SHAC Meeting December 1, 2016
Meeting called to order at 12:00pm.
Members present: Edee Stephens, Leona Callaway, Ronnie Ford, Pam Hutto, Kim Parker, Shay Dozier, and Stefanie Miller.
Minutes read and approved from September 7, 2016 meeting.
Approved Stormy Hubbard as new member
District Reports:
Mrs. Leona would like to have HS students involved in the Region 5 Food Show. Students will have the opportunity to participate in tasting new food items. A survey will be filled out by students and new food items will be introduced into the 2017-2018 school year. Mrs. Leona also discussed the availability of My Plate Board games that teachers could use to teach students to make good food choices and also learn about the food groups.
Health Services
Mrs. Hutto reported that there will be a Spring Health Awareness Clinic for staff which will be hosted by Aurora Concepts. Mrs. Dawn Barnes, FNP has offered to do employee annual labs. She would also provide immunizations for faculty, students, and the upcoming PK and KG students. Clinic dates have been set for April 21, 2017.
Physical/Health Education
Mr. L. Ellis reported that physical assessments for grades 3-12 will be completed by Christmas break. The assessments will be done through a program known as the Fitness Gram.
Mrs. S. Hubbard’s Nutrition and Wellness classes will be learning the stages of child development and how STD’s can affect the baby’s development. Students will also learn the impact that STD’s, alcohol, drugs, and tobacco have on the body. Peer pressure was also discussed.
Mr. Ford discussed and introduced NFL Play 60. NFL Play 60 is the National Football Leagues’ campaign aimed at encouraging kids to be active for 60 minutes a day in order to reverse childhood obesity.
Family and Community Involvement
Mr. R. Ford reported that the American Red Cross will be coming to our school to discuss blood types and donations.
Mrs. K. Parker reported that Mrs. L. Lieby would like to have students participate in collecting items to take to the local nursing homes. These items would include hygiene items, games, and puzzles.
Students will also have an opportunity to donate dog food items to the Beaumont Animal Shelter.
Meeting adjourned at 1:00pm.