The University has ensured that current and prospective staff and students are aware that it takes its responsibilities under the SDA and EA seriously.
Arrangements are in place for the publication and review of the GES.
Arrangements are in place to ensure that all University policies and strategy documents reflect the GES and do not impact unfavourably on either female, male or LGBT staff or students.
/Target action
date /Responsible Actor
- Following approval by the Board of Governors, circulate an executive summary of the GES to all staff via the University e-mail system.
- Place GES on the University website where it will be accessible to current and prospective staff and students.
- Publish article on GES in Communicator for any without internet access.
- Deliver report on progress against requirements of GES Plan to Academic Council and the Board of Governors.
- Promote staff and student awareness of the University’s GES.
April 2007
Review December 2007
December 2008
December 2007 / Equality and Diversity Adviser
Equality and Diversity Adviser
Equality and Diversity Adviser
Equality and Diversity Adviser
Equality and Diversity Adviser
Progress to date:
1-5 Done during 2007/8
/Target action
date /Responsible Actor
6.As part of the normal review cycle, all policy and strategy documents to be subject to impact assessment to ensure that they do not impact unfairly on either women, men or LGBT people and are consistent with the aims of the GES. Principal amongst these documents are:
- Strategic Plan
- Widening Participation Strategy
- CPD Policy
- Admissions Policy
- Research & Knowledge Transfer
- Ethics Policy
- Framework for the Maintenance and Enhancement of Academic Quality & Standards
- Human Resources Strategy (including Grievance Procedure)
- Equal Opportunities for Students and Staff
- Examination and Assessment Regulations
- Handbook of Student Regulations
- Harassment and Bullying Policy
- Learning, Teaching and Assessment Strategy
- E-learning Strategy
- Student Feedback Policy
- Staff Development Policy
- University Code of Practice for the Assessment of Students
Review December 2007
/ Vice- ChancellorVice-Chancellor
) Pro Vice-Chancellors
Pro Vice-Chancellor
Equal & Divers Adviser
)Academic Registrar
Equal & Divers Adviser
Director of DCQE
) Pro Vice-Chancellors
Academic Registrar
Progress to date:
6. Impact Assessment Co-ordinator appointed October 2006.
Memo from V-C John Craven sent to all senior managers re preliminary assessment giving a deadline of Easter 2007.
40 staff trained on EIA by external provider in October and November 2006. Further training provided in-house brings number of staff trained up to 113.
EIA Handbook published January 2007.
Scrutiny panels of staff and students from minority groups include LGBT staff and students in the EIA process.
Work with Sally Hartley, University Secretary and Clerk to the Board of Governors, undertaken to bring together rolling review of policy and EIA timetable.
71 items have been screened and 20 are undergoing full impact assessment.
Regular updates on progress on EIA are reported to Equality & Diversity Committee.
Intended Outcomes:The University has the necessary processes in place to monitor the admission and progress of female and male applicants and students at Faculty, Department, and course and module level.
Barriers to the admission and progress of LGBT student applicants have been identified and removed.
There are no significant differences between the attraction and recruitment of female and male applicants in terms of student admissions when compared with national benchmarks, given Portsmouth’s subject mix.
There are no significant differences due to discriminatory practice, between female and male students in terms of progression and achievement.
There are no significant differences between female and male student complaints of unfair or discriminatory treatment.
Relevant data is available to inform policy and decision-making and to assist in the evaluation of existing policies, practices, provision and criteria in respect of indirect discrimination against female or male applicants and students.
The University is able to provide appropriate advice and support to ensure that students with caring responsibilities are not placed, or likely to be placed, at a substantial disadvantage in comparison with other students.
The University is able to provide appropriate advice and support to ensure that LGBT students feel supported and valued.
/Target action
date /Responsible Actor
Policies- Screen all policies, practices, provisions and criterion (PPPC) associated with student recruitment, admissions, progression and achievement for sex and LGBT equality relevance and prioritise for impact assessment.
- Impact assess all PPPC as prioritised.
December 2008 / Academic Registrar
Academic Heads of Depts
Academic Registrar
Academic Heads of Depts
Progress to date:
See answer at 8.1.6
/Target action
date /Responsible Actor
Monitoring and benchmarking- Monitor, analyse and benchmark using UCAS data and internal and external comparators:
- offers
- admissions
- choice of subject
- withdrawals by year and category
- degree classification
- graduate destinations
- Investigate significant internal variations between female and male students, and external benchmarks, to identify any underlying reasons.
- Identify and implement appropriate action to address significant internal differences between female and male students, and external benchmarks.
