v.2 4-16-09
© Copyright Axtell Expressions, Inc. (805) 642-7282
Congratulations! You are the proud new owner of an Axtell MAGIC Chimp “Hands-Free Puppet” TM !. Here are a few hints to get you started. First of all, make sure you have the contents outlined on your invoice. You need all the fun gizmos to give your puppet life!
Now let’s do our initial setup. Unpack the puppet, FOB and transmitter. These items need to be charged overnight, so plug the green Smart Charger into the stand (Puppet Power Jack), and charge the transmitter with the black charger. The mp3 player on the Hands-Free Magic Control System will need to be charged by USB cable connected to a computer.
If you purchased the optional PA system, it also needs charging and you’ll need a couple of AA batteries for your mic transmitter. Check out the included Hisonic instructions for details Now, go relax, you have a big day tomorrow discovering just how cool your new toy is!
Good morning! Ready? Let’s set up the stand
Unfold the legs and adjust the stand height by loosening the wing nuts and squeezing the clamps on the poles to your desired height. Tighten the wing nuts. Set the Chimp seat on the pole, The assembly can be adjusted so the puppet can “lean” forward to your tastes by simply loosening the threaded knob and adjusting to your desired position. Plug the puppet power cord into the stand (puppet power jack). You will be plugging the puppet’s power cord into the same stand jack that you used to charge the stand. The batteries that power your puppet are hidden in the stand.
You can now open the flap on the bottom of the Chimp and flip the red power switch located in the lower right. You’ll hear a hum and know he’s ready to go. Reposition the fur onto the Velcro.
Now let’s have some fun! Unplug the charger and turn on the transmitter (see the photo for locations of levers. Note: some levers may not function on your particular model). Once you read the instructions, play with the different levers and learn their function. The labels on the transmitter will help you find and learn your moves.
The MAGIC System is the top of the Hands-Free Puppet line. It has the ability to play the MagicTrax TM programmed mp3s as well as function just like the other systems Live and Vent! So it’s 3 systems in one.
In the “live” mode you will operate the transmitter and do all the body moves live, including the mouth, while you provide the voice for the puppet (make sure the “live” switch is in the up position, and the MOTOR-MOUTH TM switch is down). You can use a microphone to amplify your voice. The mouth can be moved manually or can be set to move automatically with Motor-Mouth TM.
When set up properly in Live Mode, you will manipulate the puppet’s body movements with the transmitter joysticks, but automatically operate the mouth with your voice! Here’s what you need to do first, it’s easy, so stay with me.
On the front of the transmitter, move the MOTOR-MOUTH TM switch to the up position (on). On the back of the transmitter are 3 more plug-in jacks.
These are your MOTOR-MOUTH TM connections. The center jack is for a microphone (our Hisonic mic is recommended if you have it) and the right jack (out) goes to your wireless mic transmitter. Turn the switch on the wireless mic transmitter to “on” and make sure your receiver and mic are connected with a sound system so you can hear your voice. If you have our Hisonic PA just press the power switch on the Hisonic receiver/PA. Simple as that! Again, follow the Hisonic instructions to adjust the volume on the transmitter and receiver. The mic is the big top volume knob. (Disregard if you do not own the Hisonic wireless UHF PA system).
Now let’s think big. You are at a huge venue with a large PA system into which your vocal mic is plugged. In this scenario let’s say you are not using the wireless mic. Instead you are using the house PA and a wired mic. You can run a line out of the house PA into the first jack on the back of the Hands-Free Transmitter called “line” and your voice will still move the bird’s mouth. This is great for large venues where you need to use a big PA system.
Alternatively, you could also use your Hisonic wireless mic with a large PA system! Just plug an 1/8” cable out of the “output” jack on the Hisonic Receiver and go into the ¼” jack on the sound board of the big PA system. Other wireless mic transmitter / receiver sets can be used similarly.
Be sure to read the Hisonic instruction manual – it really has a lot to offer!
On the back of the transmitter there are the adjustments for the MOTOR-MOUTH TM function. If you hold the “set open” button (using a sharp object) or the “set closed” button, you can adjust the open and closed position of the mouth with the center knob. Without pushing and holding either button, the center knob controls the mouth sensitivity. Go for it.
A special note about Mics: Occasionally, a mic will demand a more or less sensitivity adjustment for the puppet’s mouth to move correctly.
To adjust the open and close position of the puppet’s mouth, make sure you switch into the MOTOR-MOUTH TM mode. The switch is located on the top left front of the transmitter. On the transmitter back, press and hold the top button (set open) until the light flashes. Still holding in the button, turn the center knob to the desired “open” position. Release the top button. Press and hold in the bottom button and adjust the “set closed” position by turning the center knob. Release the bottom button. This is normally a one-time adjustment and utilized only if necessary.
The middle button is dual-purpose. It also functions as a gain adjustment.
It allows you to further dial in the sensitivity as you are speaking using the MOTOR-MOUTH TM function.
In LIVE MODE you do NOT use the FOB, or the Mp3 Player. It is really for live functions where you are fully controlling the character and usually hidden…like at a trade show or at large events. You can really make a lot of money doing this so don’t dismiss it unless you really hate crowds!
With your MAGIC Puppet system you can also go into the VENT MODE. You leave the Control System turned on and set to Vent Mode in the menu setting explained later. (NOTE: When in “vent” mode turn off the power to the mp3 player!)
