Mrs. Masloski’s Newsletter

This is a big week for kindergarten…100th day of school will be celebrated on Thursday! Plus “Reading in our pajamas” on Wednesday!

What’s Happening in Kindergarten:

Reading: This week we will learn how to summarize by determining the most important ideas in a story and restating those ideas in our own words. In our small reading groups we are focusing on strategies to use when we get stuck on a word and we are practicing reading with our eyes and not using our pointing finger. When they read to you at home ask them to read with just their eyes. Don’t forget to sign their reading log in their book bag when they have read to you or you have read to them so they can earn a prize (and improve their reading!)

Writing: This week we will learn a new editing strategy. The students will use a yellow crayon to highlight the words in their story that are on the word wall. This helps them to check that those words are spelled correctly in their story.

Phonics:This week we are making and breaking words using our magnetic letters. For example, the students will make the word ‘cat’ and I will say change one letter to make ‘rat’ or change one letter to make ‘cap’ so it’s not always the first letter they are changing. Our poem this week is “My Head”. Our word wall words will be: this and some. Be sure to add these words to the flashcards your child is practicing at home. Thank you for practicing those at home…it will help tremendously with their reading and writing progress!

Math: We will continue number sense activities with the 100chart. The students are improving with writing and reading the numbers. Teen numbers continue to be the most difficult. We will be continuing to use groups of 5 to add numbers up to 10. We are also doing a lot of comparing using the words more and fewer. We will be doing lots of fun activities with the number 100!

Theme: We will be learning about dental health by sorting things that are healthy and unhealthy for our teeth. We will also have a dentist visit our school on Friday to talk to us about keeping our teeth clean 


*Parent conferences on February 16, 18 and 23. I’m looking forward to sharing your child’s progress at school!

*We will celebrate 100th Day of school on February 18

*March 4 will be the Kindergarten music program!

If you have any questions or concerns please email me at or call (952)496-5802.

Thank you,

Mrs. Masloski

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Haddiiaad u baahatidTafaasiilintaaskasiibaddanamaturjumid, Fadlan la xidhiidh Ibrahim Mohamed oo ah HowlwadeenkaidmaneeWaalidiintaiyoIskuulada Shakopee, Teleefonkiisanawaa 952-496-5041.

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