December 2008
December 2009 / Academic Registrar
Academic Heads of Depts
Academic Heads of Depts
Institutional Information
- ReviewUniversity Prospectus and web based materials to ensure course information likely to attract both women, men and LGBT people.
- Review open and preview day arrangements to ensure accessibility to prospective students who have caring responsibilities.
- Review record keeping policy and practice to ensure LGBT students confidentiality is not likely to be breached.
- Explore benefits of becoming an Athena SWAN Charter member.
December 2008
December 2007
December 2008 / Director of Marketing
Director of Marketing
Records Manager
Equality & Diversity Adviser
Progress to date:
3. Since the appointment of the Impact Assessment Co-ordinator the analysis of student data has been undertaken in the Equality & Diversity Unit with support from Academic Registry.
4 & 5 A Task Group has been set up by DCQE to look at the differences between the attainment of male and female students that were identified through data analysis.
6 Marketing ensure that there is always a good gender balance in the Prospectus and promote the Student Union which has an LGBT society. LGBT History Month events were promoted on the main University website and the ‘Look UP’ site for students. Marketing work to ensure that their copywriting is without gender bias and that there are strong messages to support the University of Portsmouth’s belief that higher education should be open to all those capable of benefiting from it.
7 Marketing and Academic Registry have looked at the communications plan they have in place with pre-applicants and applicants, including preview day communications, to investigate ways they can make these more relevant to students who have caring responsibilities. The preview days have been restructured in order to make them more accommodating to minority groups, including students with caring responsibilities. The events have now adopted a ‘pick and mix’ theme, allowing visitors to adapt the times of their visit to suit their own schedule. This differs greatly from the structured events held previously, and is designed to offer more flexibility to visitors.
/Target action
date /Responsible Actor
Induction- Review induction practices and arrangements in respect of availability of information geared to the different needs of female, male and LGBT students.
- Ensure that during the induction period all students are made aware of support arrangements for pregnant students (including where pregnancy is unwanted) and students with caring responsibilities.
December 2008 / Director, DCQE
Director, DCQE
International Director
Course Documentation
- Review existing programme specifications to ensure that they do not include requirements that indirectly discriminate against pregnant students and carers.
Retention, progression and achievement
- Review practices associated with provision of careers advice to ensure particular perspectives of both female and male students are taken into account.
- Set up and maintain focus groups for students from equality target groups
- Seek the views of LGBT students at a national level via the NUS, to inform local policy and practice.
December 2007
December 2008 / Head, Careers Service
Equality & Diversity Adviser
Equality & Diversity Adviser
Progress to date:
11. International Orientation information is circulated to students in various formats and at various times prior to their arrival. This includes by couriered post along with their Certificate if Final Acceptance and through e-newsletters in May, June, July, August and September. Further awareness of the University’s support services is promoted through the “mix & Match” mentoring scheme, the Island Newsletter and the mini exhibition during Orientation week
13 The Careers Service via the annual DLHE (Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education) survey regularly reviews the relative performance of female graduates in the graduate marketplace. Clear reference is made to gender within the annual report written by the Head of Careers for senior colleagues throughout the University. The 2006 report revealed a higher unemployment rate among first-degree male leavers than female leavers. The Careers Service supports initiatives targeted at females such as the WISE Project – Women into Science and Engineering. During the redesign of the Aimhigher website the team health focus groups via Connexions to ensure that the needs of the target audience were met. The website is used in the delivery of outreach activities undertaken under the Aimhigher banner. The next step is to conduct a study research to ensure that there is a further move away from traditional stereotyping of careers.
/Target action
date /Responsible Actor
Communication- Promote general awareness and understanding of needs and experiences of students who are carers.
Students off-campus
- Review and develop support liaison arrangements for pregnant students and students with caring responsibilities in work based learning environments or placements.
- Review e-learning policies, provision and practices to ensure that there are no unjustified or adverse impacts upon either female or male students.
- Identify and implement appropriate action to address any unjustified or adverse e-learning impacts upon either female or male students.
December 2009
December 2009 / AD (Students)
Director, DCQE
Director, DCQE
Progress to date:
16 There is a new section on the Aimhigher website that is targeted and written to fit the needs of students who are carers. Aimhigher staff can use this and dovetail if required with other outreach work.
18 & 19 E-learning Policy has had a preliminary screening for equality impact and has been put forward for Full EIA.
/Target action
date /Responsible Actor
Student experience- Embed sex and LGBT discrimination awareness within University Learning and Teaching Committee processes to ensure continuation of the design of inclusive curriculum delivery and assessment practices.
- Review student complaints, harassment and disciplinary practices and outcomes to ensure no significant actual or potential differences between the experiences of female and male students.
- Identify and implement appropriate action to address any unjustified or adverse impacts emerging from complaints, harassment or disciplinary processes review.