In the VENT mode you will only be using the FOB to control the puppet’s head left and right, and mouth. You will be able to turn Auto-Alive on for the body movement, or turn the body movement off. The idea with VENT mode, is that you can be on stage talking with your Hands-Free puppet as a ventriloquist (providing the live voice of the puppet without moving your mouth….a skill you can learn on our website). You would hide the fob in your hand so the audience does not notice that you are controlling the mouth of the puppet, or its head turn. You can now turn the head to the extreme left and right or anywhere in between! Press and release and the FOB button and the head of the puppet will stop. Auto-Alive will operate all the other functions including the head turn randomly unless you press the head left / right buttons on the fob.
The FOB is used in VENT and MAGIC operation. In VENT mode it is used to control the head and mouth of the puppet. In MAGIC mode the same FOB will be used to control the MP3 player (which controls the puppet with servo data pre-programmed).
Following is an overview of the FOB operation in both modes.
The Third and most complex mode is also the most technically advanced and impressive….the MAGIC Mode! This is the mode that will turn your remote control puppet into a full blown ANIMATRONIC puppet! The puppet primarily is controlled by playing our “MagicTrax” TM from the mp3 player in our Hands-Free Control System.
MagicTrax TM
MagicTrax TM are special audio mp3 recordings specially encoded with servo data that runs the puppet and synchs the animation performance with the audio (voice, sound effects and music). This type of performance system is also known as audio-animatronics but that is a trademark of Disney. Our MagicTrax TM contain audio recording on the right channel and servo data on the left channel. If you listen to a MagicTrax TM on a stereo player you will hear both sides and it will sound awful. Servo data isn’t going to make the top 10 song list anytime soon. So don’t be alarmed….your audience will only hear the right stereo channel (a mono recording) through your PA system. It is played out through the mp3 audio out jack. Use the appropriate cable type to connect the mp3 output to a PA amplifier system. Our Hisonic Wireless PA is a great one for smaller crowds, but any sound system can work.
You control the Mp3 player (a Creative Zen is being used) with the FOB (the same fob you use in Vent mode, will work differently in MAGIC mode. Hidden in the palm of your hand the FOB can control the mp3 player, an amazing concept and so handy. Here is the layout of the control buttons on the FOB.
The center button on the FOB is appropriately labeled “panic” so that if anything interrupts your mp3 playback (a kid asks a question, a heckler, you forget your lines in a routine), you can hit this button and the puppet will turn to you, motion for you to come to him, and whisper a message in your ear and you can then tell the audience whatever you wanted the puppet to say. It could be “my Toucan is a little shy but he wanted me to let the little girl know that he is very happy she got a new kitty for Christmas…now please fold your hands and listen to the rest of the routine”. You will come up with lots of good ideas for this! It’s a great thing to have a Panic Button!
All the other FOB functions pertain to the mp3 player in MAGIC mode.
Finally, the icing on the cake: The MP3 Player. You have a very powerful system utilizing a Creative Zen mp3 player which can integrate into your show, providing incredible audio potential in the form of interactive tracks and music. Your mp3 Zen came pre-loaded with several Axtell MagicTrax TM recordings you can incorporate immediately in your show. See the Zen instructions for details at so you can see how easy it is to integrate mp3 technology. You will amaze your audiences!
Your mp3 player needs to be charged by the USB connecter to a desktop or laptop computer. When the transmitter is on, the Zen will be supplied with power from the transmitter battery when the cable is plugged in. Look at the diagram for the USB charge cable input on the Zen. You would unplug this cord from the jack and then plug a USB cord into your computer for recharging. Don’t forget to turn off your Zen when you turn off your transmitter. Make sure both units are adequately charged before your show!
The RCA jack audio output on the left side of the transmitter can be run to a PA system for audio playback during your show. If you use the Hisonic PA system for smaller venues, you can send your mp3 sound out the same RCA jack with a 1/8” adapter to the Hisonic line in (see Hisonic instructions) and use the wireless mic for your voice. The Hisonic PA will project both the mp3 and your voice! Oh, the beauty of it all!
How do you switch from Magic to Vent and Live and how do you control which Auto-Alive you want to use, and how do you switch from Chimpanzee to Toucan if you have more than one puppet? Glad you asked! Now we will explore the menu settings of the HANDS FREE CONTROL SYSTEM MENUS.
Alive Controller Menu System
The Alive Controller employs a simple three button interface used to select menu items and review / make changes to various settings. . Remember, once you change the menu settings and store them, turn off the controller and then back on before continuing.
The top and bottom buttons navigate forward and backward through the menu items which can be composed of menu names (appearing in all CAPTAL LETTERS), commands (appearing with first letter capitalized), and variables (appearing with at least first letter in lowercase – but sometimes will have mixed case to make multi-world variable abbreviations more clear, e.g., mouthOp.
By default, the status display appears. (described later)
Press any button and the main menu is invoked, and “SETTINGS” is displayed on the LCD. Use the top and bottom buttons to navigate to the desired item. Then, press the middle button to confirm a selection.
The main menu is composed of the names of other menus, with the exception of Exit and AlvTrak, used to choose current alive track. As you press either the top or bottom buttons you will cycle through the following options: