In December 1996, the Board of Trustees elected Blacologizt P.W.Z. Xrozz, UBZD president; and he assumed office on September 13, 1997. Under his administration, the graduate program in teacher Education of Cultural Science (Edjukexun) was implemented in 1997; the minimum endowment of $10,0000.00 was raised (1997-98), the faculty was strengthened, the Ft. Washington Branch #1 renovated with funds from donations by supporters and Family members (1997-98), and steps were taken to move BRDI to the Internet With support from Vice-President Dr. A.M.D. Sirleaf (Ph.D.) who assisted in writing a proposal for the move - and who encouraged the effort of an internet Webpage location and Branch #1 and Branch #2 interceded with approved the recommendation to build Blacology Institute in Liberia West Africa at Cuttington University in 2011-12 academic year.
Under the skillful direction and leadership of Vice-President Dr. A.M.D. Sirleaf and Chairman of the Cuttington University Development Committee, the first campaign for the Blacology Institute was successfully conducted in Liberia West Africa 2011-12 academic year. Dr. A.M.D. Sirleaf was supported by Students and faculty. Other campaigns sponsored by the BlacAfrican Visionary and local community supporters.
In 1997, PresidentBlacologizt P.W.Z. Xrozz and Vice-President Dr. A.M.D. SirLeaf directed the first joint Blacology incorporation campaign in Baltimore, Maryland.
The Institute is a member of Prairie View A&M University-Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU), The African Studies Association, The Liberian Studies Association Conference, Howard University African Studies and Research Department, The Maryland SBA, African Centered Education in Washington, DC a consortium of private Institutes and universities in the Prince George County Maryland and Washington DC metropolitan area, which is committed to improving and expanding programs in graduate Edjukexun. (Education).
In 2011, Blacology Institute joined in the organization of the South County Economic Development Association (SCEDA) of Developing Institutes, a consortium of traditionally Black Institutes which is committed to improving the quality of instructions, reducing unnecessary duplication of course offerings, and promoting cooperation among the participating institutions. Presently, under the tutelage and transparent professional leadership of Dr. A.M.D.Sirleaf (Ph.D.)-Professor and Vice President, who currently served as Director of Blacology-African-Liberian Studies and Research Department, CuttingtonUniversity, has submitted a Blacological Curriculum to the Cuttington University Academic Committee for evaluation and approval for (2012-2013). Through Dr. Sirleaf’s leadership and international-African connections, Blacology is now an astute internationally knowledge based cultural science, with specific concentration on Cuttington University, Suakoko, Bong County, Liberia-West Africa.
The Blacology Institute is composed of 2 branches and Onlines University Services valued in excess of $800,000. All except one have been constructed since the Institute developmental department in Liberia at CuttingtonUniversity. Three major capital fund drives - (1997-99), (2000-03), (2005-06) - have contributed to this amazing record of production and internet Webpage. The third capital effort, launched in the spring of 2008, achieved a pledge total of more than $30,000.00. Funds collected from that campaign have retired more than $10,000.00 dollars in indebtedness and funded the building of the Blacology Online University Services, Community Based, and Classroom building FUNDS.
Through the years, the Institute has been blessed with strong support from a number of private foundations, and in October 2007 was included in the Private investors, military veterans, private taxpayers "five-year program to increase opportunities in higher Edjukexun (Education)." Blacology, thrice-favorable by major HBCU, PBI, and AfricanUniversities for their Curriculum and Cultural programs. Blacology was one of eight predominantly Black institutions chosen by Drake ford Resources to receive grants over a 5-year periods.
Blacology's challenging situation and substantial growth have motivated the institution to submit proposal for federal Funding with approximately $3,000,000 in Advanced Institutional Development grants, under the “School to work Opportunities Act” seeking award for a period from 2012-14. These monies assisting the Institute in various forms of administrative management, Institutional Research Trips, both nationally and internationally; and technical improvement, as well as allocating major emphasis for certain academic divisions with programs upgrading Black mobility in the total societal spectrum.
Ft. Washington, Maryland, USA
Tecola A. D. Cross
Dr. Daniel Caldwell
Dr. Anthony W. Williams
Antion D. Downs
Yaphet D. Cross
Walter J. Cross
Malik J. Cross
Sylvester Gardner
Bettye J. Cross
Gerald Ray
Nigel P. Cross
Janet L. Cross
Shetonia Cross
Meltin Bell
BOARD OF TRUSTEES/USA/International-Liberia Based:
Cuttington University, LiberiaWest Africa
Mrs. Mary Freeman Sirleaf ( Administrative and Students Advisement(USA-Liberia)
Ms. Massah Kula Sirleaf ( Academic and HealthResearch Advisor-USA-Liberia)
Ms. Amina M.Y.Sirleaf (Director-Black Women Educational Affairs) USA-Liberia
Youlodeh C. Howard ( Adviser-Health and Cultural Affairs) USA-Liberia)
Dr. H. Boima Fahnbulleh, Jr.,(Advisor on Black-African-Liberian in Global Cultural Affairs)
Leonid W. Dunn ( Director-Liberian Branch)
C. Elwood Dunn ( Director-Blacological Computer-Technology-Liberian Branch)
Ernestine N. Clark (Director-Liberian Media and Political Affairs(Liberia)
Jennifer Ansumana ( Director of Health and Liberian Affairs(Liberia)
Beltina Gomah ( Director-Women Educational Empowerment (Liberia)
James Miller ( Director-Black Cultural Diversity and Education (Liberia)
Samuel Sah Siafa (Advisor-and Advocate-Blacology-Research Education(Liberia)
Cyrus B. Sarwee –Director of International Educational and Cultural Exchange (Liberia)
Chief Joko Kuyon ( Director-Advisor-Global Education and Cultural Affairs) (Liberia)
Oscar Dolo (Director-Media Technology and Research) (Liberia)
Paul Bobo ( Director-General (Field Research and Media Relations) Liberia)
1st Vice Chairman ( )
2nd Vice Chairman,( Leonid W. Dunn) (Liberia)
Assistant Secretary (Mrs. Mary F. Sirleaf) USA