- Review operation of Extenuating Circumstances procedure to ensure no significant actual or potential differences between the experiences of female and male students.
- Identify and implement appropriate action to address any significant outcomes from ECF review
- Assess adequacy of nursery provision.
- Identify and implement appropriate action to address any identified shortfall in nursery provision.
December 2007
December 2008
December 2008
December 2009
December 2008
December 2009 / Director DCQE
University Complaints Officer
Academic Registrar
Academic Registrar
Academic Registrar
Academic Registrar
Pro Vice-Chancellor
Pro Vice-Chancellor
Progress to date:
21 & 22 Annual report given by the University Complaints Officer (Check job title). No complaints were founded on gender issues during 2006/07. A review of complaints in each of the last three academic years (as reported Dec. ’07) by gender shows, on the basis of the very small number of formal complaints received, that there is no pattern with regard to gender of the complainant. Academic Registry believes this demonstrates that students are not deterred from using the procedure on the basis of gender. A Working Group on harassment and bullying has been convened and is working towards a new policy for students and staff.
Intended Outcomes:The University has necessary processes in place to monitor recruitment and selection for gender equality.
Progress is made towards a diverse staff at the University that is representative of the communities from which it fills its posts.
There are no significant differences between female and male job applicants and members of staff in terms of recruitment, promotion, turnover, grievance and disciplinary matters, staff grades/pay level, length of service, attendance and career training and development opportunities.
There are no significant differences between female and male staff complaints of unfair treatment.
Relevant data is available to inform policy and decision-making and to assist in the evaluation of existing policy.
The University has a good reputation as a fair employer that does not tolerate sex or LGBT discrimination and harassment, and its employment practices attract good candidates from all backgrounds.
/Target action
date /Responsible Actor
- Screen all Personnel policies for gender and LGBT equality relevance and prioritise for impact assessment.
- Develop equal pay policy
- Develop career break policy
- Annual leave and flexible working policies to be evaluated for adverse impact on staff with caring responsibilities
December 2007
December 2009
December 2008 / Director of Human Resources
Director of Human Resources
Director of Human Resources
Director of Human Resources
Progress to date:
1.See answer at 8.1.6
2. An equal pay audit was undertaken during 2007 and will now take place annually.
4. A Carers and Parents Support Network has been set up and will be consulted with by Human Resources during February and March 2009 on relevant policies.
/Target action
date /Responsible Actor
- Monitor and analyse by sex, staff:
- by grade and type of post
- by contractual hours (PT, FT)
- by Faculty, Department, Support Service
- permanent, temporary and fixed-term appointments
- access to staff appraisals
- applications and appointments
- staff training and development
- ceasing employment / reasons for leaving
- disciplinary action
- grievance
- Investigate significant variations to identify any underlying reasons.
- Identify and implement appropriate action to address significant differences.
- Address monitoring of sexual orientation and transgender in consultation with appropriate internal and external groups.
December 2008
December 2009
December 2008 / Director of Human Resources
Director of Human Resources
Director of Human Resources
Director of Human Resources
Progress to date:
5. Since the appointment of the Impact Assessment Co-ordinator the analysis of staff data has been undertaken in the Equality & Diversity Unit with support from Human Resources. A number of key objectives in relation to areas of concern identified through the data analysis were put in the 2007 Annual Report. However due to staff sickness and changes of key personnel in HR little progress made.
8.An LGBT Staff Forum has been set up and is now available for consultation. Anonymous sexual orientation monitoring is under discussion in relation to the next staff survey.
/Target action
date /Responsible Actor
Recruitment and selection
9.In departments with under-representation of either sex undertake further analysis and consultation to identify potential reasons.
- Take positive action on under-representation including setting targets for the under-represented sex if appropriate. All appointments to be on merit.
- All staff involved in recruitment and selection to have formal training in fair selection procedures that includes the development of job descriptions and person specifications. (Training target 2007- 30; 2008 – 20; 2009 – 20)
- Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form to be amended to include caring responsibilities of staff.
- Personnel data ratification exercises to include request for updated information on staff caring responsibilities.
- Develop competency based job descriptions for all posts.
December 2008
Annual Targets
December 2007
December 2007
Support staff December 2008
Academic staff December 2009 / Heads of Depts & Services
Heads of Depts & Services
Director of Human Resources
Director of Human Resources
Director of Human Resources
Director of Human Resources
Progress to date:
11. During 2007 10 staff were trained in Effective Recruitment and Selection Interviewing and gained Trained Interviewer status.
/Target action
date /Responsible Actor
- Ensure that positive action statements are included in advertisements for employment vacancies where there is under-representation of either gender.
Advice and support