to a wider membership.
  • DH proceeded to give us a presentation and demonstration of the power of Branding. He outlined this to us, and discussed 9 differing approaches to ensuring that our Brand will have better visibility than hitherto.
  • Areas which he felt we needed to develop and also leverage better included:
  • Marketing/Advertising
  • Branding Strategy
  • Membership Recruitment Strategy
  • Data Bases
  • Sponsorship e.g. to support an industry mentoring system
  • Need to create clearer communication channels
  • Clearer, sharper and more focused imagery of our organisation--e.g. by using consistent Branding in all we do-whether it be Business Cards, Logos, Conferences, Web site
  • DH would take away our reactions and provide us with some more detailed Art designs for our approval

RW, on behalf of the Board, thanked DH for his excellent work in outlining all these possibilities

  1. Director of Industry Relations (CP)
  • RW welcomed Christian Perrette [CP] to this , his first meeting as Industry Director. We welcomed the involvement of Nestlé Pro Gastronomia who have been a great supporter of EuroCHRIE.
  • Nestlé“Pro Gastronomia” Awards-he is going to nominate those people who are currently active in the industry and liaise with JA on these
  • He has arranged for the sponsorship of all water, coffee, Chocolate and a guest speaker for Lausanne Conference and has also used his influence to obtain Fruit Baskets
  • RW thanked CP for his support and for all the work he has done for us thus far.


PB had his room broken into at Hotel so he was a bit shell shocked!

Has sounded out DIT, Dublin & Waterford with a view to their joining us. He has been working on a lapsed member list & has taken part in the Mentoring programme.

RS suggested that PB should re engage with Failte Ireland & Tony Lenahan and use them as an excellent means of contacts

France –RG

  • Updated his report-Concern over lapsed members and has developed a relationship with La Rochelle Business School which he is hoping will join us at Lausanne.

Netherlands and Belgium-JM

Nothing to report

Sec's note--we attempted to recover our Display stands from the Amsterdam conference but to no avail. We shall have to order some new ones using new logos


See earlier report. And additionally, on 26th April there is a conference in Estonia with possibility of attracting another 10 members.

JL mentioned that he has been working in Sweden. 1 school from there does go to ICHRIE but are involved with their own associations.

Central and Eastern Europe-LI

LI report received.

Updated -Our mentoring programme needs to be more geared towards Research for the Eastern European Colleges--they are keen and are producing good work.

We must encourage LI to get our extra numbers at reduced rates filled up to a max of 16.

Lausanne will do some reduced fees. Liz outlined the Hostels here as being very reasonable -she will write to HF to see if we will support EE students again for this.


  • Main aim is to raise awareness of EuroCHRIE-she has sent over a 100 E Mails re conference & deadlines regarding Abstract submissions
  • RW asked that thanks should be sent to EG for her continued work.

Switzerland- HM

Had held another very successful chapter meeting with a large group of Delegates and is working on the conference.

Spain -PC

PC --RW gave her a warm welcome and we look forward to seeing her at many more of our deliberations-Patricia Cuevas gave her initial report.She has tried to contact every school /college and will report on this next time.

Area Report for Industrial Relations [JL]

JL gave his initial report. Sees himself a conduit for EuroCHRIE as he is involved in many institutions in his professional capacity. Would like to be seen as a voice of youth & get young people into EuroCHRIE. He would like to propose that we work with AEI to benefit both organisations

It was suggested that JL will produce a firm proposal for us to consider-he mentioned that he could add to our value operation in exchange for certain concessions

We would like to consider these proposals in more detail and vote on these at Providence

RW thanked JL for his enthusiasm and work on this one -it is good to have his energy on board!

  1. Industry Area Consultant (CB)
  • CB tendered to the Board his resignation owing to the pressures of business. On behalf of the President, PJ will write to CB and thank him for his service to the Board.
  1. Lausanne Conference, 2012 " Hospitality for a better World" -CM/MM
  • The Director of EHL welcomed us to the College and wished us well for our Conference
  • Caroline Mclaypresented slides regarding theLausanne conference in 2012, organised by Ecole Hoteliere de Lausanne [EHL] These showed the Budget forecasts as well some detail regarding the paper tracks, accommodation. [Sec's note-these are available for all to see if required--I will circulate as requested]
  • Theme is"Hospitality for a better World" with sub sets of CSR & sustainable development.
  • Keynote speakers-sadly no Al Gore or Kofi Annan but some other luminaries will inspire us.
  • CP outlined that NestléPGF will give substantial sponsorship to Lausanne to support all events held at EHL
  • Dates-Conference--25-27th October 2012. Board Meeting will be on the 24th October starting at 9.30am. Board members should note that they will need to arrive in time for this
  • RW thanked CM/MM for their work
  1. Awards[JA]
  • JAgave us an update as to Awards-list will be sent out in Mid May.
  • There are three main awards that we like to receive nominations for.
  • BS will nominate Mariana Segalia for an award,
  • PJ would like to see Don Hudspeth nominated for an award for the excellent work that was done at the Dubrovnik Conference
  1. Election of officers[JA]
  • JA reminded Board of changes due next year and likely vacancies. He will organise the nominations and elections.
  • there followed a free flowing discussion on the need to widen the Board with some more freshness
  • a number of names emerged who would be approached with a view to asking them to join our Board
  • These included:
  • Ron Hilvert
  • Don Hudspeth
  • Jean-Pierrevan der reste
  • Melanie Smith
  1. Website & SS Report
  • SS has submitted his report and this was welcomed and accepted by the Board
  • He needs copy for the Web—so as to present new ideas/thoughts on a regular basis to him -please!!!
  1. C-vents[RW]
  • RW/PJ spoke to CVent at Denver
  • Following this-they have had discussions and exchanged E Mails with CEO of ICHRIE
  • We are now ready to sign up in time for the Freiburg Conference.
  1. Strategy ,Vision 2015 update [RW]
  • A lot of the tasks set out in October are now well underway or completed
  • Branding exercise underway
  • Folders assembled and will continue to be used
  • New Board members identified and introduced-two other Area Consultants asked
  • Name Badges/identification for Board Members at Conferences
  • PJ had produced a Job Description for Administration/Secretarial post
  • We will run a professional workshop for Bid writing
  • We will put Bios of Board on Web site-please send these to PJ for onward transmission to SS
  • Produce a Hard copy magazine this year
  • MB suggested that we use a theme--agreed to send her 2-300 words from each country. She will send out a Brief to all re 'Student Feedback' and five Board Members agreed to send in a perspective from their country, Rai, Peter, Bill, Patricia and Richard.
  • Adverts will help to defray costs
  • Facebook--552 people like us! Only 360 like the ICHRIE site
  • We should encourage the use of Linked in -students like this -should we be using this every month?
  • JA to send copies of old magazines to PJ-cold JA send a copy to CM at EHL?
  • Need to have a stand at ICHRIE with new lightweight 'pop-ups' /roll-ups. Should get these made in USA & Lausanne bring them back for the Conference
  • Logo needs to agreed quickly so that we can get these arranged. We need to put the position of the Roll ups on the Bid Documents
  • RS to contact Ron Carpenter regarding Past President badges
  • RW ended his report by thanking the Board for all their work --this year has been a busy one and he really appreciates all the support that the Board has given him.
  1. Angell Freiburg-RW
  • Date-17-20th October 2013
  1. Rhodes, Florence, Dubai 2014
  • Rhodes-Hosted by University of Thessalonica-based in Crete
  • Dubai--same team as last time
  • Nothing received from Florence as yet
  1. Any other business
  • Area consultants were asked if they would draft a list of all relevant associations (subject or professional) in their countries with some contact details so we could prioritise who specifically we should target to grow membership. We also discussed this in relation to industry so perhaps we can action for both prior to the next meeting.
  • The President thanked all attendees for all their hard work and commitment to CHRIE and hoped that all would have an enjoyable conference-once again he reiterated his thanks to the organising committee for all their work
  1. Date of next meeting—August, 2012 Providence

Final date, Time and venue will be advised when known