Attendees: Jim Hendry (tenant volunteer), Craig Edward (Tenant volunteer), Jane Mack (Tenant Participation Officer), Stefan Kristmanns (Housing Development Co-ordinator), Janice Rainey (Business Partner, Finance) and Councillor Diane Docherty ( Housing Convenor)

Apologies: John Kerr (Housing Development and Homelessness Manager), Billy Neeson (tenant volunteer), Lorraine Watson (tenant volunteer), Angela Plewes (tenant volunteer , Angela Tillery (Accountant, Finance), Jennifer Ogilvie (Business Partner, Finance), Harry McCormack (tenant volunteer)

Agenda items / Actions
1. / Welcome, Introductions, Apologies / SK provided a brief description of role and history of Joint Rent Group for the new Housing Convenor.
2. / Over-due actions on work-plan / Overdue actions on work-plan –
JR – to provide “masterclass” on Business Plan, was due August 2017.
JM - Rent consultation information being ‘tenant tested’ by 5 volunteers for further improvements. Angela and other Finance staff also to review the rent consultation information provided and make recommendations for changes. Review at next meeting.
JO - Worked example of o/o contribution for Capital work showing back in HRA.
JR - clarify if there is an annual review of the Business Plan and if so when does that happen .
JO - clarify when the Asset Register is reviewed and what is criteria for any changes as an asset or not.
3. / Update on Better Homes Delivery Group discussions / JMcR – provided update on the group and regular updates will continue in future as closely linked to VFM and JRG workplan. Asset Management Strategy being reviewed - covers new build, Maintenance & Repairs as well as Capital plans – going to November’s HACC and so will be consultation that the JRG can be involved in.
4. / Central Admin costs / JR provided figures for 2015/16 and 2016/17 and gave brief explanation of the changes.
5. / Explanation of 2016/17 HRA year-end position / JR ran through figures but not finalised yet so can’t be made public. Some queries remain - difference between Garden tidy scheme and Open Space maintenance to be requested from AT.
6. / Information from visit to Perth & Kinross Council / Update on visit provided by JM – copy of presentation available and issued out, good practice identified included a Asset management Group at Falkirk Council which includes tenants and meets every quarter.
7. / Workplan update / Worked through work-plan and updated actions and timescales.
Some of the important issues identified include;
·  review of policy relating to surplus made by Building Services on the Housing Maintenance Trading Account (HMTA) – meeting with PB to be arranged around end of September
·  level of spend on gardens and distinction between budgets
·  email from MF( 13/6/17) providing information on Repairs Budget and methodology in terms of budget setting – consider further questions / actions from this
Actions to be added to work-plan:
Question for MF - How is Value for Money from Building Services assessed and monitored
8. / Date of Next Meeting 12/09/17